RevMob Ads in swift application - swift

Does anyone know what the import statement should be for the RevMobAds framework in swift? I've imported the framework itself which is called RevMobAds.framework but in my AppDelegate.swift file simply saying "import RevMobAds" doesn't work like it would for non third-party frameworks. All the tutorials online are for objective-c projects so I can't really find anything to help. Has anyone had any experience with RevMobAds in swift?

Rev Mob has since added a swift implementation guide to its website. To import objective c frameworks, one must use a bridging header


Adding a Swift system library to an xcode project?

I have a small Swift library intended to import a c library for use in Swift.
I'd like to use that in a "hello world" Mac app I have built in Xcode. This seems like a very simple use-case, but I have not been able to figure out specific steps will let me include that swift library -- add to targets? import the library project into xcode? build as a framework and add? This feels very elementary, but I can't find an up-to-date how-to for Swift 5 and Xcode 10.2.

Chat application with Swift + Parse

have anyone an idea how i can create a iOS chat app with Swift and use Parse as backEnd? I found this: but it is written in objective-C. There is a swift version too, but it is full of issues and I don't know how to solve them.
Below Reference links may help you:
An Example iOS Chat Application with Parse, written in Swift

"no module available" when importing AdColony in the AppDelegate.swift

I've developed an application using Apple Swift but when I try to integrate AdColony in my project when I write this line of code in my AppDelegate.swift:
import AdColony
I receive the error: no module available.
How can I solve this issue? I've followed all the steps in the AdColony guide (also integrating the other frameworks).
Since the AdColony framework is Objective-C-based, you'll need to create a bridging header for your project. Here's Apple’s documentation. You’ll want to look at the section called Importing Objective-C into Swift.
Note that you’ll need to import AdColony using Objective-C syntax in the bridging header file itself, not in your Swift classes:
#import <AdColony/AdColony.h>
Once you’ve accomplished that, the framework will now be visible in any of your Swift classes.

Swift: No such module "GoogleMaps" error

I'm trying to use Google Maps SDK for iOS in Swift. I have been following these steps from google developers website. The problem is when I tried to import GoogleMaps in AppDelegate.swift, it's showing an error like..No such module 'GoogleMaps'.
I have added all the frameworks and made necessary changes to Linking and Build settings. Is there anything I'm missing out?
The steps on that website are still for Objective-C apps. To write an app in Swift with the Google Maps API, you need to add a bridging header, and then you can import the module in that header using #import <GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h>.
In application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: instead of using [GMSServices provideAPIKey:#"API_KEY"]; then you use GMSServices.provideAPIKey("API_KEY").
Delete your all of your pod files including workspace except podinstall and lock and install pod again

iPhone twitter integration: NSXMLParserDelegate protocol not found error

Im very new to iPhone programming, and am facing this really weird issue with importing the Twitter+OAuth libraries for implementing some basic twitter integration into my program.
My SDK is iPhone 3.1.3. After i drag-drop the twitter+oauth library, i add the header path and the library search path
[$(SDKROOT)\usr...whatever as i found in this tutorial ]
I then added the libxml2.dylib framework to the project. When i compile the project, i get six errors, all the same from different .h files that say
"NSXMLParserDelegate protocol not found".
Please help! :(
From the documentation of NSXMLParserDelegate
Available in iOS 4.0 and later.
It simply wont work if you are using SDK 3.1.3
See this question for further info