Github - how do I download the executable? - github

how does one download the compiled file from a github project.
For example I was trying to download sandboxie and was taken here where I managed to download the zip, but there is no exe in the zip: (1)
I then searched for the installation package via google and through managed to download the compiled exe. Checking the link location for the exe, it points to here:
How would I get from (1) to (2) without having to google for the compiled file. Is there a location I have to go in github or do I have run some commands? I am also not a familiar with compiling exe's from the source files.

Actually you can't get from (1) to (2) because they are not same repository.
This is the repository the second link came from repository if you go to Releases section releases you will find the downloading link in the assets.
To make sure that this is the same repository in the second link you will find repo_id=254327261 and it is the same id of the repo I gave you the link above


Is there an API to get binary downloads for Eclipse packages?

I'm trying to automate Eclipse installation.
For JDKs for example, I can get the download links via
The Eclipse download button contains a link with a mirror id, and then that page triggers a download. Unfortunately it's not a clean redirect that could be followed with curl/wget. I can observe the final download URL with a proxy like Fiddler, but that is not a stable solution.
Or, if no API exists, is there another somewhat stable URL to download Eclipse binaries from programmatically?
Add &r=1 to the URL for the direct file/binary download link, for example:
Use mirror #1190:
Best mirror (without mirror_id=...):
Download from (mirror_id=1):
These are stable links as long as the files have not been archived.
See also:
Eclipse Wiki - IT Infrastructure Doc - Use mirror sites/see which mirrors are mirroring my files?
PHP code of download.php

where is the client-side EaselJS file?

Here is (more or less) the text in a sample script tag for EaselJS:
'script src="">
Note the file name: easeljs-0.8.2.min.js
But...when I download EaselJS from GitHub I can't find the equivalent file. The closest I can come is this: easeljs-NEXT.min.js.
I want to point to a client-side script, so that I can work off-line. Like this:
"script src='easeljs-0.8.2.min.js'' /script"
In the downloaded files from GitHub, which file is the correct one to point to in the src attribute for local use?
Have you gone to There are links to download all the versions of EaselJS libs.
You can also get the latest compiled libs in the lib/ folder on GitHub, or download any of the releases here:

how to compile kdesvn from githib repo

I've downloaded the sources for kdesvn from the github repo as I'm thinking to look into working on an addition to the project. Now turns out, I'm not even able to properly compile the downloaded sources: I've created a directory kdesvn-build changed into it and launched cmake ../ (as described on which does some stuff but then stops saying:
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but
they are set to NOTFOUND. Please set them or make sure they are set
and tested correctly in the CMake files: SUBVERSION_INCLUDE_DIR
Now, I don't know what SUBVERSION_INCLUDE_DIR should be set to nor could I find it searching around the web. Anyone?
It is a directory containing svn_*.h files. If you are on Linux, you'd need to install something like subversion-dev package. On FreeBSD headers are installed with main package, and the directory is /usr/local/include/subversion-1/.

Upload a NuGet package that is not mine

I have found a dll that is provided via Google Code and I couldn't find it in NuGet. I want this package to be available via a NuGet install, because I want to reuse it in several packages and NuGet seems like the perfect way to do this.
Is it possible for me to generate a nupkg out of these dll's and publish it to What are the legal limitations to this action?
There are a number of other users that have run into this issue. It seems like the common solution is to create an "Unofficial" package and reference that for the time being (until Google publishes their library as a NuGet). Just make sure to very clearly label the package as unofficial. See these examples.
As for the legal ramifications...
Please look through protobuf-remote license and review the distribution and derived works details. Currently the license is GNU Lesser GPL. Sorry, but you'll have to make your own call on if publishing the NuGet package would be permitted under this license. ;)
I would recommend you instead create a local NuGet package source by pointing to a file share. This can be local on your computer or on a network file share.
Also, if you don't want to update every workstation, you can update the NuGet.config file in your project to point to this source and commit that config file in your source control repository for all users to get automatically. Just note that any change to a NuGet.config file requires you to restart Visual Studio.
And FYI, take a look at how you can chain multiple NuGet.config files.

MyGet & VS2012 isn't finding the pdb

I've created a library on myget (part of ci), and I'm trying to push the symbol sources to (this is a great service, and I love the idea). This is my first attempt. I've been using the instructions found on the myget site:, but there are some gaps.
Here are the steps I go through. First, I create a nuspec file, and I use "nuget pack -symbol xxx" to create the X.symbols.nupkg and X.nupkg files. This works just fine. I then push them individually to myget and symbolsource. I used the nuget pkg explorer to examine the contents, and they look as I would expect (the src, pdb, and dll show up in the symbols). After doing the push, I can log into symbolsource and I see my packages up there using the instructions found on the myget page.
I used the following command to push to symbolsource:
nuget push X.symbols.nupkg $ApiKey -Source
I then configure visual studio as instructed: make sure to turn off "enable just my code" and also to turn on symbol servers. I then add to the list of symbol servers the following URL:
Where XXXX is a GUID I read off the sumbolsource "Your Account"/"Authentication" "Visual Studio" table entry (myget wasn't at all clear this is what I was supposed to do).
I then try to debug. When I hit something in that library, I get the "No Symbols Loaded" page in VS2012. Under details, there is a dump VS2012's attempt to find the pdb file. I see the following:
C:\Users\Gordon\Documents\Code\HVQCDCorrelationStudy\CalcSimpleCorrelationTestNumbers\bin\x86\Debug\LINQToTTreeLib.pdb: Cannot find or open the PDB file.
c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\44463130cd7383cb\LINQToTTree\LINQToTTreeLib\obj\x86\Release\LINQToTTreeLib.pdb: Cannot find or open the PDB file.
C:\WINDOWS\LINQToTTreeLib.pdb: Cannot find or open the PDB file.
C:\WINDOWS\symbols\dll\LINQToTTreeLib.pdb: Cannot find or open the PDB file.
C:\WINDOWS\dll\LINQToTTreeLib.pdb: Cannot find or open the PDB file.
C:\Users\Gordon\AppData\Local\Temp\SymbolCache\LINQToTTreeLib.pdb\9c883e0fa93245c99efd2b92dbfc6dfc1\LINQToTTreeLib.pdb: Cannot find or open the PDB file.
C:\Users\Gordon\AppData\Local\Temp\SymbolCache\MicrosoftPublicSymbols\LINQToTTreeLib.pdb\9c883e0fa93245c99efd2b92dbfc6dfc1\LINQToTTreeLib.pdb: Cannot find or open the PDB file.
C:\Users\Gordon\Documents\Code\HVQCDCorrelationStudy\LINQToTTreeLib.pdb: Cannot find or open the PDB file.
SYMSRV: C:\Users\Gordon\AppData\Local\Temp\SymbolCache\LINQToTTreeLib.pdb\9C883E0FA93245C99EFD2B92DBFC6DFC1\LINQToTTreeLib.pdb not found
SYMSRV: not found Symbols not found on symbol server.
SYMSRV: C:\Users\Gordon\AppData\Local\Temp\SymbolCache\LINQToTTreeLib.pdb\9C883E0FA93245C99EFD2B92DBFC6DFC1\LINQToTTreeLib.pdb not found
SYMSRV: not found Symbols not found on symbol server.
In short, it looks like it correctly contacts But something is failing up there. The 9C883E0FA93245C99EFD2B92DBFC6DFC1 is obviously a hash. I have no idea (??) what hash symbolssource assigned to that library - though I'd love to try to figure it out, as that might be a first step to understanding what is going on.
Basically. I don't know how to proceed with debugging at this point. Any help would be appreciated!
Update: As mentioned in the answers below, build something small that can be tested. I've done that, and it works just fine. In doing that I discovered there are some debugging tools up on - specifically, when you look at a package in your feed, you can find the "Compilations" link. Click on it. It should show a line for each build type you've uploaded. My packages have nothing associated with that - so I've messed up my nuspec file somehow for symbol generation.
Try to isolate a reproducible scenario (rule out as many other factors as you can). Sounds like your Visual Studio set up is correct, so I'm suspicious for package or compilation issues (e.g. symbols and sources out of sync). Feel free to contact MyGet support for further assistance.
The answer, it turns out, is a slice of humble pie. Turns out on my build server there was an environment variable conflict. The result was that local build scripts built a symbols file just fine and the build server built one without PDB's in it. Without pdb's, of course, the source server was not able do very much.
One thing I did learn on the way is the NuGet PackageExplorer ( Want you can do is use it to load up the nugget symbols package. Then use the plug-in manager to load in the SymbolesSource plug-in (you'll have to use the market place, but it is all free). This utility would have caught the problem in my packages had I submitted the proper ones to it (my local packages passed with flying colors).