Implementing Cocoa XML-RPC framework for iphone - iphone

I have my drupal xml-rpc service setup, and now I want to retrieve content for my iphone app.
I'm attempting to use, however I dont know where to begin. How do I add the project to my own project for use? I've added a static library before; is it the same process? Just drag the proj file to my project and add the xml-rpc library?
Any tips would be appreciated.

Try dragging the project file for xmlrpc framework into the code list in XCode for starters. Next make the framework target in the xmlrpc framework a build dependency. Finally add the xmlrpc.framework to your linked frameworks. Exactly how you do this depends on whether you are using XCode 3 or 4


iOS Custom Framework Development?

I am trying to create a framework since I am developing a library.
I have Googled a lot, but didnt find any proper tutorial to create. Please give me some suggestions and steps to be followed to create a iOS framework.
I am Using iOS 6 and XCode 4.5.
I followed this framework tutorial with a lot of success. My callout from the tutorial is that it doesn't specifically mention (from what I recall) building the target, then the bundle before archiving the bundle. I also found it easier to directly copy the archived bundle from its source directory instead of relying on the script.

C Binary/Source Code in an iPhone XCode Project

What's the best practice to include existing C Libraries into an iPhone Project? I searched the Internet and actually found some pieces but nothing that explains the exact way to do it.
I'm trying to include the following Citrix XenServer SDK Library.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
You could try to build a static library and link against that.
I didn't try that myself yet, but as far as I could see, libxenserver has libxml2 as its only dependency.
libxml2 is available on the iPhone so you might have a chance.
To get started, create a Cocoa touch static library project and drag the C files into the project.
Now you have to figure out where to place the include files.
This might get a bit tricky and you will start with a lot of compile errors, but to me it seems possible to get it compiled.
The way I did it was to just create an iPhone static library project in Xcode and drop all the library's files in there. Then check if it builds and if the build settings are appropriate for the library you wish to compile. To add the newly-created library to your binary, you should follow the steps explained in the bottom part of the Three20 readme.
Note that you can only add static libraries to iPhone projects if you wish to get them into the App Store. Xcode also doesn't provide means to create dynamic iPhone libraries.

Can I develop my own objective-C Framework for Cocoa Touch Applications?

Is it possible to create an own obj-C Cocoa Touch framework which can be used by other developers? And furthermore can you protect this framework?
I've created templates for Xcode 4 that allow you to build universal iOS frameworks (which work in both device and simulator).
Once the templates are installed, you simply select "Static iOS Framework" when creating a new project and it does the rest. It also works with unit tests.
You can create a static library. There is an option in the XCode project chooser to do this. You'll have to distribute the compiled static library file and the header files to users of your library. Your actual implementation files (.m) do not need to be distributed.
GHUnit does a good job of this - packaging up the libraries for both simulator and device - so I recommend looking at this project. (I also recommend using this library for unit testing :-)
The frameworks in Objective C are typically just C / ObjC code and a bunch of classes, nothing amazingly special. As such, you can create your own if you'd like, and then just include that in your project when you build it. The iPhone doesn't care about the difference, it just knows to put all that code into your app, along with everything else.
Have a look at the Framework Programming Guide on Apple's website. It will get you started. Essentially what you'll do is create a Framework project in XCode and then go from there.
As for "protecting" your framework, I assume you mean making your code unreadable. I'm not sure if and how you can do this, but perhaps Apple's guide will say something about it.
Yes you can create frameworks for use with Cocoa Touch.
However there are these caveats:
has to be a statically linked libary, no dynamic loading (dyld) for us
should be a combined (lipo) library for i386 (simulator), arm6 and arm7
you need to hack a bundle project into a framework
you should embed (small and few) images into the library so that the developer does not have to mess around with resources but just drags/drops it into his project
... or if you have large and many images build a bundle with these
I have guides for these things on my site.
1+2 =
The other links you have to google because this site does not let me post more than one URL.
You could make a static library available as binary (i.e. rudimentary "protection") to third parties, but not a dynamic one, as Apple's App Store policy prevents dynamic linking.
Take a look at a worked example for static libraries given at
this site
If you're going to do it, in my opinion JSON.framework is a great example to follow. To hide/obfuscate the source code is a different story, and a different question entirely,
When creating a new project, navigate to iOS > Framework & Library > Cocoa Touch Framework, it's as simple as that. When you are successfully compile, .framework will be created under Products folder in XCode. Right click to show in Finder, and you can find the output.
It's unlikely this will work the way you want it to because the other developers won't be able to use your framework. This StackOverflow Question explains why.

Reference a library in Xcode for iPhone App

I am used to Visual studio, I have class library projects that I reference in my web sites or windows applications. Using class libraries allows me to create common functionalities, utilities once and use them over and over again.
How do I do this with Xcode and iPhone App development?
I am looking for some details on how to create the library, where to stores the files and how to reference in my App. That is if it is possible.
I am very very new to Mac and Xcode.
Creating a Static Library for iPhone App
On the iPhone, you need to create a 'static library' target. This will build your code into a .a file which will then be integrated directly into your iPhone application.
This way has worked for me. If you need to use xibs or other non-compilable resource files in the framework, look at the embedded framework section.

Stomp.framework iPhone linking. Anyone have experience?

Having trouble linking the Stomp.framework into an iPhone SDK application.
I follow the instructions, adding it to the project, adding a Build Phase for Copying the Files, and including it via #import .
I keep getting "image not found".
Anyone try this and/or have a clear idea why?
This may be better:
I found it fairly easy to get going.
The iPhone SDK doesn't support embedding frameworks in applications. I believe it supports dylibs, though I'm not certain of that fact. However, the safest thing to do would be to take the source of that framework and compile it directly into your application.
Make sure that whatever folder contains the .framework bundle is listed in the Framework Search Paths setting of your target or project.
There's more you'd need to do if you want to embed the framework in your application but that's another question.
edit: Totally ignored the iPhone requirement there, you'll have to compile the framework as a static library and link against that.