Modify all text output by TYPO3 - typo3

I would like to create a "cleanup" extension that replaces various characters (quotes by guillemets) in all kinds of textfields in TYPO3.
I thought about extending <f:format.html> or parseFunc, but I don't know where to "plug in" so I get to replace output content easily before it's cached.
Any ideas, can you give me an example?

If you don't mind regexing, try this:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['tslib/class.tslib_fe.php']['cleanUpQuotes'][] = \NAMESPACE\Your\Extension::class;
Insert it into ext_localconf.php and this part is done.
The next step is the class itself:
public function cleanUpQuotes(TypoScriptFrontendController $parentObject)
$parentObject->content = DO_YOUR_THING_HERE

There also is another possibility which could replace any strings in the whole page - as it operates on the rendered page (and not only on single fields).
You even can use regular expressions.
Look at my answer -> here


Custom Hyperlinks on Ctrl+Mouseover for custom pattern

I'm trying to write an extension for vs-code that does the following:
I want to have each of the "XY-#" expressions in the comments of gtests to be highlighted and clickable when holding down ctrl. Each link should open the default browser with an url
e.g. for the first expression in the example https://website/1912603
/// #requirement XY-#1912603, XY-#1884770, XY-#1885273
TEST_P(SomeFixture, Foo)
So what I will probably need is
some kind of regex pattern matching
code highlighting based on the matched pattern
reaction to ctrl-key
Link creation with the parsed and stripped <number>
I've been looking around for a while but couldn't find any example extension with a similar usecase. Any one of you came across some good examples to look into?
Thanks in advance,
You have to use a registerDocumentLinkProvider

HTML5 Custom Data Attributes in TYPO3 Backend Content Elements

I am wondering if there is a way to add a HTML5 Custom Data Attribute to any Content Element like Text or Text w/ images.
Anyone tried / did this before or is there a good reason not to do this?
You can either add a new field (own extension) or use any of the existing (e.g. layout to define own values. Then you can change the TypoScript rendering based on the value of this field.
... or in addition to #pgampe's answer, which is fine for programmers you can use ie. DCE extension, which allows you to create any HTML structure with usage pure Fluid syntax
Thank's for the answers. I didn't know DCE, looks very interesting.
As I needed a quick solution for just a few elements on one page I did something really quick and dirty. But as it worked for me, I would like to post it in addition to the two other excellent answers.
I used the field Description field to add the content of my custom field. I know it's not intended for this, but as alreay mentioned: quick & dirty. :-)
tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap.cObject {
50 =< tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap.cObject.default
50.20.10.value = csc-default layout-{field:layout}" data-filter="{field:rowDescription}
50.20.10.insertData = 1

Zend Form Element with Javascript - Decorator, View Helper or View Script?

I want to add some javacsript to a Zend_Form_Element_Text .
At first I thought a decorator would be the best way to do it, but since it is just a script (the markup doesn't change) then maybe a view helper is better? or a view script?
It seems like they are all for the same purpose (regarding a form element).
The javascript I want to add is not an event (e.g. change, click, etc.). I can add it easily with headScript() but I want to make it re-usable , that's why I thought about a decorator/view helper. I'm just not clear about the difference between them.
What is the best practice in this case? advantages?
UPDATE: Seems like the best practice is to use view helpers from view scripts , so decorators would be a better fit?
You could create your own decorator by extending Zend_From_Decorator_Abstract and generate your snippet in it's render() method :
class My_Decorator_FieldInitializer extends Zend_Form_Decorator_Abstract {
public function render($content){
$separator = $this->getSeparator();
$element = $this->getElement();
$output = '<script>'.
//you write your js snippet here, using
//the data you have in $element if you need
return $content . $separator . $output;
If you need more details, ask for it in a comment, i'll edit this answer. And I didn't test this code.
Use setAttrib function.
$element = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('test');
$element->setAttrib('onclick', 'alert("Test")');
I'm not actually seeing where this needs to be a decorator or a view-helper or a view-script.
If I wanted to attach some client-side behavior to a form element, I'd probably set an attribute with $elt->setAttrib('class', 'someClass') or $elt->setAttrib('id', 'someId'), some hook onto which my script can attach. Then I'd add listeners/handlers to those targeted elements.
For example, for a click handler using jQuery , it would be something like:
// handle the event here
The benefit is that it is unobtrusive, so the markup remains clean. Hopefully, the javascript is an enhancement- not a critical part of the functionality - so it degrades gracefully.
Perhaps you mean that this javascript segment itself needs to be reusable across different element identifiers - someClass, in this example. In this case, you could simply write a view-helper that accepts the CSS class name as the parameter.
"the markup doesn't change", Yap,
but I like to add some javascript function throw ZendForm Element:
$text_f = new Zend_Form_Element_Text("text_id");
$text_f->setAttrib('OnChange', 'someFunction($(this));');
The best way is if you are working with a team, where all of you should use same code standard. For me and my team this is the code above.

Line breaks in Zend Navigation Menu labels

I have a need to create a <br/> tag in the display label for a menu item generated using Zend_navigation, but don't seem to be able to find a way to do so.
My navigation item is defined in the XML config as:
<label>Register your Slitter Rewinder</label>
I want to force a tag in the output HTML between 'your' and 'slitter', such that it appears on two line as below:
Register your
Slitter Rewinder
However, I can't seem to do it. obviously using in the XML breaks parsing, and using html entities means that the lable is displayed as:
Register your <br/>Slitter Rewinder
Has anyone had experience of this that can offer advice?
Thanks in advance!
there is no such option built-in you have to use a partial
$partial = array('menu.phtml', 'default');
echo $this->navigation()->menu()->render();
you may also try a hack with <label><![CDATA[Menu label<br/>Second line]]></label>
I found a (hacky) solution:
I updated my navigation.xml to use {br} tokens wherever a <br/> tag is required, and then amended the base Zend/View/Helper/Navigation/Menu.php file as follows:
within htmlify function, changed
str_replace("{br}", "<br/>", $label)
I could (and probably will) override the Zend Library Menu View Helper with my own at some point, but this at least cover it for now.
there is a escapeLabels boolean used to convert html tags and it's true by default.
You can set your navigation like this

Using <wicket:message> tag to produce partially formatted text

I've read about wicket:message here, but can't seem to make it do everything I'd like.
Say I have a HTML page with <wicket:message key="text"/> and a properties file containing text=Blah blah: important point, foo bar. I'm wondering how to make part of the text bold (or apply arbitrary CSS to it), to achieve output like:
Blah blah: important point, foo bar
Note that none of this is actually dynamic, so I wouldn't want to do anything in Java, if that can be avoided.
I've tried nesting tags with something like the following, but no luck.
<wicket:message key="text">
<span class="bold"><wicket:message key="text2"/></span>
text=Blah blah: ${text2}, foo bar
text2=important point
Is this even possible in Wicket without 1) injecting the formatted part from Java side or 2) just splitting the text into (in this case) three different properties?
The easiest way is to put the tags inside your localization file:
text=Blah blah: <strong>text2</strong>, foo bar
You could also use a Label and a ResourceModel to replace it later:
text=Blah blah: [b]text2[/b], foo bar
And in your model getObject(), or in your Label:
string.replace("[b]", "<strong>");
string.replace("[/b]", "</strong>");
Or, even better, try to reuse a Markdown implementation in your Label.
I've managed to do this for my own application, albeit with a rather ugly hack. I did it by exposing a customized version of WicketMessageResolver.
Here's what to try:
Wholesale copy and paste org.apache.wicket.markup.resolver.WicketMessageResolver into your own class (say com.acme.CustomWicketMessageResolver) (the hack begins!)
Inside your CustomWicketMessageResolver change
WicketTagIdentifier.registerWellKnownTagName( "message" ); to something else like WicketTagIdentifier.registerWellKnownTagName( "msg" );.
Inside of
private void renderMessage(final MarkupStream markupStream, final ComponentTag openTag, final String key, final String value), you'll find the line getResponse().write( text );.
Immediately before that line you have the opportunity to screw around with the value of "text". There, I do something like text = MyLabelUtils.replaceWikiMarkup(text) which post-processes some wiki-like markup syntax used by the content authors for my application.
For example, I use this method to take a Label using a ResourceModel pointing to the key:
propertyKey=I found the answer on [acronym SO].
and a render it as
I found the answer on <acronym title="Stack Overflow">SO</acronym>.
and that method handles i18n and all that fun stuff.
You can, of course, extend that wiki syntax (or anything similar) to be as simple or complex as you'd need.
Note that you'll have to change <wicket:message key='foo'> to <wicket:msg key='foo> in all of your markup files (or at least in ones where you want this behaviour).
I'd obviously prefer a more standard way to customize the behaviour of the built-inwicket message resolver, but if you need this functionality in a pinch, like I did, this will work for now.
If you need something more standard, you could raise the issue on the Wicket mailing list. It's pretty good.
Starting from Wicket 1.4 you can nest components within a wicket:message element. For example:
<wicket:message key="myKey">
This text will be replaced with text from the properties file.
<span wicket:id="amount">[amount]</span>.
<a wicket:id="link">
<wicket:message key="linkText"/>
myKey=Your balance is ${amount}. Click ${link} to view the details.
add(new Label("amount",new Model("$5.00")));
add(new BookmarkablePageLink("link",DetailsPage.class));
Results in:
Your balance is $5.00. Click here to view the details.
So maybe, nesting <wicket:message>s without a component could work as well. Not sure.