Swift package link with system framework - swift

Can somebody tell me please how to link a system Framework to a Target in the Swift Package manager?
When I link it directly in Xcode it works perfectly, but I don't know how to specify that in the Package.swift file.
Thanks in advance,


How to import or refer to a framework from another project in Xcode 6?

We heard that Xcode 6 support making your own framework and share with others. But maybe I missed the point on how to import a framework from another project, which I have the source locally.
Any tips will help!

RevMob Ads in swift application

Does anyone know what the import statement should be for the RevMobAds framework in swift? I've imported the framework itself which is called RevMobAds.framework but in my AppDelegate.swift file simply saying "import RevMobAds" doesn't work like it would for non third-party frameworks. All the tutorials online are for objective-c projects so I can't really find anything to help. Has anyone had any experience with RevMobAds in swift?
Rev Mob has since added a swift implementation guide to its website. To import objective c frameworks, one must use a bridging header

iOS Custom Framework Development?

I am trying to create a framework since I am developing a library.
I have Googled a lot, but didnt find any proper tutorial to create. Please give me some suggestions and steps to be followed to create a iOS framework.
I am Using iOS 6 and XCode 4.5.
I followed this framework tutorial with a lot of success. My callout from the tutorial is that it doesn't specifically mention (from what I recall) building the target, then the bundle before archiving the bundle. I also found it easier to directly copy the archived bundle from its source directory instead of relying on the script.

Implementing Cocoa XML-RPC framework for iphone

I have my drupal xml-rpc service setup, and now I want to retrieve content for my iphone app.
I'm attempting to use https://github.com/eczarny/xmlrpc, however I dont know where to begin. How do I add the project to my own project for use? I've added a static library before; is it the same process? Just drag the proj file to my project and add the xml-rpc library?
Any tips would be appreciated.
Try dragging the project file for xmlrpc framework into the code list in XCode for starters. Next make the framework target in the xmlrpc framework a build dependency. Finally add the xmlrpc.framework to your linked frameworks. Exactly how you do this depends on whether you are using XCode 3 or 4

Installing ASIHTTPRequest in XCode 4

I can't seem to find a way to install this framework to xCode 4. Everything that is to find on internet is about xCode 3. Can anyone tell me configure my project properly to include this framework?
It has been fixed, by removing everything about GHUnit Testing scripts!
There is a quite easy how-to for setting up ASI framework to your project. It should be pretty straightforward, but please do let us know which step is not clear for you, so we can better help you.
The same way you do it under XCode 3, except that the library select is is no longer available onder the right mouse click. You can find it under clicking on your project -> Build Phases.