Zend Form Element with Javascript - Decorator, View Helper or View Script? - zend-framework

I want to add some javacsript to a Zend_Form_Element_Text .
At first I thought a decorator would be the best way to do it, but since it is just a script (the markup doesn't change) then maybe a view helper is better? or a view script?
It seems like they are all for the same purpose (regarding a form element).
The javascript I want to add is not an event (e.g. change, click, etc.). I can add it easily with headScript() but I want to make it re-usable , that's why I thought about a decorator/view helper. I'm just not clear about the difference between them.
What is the best practice in this case? advantages?
UPDATE: Seems like the best practice is to use view helpers from view scripts , so decorators would be a better fit?

You could create your own decorator by extending Zend_From_Decorator_Abstract and generate your snippet in it's render() method :
class My_Decorator_FieldInitializer extends Zend_Form_Decorator_Abstract {
public function render($content){
$separator = $this->getSeparator();
$element = $this->getElement();
$output = '<script>'.
//you write your js snippet here, using
//the data you have in $element if you need
return $content . $separator . $output;
If you need more details, ask for it in a comment, i'll edit this answer. And I didn't test this code.

Use setAttrib function.
$element = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('test');
$element->setAttrib('onclick', 'alert("Test")');

I'm not actually seeing where this needs to be a decorator or a view-helper or a view-script.
If I wanted to attach some client-side behavior to a form element, I'd probably set an attribute with $elt->setAttrib('class', 'someClass') or $elt->setAttrib('id', 'someId'), some hook onto which my script can attach. Then I'd add listeners/handlers to those targeted elements.
For example, for a click handler using jQuery , it would be something like:
// handle the event here
The benefit is that it is unobtrusive, so the markup remains clean. Hopefully, the javascript is an enhancement- not a critical part of the functionality - so it degrades gracefully.
Perhaps you mean that this javascript segment itself needs to be reusable across different element identifiers - someClass, in this example. In this case, you could simply write a view-helper that accepts the CSS class name as the parameter.

"the markup doesn't change", Yap,
but I like to add some javascript function throw ZendForm Element:
$text_f = new Zend_Form_Element_Text("text_id");
$text_f->setAttrib('OnChange', 'someFunction($(this));');
The best way is if you are working with a team, where all of you should use same code standard. For me and my team this is the code above.


Modify all text output by TYPO3

I would like to create a "cleanup" extension that replaces various characters (quotes by guillemets) in all kinds of textfields in TYPO3.
I thought about extending <f:format.html> or parseFunc, but I don't know where to "plug in" so I get to replace output content easily before it's cached.
Any ideas, can you give me an example?
If you don't mind regexing, try this:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['tslib/class.tslib_fe.php']['cleanUpQuotes'][] = \NAMESPACE\Your\Extension::class;
Insert it into ext_localconf.php and this part is done.
The next step is the class itself:
public function cleanUpQuotes(TypoScriptFrontendController $parentObject)
$parentObject->content = DO_YOUR_THING_HERE
There also is another possibility which could replace any strings in the whole page - as it operates on the rendered page (and not only on single fields).
You even can use regular expressions.
Look at my answer -> here

FPDF/FPDI UseTemplate

I'm using FPDI & FPDF to overlay new text on top of an existing PDF. It uses the useTemplate() method to achieve this.
Problem I'm having - it only applies the template to the first page. If the text is long, it will wrap to a second page, using the SetAutoPageBreak() method. How can I make it apply the template on every page?
I've cracked it. Looking into the code, I realised that even the SetAutoPageBreak() routine calls AddPage() internally, giving me the hook I needed to include my template on every page.
So, I extended the base FPDI class and over-rode the AddPage() method, including the useTemplate() stuff.
class BBPDF extends FPDI {
function AddPage($orientation='', $size='') {
$template = $this->ImportPage(1);

Zend creating forms based on requests within one controller/action

I don't really know how to word the title well, but here's my issue. I decided instead of having 25 controllers to handle pages, I have one PageController with a viewAction that takes in a :page parameter - for example, http://localhost/website/page/about-us would direct to PageController::viewAction() with a parameter of page = about-us. All of the pages are stored in a templates folder, so the viewrenderer is set to render application\templates\default\about-us.phtml.
I did this so I can consolidate and it seemed like a better approach. My question is the following: lets say when the page request is contact-us, I would need a Zend_Form to be used within the contact page. So, I would need a way within PageController::viewAction() to recognize that the page needs to have a form built, build the form, and also upon submission the need to process it (maybe this should be handled in an abstract process method - not sure).
I have no idea how to implement this. I thought maybe I can store a column with the name of a form and a connecting page identifier. Even better, create a one-to-many page to forms, and then in the submission loop through the forms and check if submitted and if so then process it (maybe there is a isSubmitted() method within zend_form. I really don't know how to handle this, and am looking for any help i can get.
Here is something that came to mind that may work or help point you in a direction that works for you.
This may only work well assuming you were to have no more than one form per page, if you need more than one form on a page, you would have to do something beyond this automatic form handling.
Create a standard location for forms that are attached to pages (e.g. application/forms/page). This is where the automatic forms associated with pages will be kept.
In your viewAction, you could take advantage of the autoloader to see if a form for that page exists. For example:
$page = $this->getParam('page');
$page = ucfirst(preg_replace('/-(\w)/ie', "strtoupper('$1')", $page)); // contact-us -> ContactUs
$class = 'Application_Form_Page_' . $page;
// class_exists will invoke the autoloader to map a class to a file
if (class_exists($class)) {
// a form is defined for this page
$form = new $class();
// check if form was posted
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
if ($form->isValid($this->getRequest()->getPost()) {
// form is valid - determine how to process it
// assign the form to the view
$this->view->pageForm = $form;
All this really leaves out is the action you take to process a specific form. Since the contact form will likely generate an email, and another form may insert data into a database, you will need some sort of callback system or perhaps another class that can be mapped automatically which contains the form processor code.
Anyway something along those lines is what came to mind first, I hope that helps give you some more ideas.

How do I avoid repetition when passing variables from the Controller/Action to the Layout

I am currently working on a project developed using Zend Framework, based on the structure of my web page design I have reached a point where I have to pass a small number of variables to my layout from each Controller/Action. These variables are:
<?php Zend_Layout::getMvcInstance()->assign('pageId', 'page1'); ?>
<?php Zend_Layout::getMvcInstance()->assign('headerType', '<header id="index">'); ?>
The reason for passing this information is firstly, I pass the page id as the multi column layout may change depending on the content being displayed, thus the page id within the body tag links the appropriate CSS to how the page should be displayed. Secondly I display a promotional jQuery slider only on the index page, but I need the flexibility to have it displayed on potentially multiple pages in case the wind changes and the client changes their mind.
My actual question: Is there a more appropriate method of passing this information to the Layout that I am overlooking?
I am not really questioning whether the information has to be sent, rather is there some Zend Framework feature that I have, in my haste, overlooked which would reduce the amount of repetitive redundant code which may very well be repeated in multiple Actions within the same controller?
You could turn that logic into an action helper than you can call from your controllers in a more direct way. You could also make a view helper to accomplish the same thing but view helpers usually generate data for the view rather than set properties.
// library/PageId.php
class Lib_PageId extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract
public function direct($title, $pageId, $headerType)
$view = $this->getActionController()->view;
$view->pageId = $pageId;
$view->headerType = $headerType;
In your controller actions you can now do this:
$this->_helper->PageId('Homepage', 'page1', 'index');
// now pageId and headerType are available in the view and
// Homepage has been appended to the title
You will also need to register the helper path in your Bootstrap like this:
protected function _initActionHelpers()
Doing it like that can reduce the amount of repetitive code and remove needing to assign the values from the view. You can do it in the controller very quickly. You can also have default values in the case that the helper hasn't been called.
You shoudn't really be passing anything from the view to the layout, for a start the view should be included IN the layout, not the other way around.
So, setting your page title should be done using similar code to what you have, but inside the controller action being called:
And the other two issues - you need to rethink as I stated to begin with. Maybe you're misunderstanding the layout/view principle? If you include the different views per action, then you simply change the div id when needed, and include the header for your banner only in the index.phtml file.

Replacing <legend> with <div> in Zend_Form

I have a problem with aligning my legends in forms, and reading the decorator documentation did not exactly make it much clear for me how i can replace the tag with a normal .
Does anyone know how this can be done?
I'm very sorry, I was still thinking about label, not legend. To replace legend tag (which is generated when you're using subforms or manually add fieldset decorator to your form and call $form->setLegend('some')) with another one, you have two options.
Write your own fieldset view helper (Zend_View_Helper_Fieldset), and put it into your application helpers directory. It will force ZF to take your helper instead this one located in library folder. In that original helper you have:
// get legend
$legend = '';
if (isset($attribs['legend'])) {
$legendString = trim($attribs['legend']);
if (!empty($legendString)) {
$legend = '<legend>'
. (($escape) ? $this->view->escape($legendString) : $legendString)
. '</legend>' . PHP_EOL;
You can replace legend tag with div in your helper and it will work.
Second way to achieve that, is just add HtmlTag decorator to your Zend_Form element instance. Look here, it's great tutorial how to use decorators in ZF: http://devzone.zend.com/1240/decorators-with-zend_form/
Sorry for misleading you at the beginning :(