Custom Hyperlinks on Ctrl+Mouseover for custom pattern - visual-studio-code

I'm trying to write an extension for vs-code that does the following:
I want to have each of the "XY-#" expressions in the comments of gtests to be highlighted and clickable when holding down ctrl. Each link should open the default browser with an url
e.g. for the first expression in the example https://website/1912603
/// #requirement XY-#1912603, XY-#1884770, XY-#1885273
TEST_P(SomeFixture, Foo)
So what I will probably need is
some kind of regex pattern matching
code highlighting based on the matched pattern
reaction to ctrl-key
Link creation with the parsed and stripped <number>
I've been looking around for a while but couldn't find any example extension with a similar usecase. Any one of you came across some good examples to look into?
Thanks in advance,

You have to use a registerDocumentLinkProvider


Modify all text output by TYPO3

I would like to create a "cleanup" extension that replaces various characters (quotes by guillemets) in all kinds of textfields in TYPO3.
I thought about extending <f:format.html> or parseFunc, but I don't know where to "plug in" so I get to replace output content easily before it's cached.
Any ideas, can you give me an example?
If you don't mind regexing, try this:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['tslib/class.tslib_fe.php']['cleanUpQuotes'][] = \NAMESPACE\Your\Extension::class;
Insert it into ext_localconf.php and this part is done.
The next step is the class itself:
public function cleanUpQuotes(TypoScriptFrontendController $parentObject)
$parentObject->content = DO_YOUR_THING_HERE
There also is another possibility which could replace any strings in the whole page - as it operates on the rendered page (and not only on single fields).
You even can use regular expressions.
Look at my answer -> here

Custom content assist for default java editor in Eclipse

I'm currently trying to develop an Eclipse Plugin to support code replacement, like what the default content assist in Eclipse do. What I want to implement is something like "insert argument names automatically on method completion with visualized box around the argument" and I can "use the Tab key to navigate between the inserted names" and "while navigating, list of optional variables for current argument can be displayed and be chosen".
In short, it comes to two questions:
How to add the visualized box around the already existed variable or even Java keywords that need replacement? And at the meanwhile I can use Tab key to switch between these boxes.
How to display a list of candidates to select from when I trigger on the box?
By now I only figure out the extension point : org.eclipse.jdt.ui.javaCompletionProposalComputer may be useful, but I have no idea where to start at? Thanks in advance.
Oh, finally I've solved it myself...
For the 'box', it should be the LinkedModeModel, this class should work with LinkedPositionGroup and LinkedPosition to add mutiple boxes. And we should use LinkedModeUI to set it up.
For the content assistant, there's no need to use the extension point. There is a ProposalPosition class which extends LinkedPosition for you to add your proposals for the 'box' in its constructor. And we can simply use the CompletionProposal to construct a ICompletionProposal array as the argument of ProposalPosition's constructor.

Grab focus to embedded window inside Gtk::Socket

I have embedded gvim inside a Gtk::Socket which is placed in a Gtk::Box, how can I grab focus to the embedded gvim window so that I achieve the same as actually pointing and clicking in the embedded window?
Using ->grab_focus() on the Gtk::Socket widget does not have any effect.
According to the XEMBED spec ( it seems that the embedder (Gtk::Socket) should send either a XEMBED_FOCUS_IN or a XEMBED_WINDOW_ACTIVATE signal to the child, but there does not seem to be an interface for this in Gtk::Socket.
An simple example of what I am trying to do based on the Gtk::Plug and Gtk::Socket example can be found here: .
In case this is a bug, it has been reported here:
There are now two ways to achieve this, one is by using the patch as provided in: which adds an gtk_socket_focus_forward () method to GtkSocket. Calling this will focus the first widget inside the Gtk::Plug window.
An example of using gtk_socket_focus_forward can be found in the focus_forward branch of an example adapted from the standard example.
The second way to achieve this is to send the Gtk::DIR_TAB_FORWARD signal as described on the mailing list, a similar example can be found in the tab_forward branch.
This involves the following:
socket->set_can_focus (true);
socket->child_focus (Gtk::DIR_TAB_FORWARD);
The method does diverge slightly from what is possible with gtk_socket_focus_forward, but appears to do the trick.

Generate a list of keywords using Doxygen

I am curious if it is possible to generate a list of keywords, a index if you will, for easy reference by doxygen ? I am not talking of list of classes etc. but specific words that are used as indexes.
This is possible but AFAIK only with the Latex/pdf output, with the command \addindex
See the manual.
If anybody knows a way to produce an index with the HTML, I would be very interested too.
With this you can create a page for each of your keywords. One example they already make an alias for:
\xrefitem todo "Todo" "Todo List"
You can add other aliases in your Doxygen file:
ALIASES += "reminder=\xrefitem reminders \"Reminder\" \"Reminders\""
Then in the code you can do something like:
\reminder Add the cool feature here.
And you'll get a Reminder page with the list of reminders on it.

how to better use of eclipse code templates (PHP)?

One particular problem I was having was using ${word_selection} in an Eclipse PDT template.
I was recently trying to use some code templates with Eclipse PDT 2.1 to speed up some common tasks. We use a lot of getters/setters, so I wrote the following template.
function get${word_selection}() {
return $$this->getData('${word_selection}');
function set${word_selection}($$${word_selection}) {
$$this->setData('${word_selection}', $$${word_selection});
I named the template "getset" and the only way I know to use the Code Assist is to type: "getset" then hit my code assist keys (I have it set to Esc, but I think the default was Ctrl+Space). The problem is, this doesn't actually let me select a word to be used by the ${word_selection}.
how do I type in my template name, hit the key combo, and have a word selected all at the same time?
I also want to know what kinds of templates people have set up and any other tips for using templates to speed of programming.
Look at this link :
It describes two things : pdt code templates and code snippets.
how do I type in my template name, hit the key combo, and have a word selected all at the same time?
I think this cannot be achieved with code templates, but with code snippets. Personnally I do not use them at all, but I might start :-)