How to include/find the source and header files for LL-Drivers? - stm32

I have been using STM32G474, but if I look into the HAL driver folder structure I cannot find the files for LL-Drivers. I want to use LL functions in my code.
Looking forward to your quick suggestions.
Folder Structure
STM32G4 Hal and Low layer drivers, UM2570

I found the file in the official STM32CubeG4 repo on github.
Either you have an older version of the code on your local copy, or the file got deleted somehow. You should be all good by getting the current version of the whole repo.


Anyone have experience using Sprotty with Theia?

I have successfully created my LSP using Xtext and have integrated it with Theia. As for the archived repo, I was referring to the theia-ide/theia-sprotty-example:
The directory structure of my project is almost the same as the one listed here:
But am still a bit confused on where to begin.
First, should I add a .diagram project to my lsp, and if so, which specific files should I add? I understand that the yang-lsp repo contains some files that are specific to yang, but not sure which files are essential for integrating Sprotty.

Deployed a version control system for company, how to use it with binary files

I am tasked with setup a Mercurial version control system for our small team of developers (2-3 person). There was no version control system before, just shared folders and multi-copies. I don't have much experience in setting version control system except for personal projects, just happened to be the most experienced person in term of version control system in our team. The code repository is in a shared folder in centre server, the top leve directory is client name, one level down is project name for that client.
The problems is I haven't figure out how to deal with binary files in our code repository. From what I read, the binary files shouldn't be version tracked. But as the code repository is centralized on the server, shouldn't the binary in here as well? Otherwise for things like image file, and third-party dll files, the project wouldn't build or run properly when cloned from centre server. Also there is a nice feature for Mercurial web interface where you can download the whole source package as ZIP or BZ2 compressed file, without necessary binary files, the download project wouldn't run or compile.
I guess the solution is including everything for the version control system except the temporary files and the files for debug purpose, but other than that, most binary files should be included? Due to limitation of version control system, I don't think there is a way for them to track changes sets only for binary files, so I guess we have to deal with it for a version control system.
Edit: After more research about how to setup version-control repository, the more recommended way of using version-control is to "store everything which is created manually, and nothing else", quote from Eric Sink.
You want to version control anything that you can't generate from other stuff in version control. That would be your source files, and your instances of third-party libraries, tools, etc. that your package relies on.
The binaries built from your project are something else entirely, and should be treated as different sorts of artifacts. If you want an easy-to-test downloadable archive, adapt your build process to provide that as a target: it should build the code, and then compress the source and built binary into the desired single file.
Binary files that are related or required by the project must be included in version-control, they can be tracked. The only thing that version control can't do with binary files is compare and merge.

[Matlab]Where can I download this folder docroot\toolbox\eml\gs\examples\sl_kalman

I am following this Matlab tutorial.
But I could not find the tutorial file in my computer, which is supposed to be in
Where can I download these files on internet?
Thank you very much
Copying Files Locally should provide you with the necessary tools. Calling cd(docroot) from the command line will change your current directory to docroot. From there on navigate to the desired location.
Keep in mind, that your referenced tutorial is for release 2010b. Possibly file locations may change between releases. Check the Archived MathWorks Documentation for your MATLAB version.

How should I handle Sphinx configuration in version control?

I have a problem with my development workflow and Sphinx. I want to keep configuration file for Sphinx in version control so it's easier to manage. This means it's easier to link the file to code updates, etc ... However, the configuration file is stored in /usr/local/etc.
There are two solutions I can think of. Store the file in the repository and move it to the correct folder on deployment or recompile Sphinx to look for the file in my repository. I had a suggestion from someone to use a symlink, but that still requires a change on deployment.
Is there an elegant solution in Sphinx I'm missing?
perhaps have the /usr/local/etc/sphinx.conf file be a script that pulls the actual sphinx config from the file in your repo. scroll down to general and you'll see:
"added scripting (shebang syntax) support to config files (example: #!/usr/bin/php in the first line)"

Best practices for using Hg with Grails?

What should I check in/not check in? Since many of the files are sometimes auto-generated I'm not entirely sure how to handle this using version control...does it have something to do with tags?
For instance in ANT, I know not to check-in my target/bin directories...but Grails adds another level of confusion to this...since some of code is generated and some of it is not.
(It may become clearer as I go...but it seems to be that there needs to be some way of being able to tell what was just generated and what was modified by a developer so that it needs to be placed in version control)
Here's the .hgignore directory I've got on my most recent grails project (with a couple of project specific things taken out):
syntax: glob
The generated code in Grails should be placed under version control. It's not secondary executable code that is generated by the build process like class files, but instead is code that is part of your source. The generated code is intended to be just a starting point for your application and will most likely be modified at some point anyway.
Also check this:
and this: