where is the client-side EaselJS file? - easeljs

Here is (more or less) the text in a sample script tag for EaselJS:
'script src="https://code.createjs.com/easeljs-0.8.2.min.js">
Note the file name: easeljs-0.8.2.min.js
But...when I download EaselJS from GitHub I can't find the equivalent file. The closest I can come is this: easeljs-NEXT.min.js.
I want to point to a client-side script, so that I can work off-line. Like this:
"script src='easeljs-0.8.2.min.js'' /script"
In the downloaded files from GitHub, which file is the correct one to point to in the src attribute for local use?

Have you gone to https://code.createjs.com? There are links to download all the versions of EaselJS libs.
You can also get the latest compiled libs in the lib/ folder on GitHub, or download any of the releases here: https://github.com/CreateJS/EaselJS/releases


How to include/find the source and header files for LL-Drivers?

I have been using STM32G474, but if I look into the HAL driver folder structure I cannot find the files for LL-Drivers. I want to use LL functions in my code.
Looking forward to your quick suggestions.
Folder Structure
STM32G4 Hal and Low layer drivers, UM2570
I found the file in the official STM32CubeG4 repo on github.
Either you have an older version of the code on your local copy, or the file got deleted somehow. You should be all good by getting the current version of the whole repo.

Github - how do I download the executable?

how does one download the compiled file from a github project.
For example I was trying to download sandboxie and was taken here where I managed to download the zip, but there is no exe in the zip:
https://github.com/sandboxie/sandboxie (1)
I then searched for the installation package via google and through https://m.majorgeeks.com/files/details/sandboxie.html managed to download the compiled exe. Checking the link location for the exe, it points to here:
How would I get from (1) to (2) without having to google for the compiled file. Is there a location I have to go in github or do I have run some commands? I am also not a familiar with compiling exe's from the source files.
Actually you can't get from (1) to (2) because they are not same repository.
This is the repository the second link came from repository if you go to Releases section releases you will find the downloading link in the assets.
To make sure that this is the same repository in the second link you will find repo_id=254327261 and it is the same id of the repo I gave you the link above

asciidoc, doctoolchain, target github readme.adoc - how to export asciidoc file containing includes into ONE file without include?

GitHub supports asciidoc readme files, but it looks like "include" is not supported.
I want to use doctoolchain which can render and export to html and pdf (and maybe into other formats). This tool works great.
I could use raw.githack.com to show the generated html file from the GitHub repository.
But I think it would be a good idea to have the result also as one (1) readme.adoc file.
How to export into one (1) asciidoc file, which I could use as it is as readme file so that github will render it and show? Best would be to use doctoolchain, when this tool will render my documentation it could also generate the one-file-asciidoc-documentation.
I think internally asciidoctor collects and merge all these "include" files. So maybe this file is already available in any place? The doctoolchain build folder contains only the target files.
You are right there is a long dicussion why includeis not supported by github.
You can achieve your goal with doctoolChain and pandoc(https://pandoc.org/). Following steps are required:
configure your docDir/Config.groovy
inputFiles should have docbook defined
inputFiles = [[file: 'yourfile', formats['docbook']]]
run the doctoolchain task generateDocbook - it creates ???.xml file somewhere in docDir/build
generate from the generated docbook again an asciidoctor file - `pandoc <FILENAME_OF_GENERATED_DOCBOOK.XML> -f docbook -t asciidoctor -o <FILENAME_OF_ASCIIDOCTOR_WHICH_HAS_EVERYTHING>
make sure it runs automatically and you commit it regulary
now you are ready
This script can be used to resolve includes and to generate one (1) output file:
some information about the script and possible next steps you can read here:
AsciiDoc Backend (AsciiDoc 2 AsciiDoc) for preprocessing
to use it, ruby and asciidoc must be installed:

TDS File Replacement

I want to deploy some front end assets to the local web root of a site using file replacement. I can't seem to get it to work with a relative path in the target location field though. Is it possible to do this though tds or should I use a post build event instead?
The reason these assets aren't included in a project is that they are part of a third party solution but we still want this tracked in source control to try to make the project setup easier.
Most developer machines will be set up the same way for this project with the same file structure but I think it's a little more flexible if I can make the target a relative path so I don't need to worry about differences like drive letters and such.
The folder structure is as follows:
I have tried the following using ..'s based on what tds changed my source location to be while using the "Make selected Source Location relative" option (changed it from an absolute path to ..\folderToCopy\):
From my understanding, TDS does the file replacement based on the files published from the associated Website project.
You can then have relative replacements such as the following:
<Replacement Include=".\assets\folderToCopy\myFile.txt">
I have not been able to successfully get TDS to use the file replacement with files that are in source control but not in the project.
My suggestion would be to set up a build event that will copy these files to the correct location, or to create a nuget feed for them and pull them in as nuget references.

what files are needed to use fabricjs

when I compare the css and js files that are included in a FabricJS demo to the files I get in the downloaded zip file from github, they are not the same.
for instance, from the source of one of the demos I find references to:
1 - "../css/" ... but does not exist in zip from github
2 - "../js/" ... but does not exist in zip from github
3 - "../lib/fabric.js ... but does not exist in zip from github
so what are the correct js and css files to include in my html5 page?
They just released version 1.0---happy birthday, FabricJS !
I think the github files are still version .9xx
So go to http://fabricjs.com/ and go to the bottom of the screen and click "download".
You just need this 1 script file: "../dist/all.js"
There are no associated stylesheets.