react-native-fbsdk for Windows app - facebook

I am using react-native-fbsdk for my React Native Project.
It is working fine for Android and iOS , as I followed the steps mentioned on their official site.
But, there are no resources for fbsdk Windows integration.
Is it possible to integrate fbsdk with Windows react-native app ?

Depending on what features you want, we ported some of the react-native-fbsdk features for the F8 Developer Conference app here:
And we leveraged a shared wrapper around the FB SDK that encapsulated the slight differences in the API:


Any cordova plugin to add WebAuthn API to Android WebView?

We've developed a cordova app that shows one of our websites (which is also accessible using a web browser).
Recently, FIDO2 authentication using WebAuthn has been added to that website. This works fine in the tested browsers (Chrome and Firefox), but not in our cordova application, as it uses Android WebView, which doesn't implement the WebAuthn API.
Does anybody know if there is any cordova plugin to add this API to Android WebView?
Is there any website with information about the Android WebView roadmap (bugs that will be fixed in next release, new features that will be added, ...)?
You're correct that Android WebView doesn't support WebAuthn in Android 13. We hope to address that in the Android 14 timeframe but, for now, you have to inject Javascript hooks and use a Javascript bridge to implement it. It's certainly possible to do but I'm not aware of any packaged solutions that do it.

How to configure the Google Services SDK for Unity 5.6?

This is the SDK of google for Unity.
I couldn't understand the Quick Setup. How will I replace the google-services.json (see the quick setup guide in the link above) ?
I am using this plugin because I differently imported AdMob SDK & Google Play SDK for Unity and they are giving me nightmares. So trying this SDK.

How to build mobile website with ionic 1.2

How does one build a mobile website with ionic 1.2? I can't find any official guides/tutorials/docs.
This is an excerpt from a post on the ionic blog announcing ionic 1.2 release:
Ionic 1.2 marks the first release where we actively recommend Ionic for those looking to build a mobile website (not just an app for the app store)
Well, there's nothing stopping you from deploying it as a web app, as long as you don't have cordova dependencies in your app (for the natives). Also be aware that non webkit based browsers will probably malfunction.
Look at this thread for testimonials with mixed results

Worklight Facebook platform selection?

For Facbook integration in Worklight which platform should we select Android or Website
right now i am developing for android environment but later i will be doing for iphone and windows as well
Also were do i place the Facebook integration code in index.html(main) or in android project which is separately created ?
i am confused do reply
It looks like you are developing a Worklight-based Hybrid application, so in this case you should actually opt for the Facebook JavaScript SDK.
You can add it to your common\js folder and reference it in the common\index.html (just follow the instructions Facebook probably provides). This way you could easily 'extend' it to whichever additional environments you will add in Worklight Studio in your project setup.
Of course, you can also choose to use Facebook's native SDKs for each environment in your Hybrid application. In this case, you'll need to add the SDK in the iphone-ipad-or-android\native folder and follow Facebook's integration instructions (note that for iPhone the actual integration will be done in Xcode, not Eclipse).
If you choose to create a native application and bundle it with the Worklight SDK, then you should opt for the Facebook SDK dedicated to the specific OS. Here, you will add the SDK, again, by following Facebook's instructions.

Using phonegap to develop iphone app on visual studio

I am completely new to mobile app development and basically c#,.net developer.Recently i got a requirement to develop a iPhone application.Some experts suggested me to use icenium extension for visual studio and Phonegap. I want to know how to use/install phonegap for this and how does phonegap helps me to develop this application?what are the basic difference between icenium and phonegap as i know both helps to develop cross platform apps.
Telerik AppBuilder (formerly known as Icenium) is a set of IDEs and cloud-based build tools that allow you to use PhoneGap/Cordova to build cross-platform apps. You should read up on it and use their free trial here:
Check out the Multi-Device Hybrid Apps (Preview) from Microsoft.
Don't you just love their naming conventions...
I haven't had a chance to try it myself as it requires VS2013 and Windows 8.1, but it looks promising.
Use Nomad. (Visual studio extension which integrates Adobe Phonegap Build)
Retiring Nomad
When we made Nomad free, we hoped the support load would be
manageable. However, we’ve found our users still expect a lot of
support for free tools. We don’t want to give our users false
expectations, so we think it’s better that they find another solution
with full support. For this reason, we will retire Nomad on September
1st this year.
Alternatives to Nomad
Nomad uses the open-source Cordova framework. This means you can move
Nomad projects to other vendors that use Cordova, including:
PhoneGap Build (Adobe)
Instead of using PhoneGap Build via Nomad, you can interact with it directly using the PhoneGap Build command line.
Multi-Device Hybrid Apps (Microsoft)
A Visual Studio extension that adds PhoneGap support.
AppBuilder (Telerik)
A Visual Studio extension similar to Nomad.