How to watch services in spring-cloud-consul? - spring-cloud-consul

Consul has watches to monitor service update. Is this feature supported in spring-cloud-consul? I can't find it in the documentation.

In new version of Spring Cloud Consul there is such support. See: Consul Catalog Watch.


Is it possible/fine to run Prometheus, Loki, Grafana outside of Kubernetes?

In some project there are scaling and orchestration implemented using technologies of a local cloud provider, with no Docker & Kubernetes. But the project has poor logging and monitoring, I'd like to instal Prometheus, Loki, and Grafana for metrics, logs, and visualisation respectively. Unfortunately, I've found no articles with instructions about using Prometheus without K8s.
But is it possible? If so, is it a good way? And how to do this? I also know that Prometheus & Loki can automatically detect services in the K8s to extract metrics and logs, but will the same work for a custom orchestration system?
Can't comment about Loki, but Prometheus is definitely doable.
Prometheus supports a number of service discovery mechanisms, k8s being just on of them. If you look at the list of options (the ones ending with _sd_config) you can see if your provider is there.
If it is not then a generic service discovery can be used. Maybe DNS-based discovery will work with your custom system? If not then with some glue code a file based service discovery will almost certainly work.
Yes, I'm running Prometheus, Loki etc. just fine in a AWS ECS cluster. It just requires a bit more configuration especially regarding service discovery (if you are not already using something like ECS Service Disovery or Hashicorp Consul)

Service broker for kubernetes catalog, simple implementation for google cloud shell

I am trying to implement Azure osba service broker on google cloud shell to interact with google cloud kubernetes and Azure services, but i am not able to run it and always commands are ending in some error.
I have installed helm and service catalog also. Please suggest me any simple service broker for google cloud shell which i can implement easily for demo purpose. Can i use Google shell cloud MySQL ( GCP)? Please provide any information in form of website link or github.
You can use config connector to manage your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) resources through Kubernetes configuration as Google cloud platform service broker is deprecated.
This documentation will help you to get started with config connector by managing a cloud spanner instance. You can also refer to this repository that contains sample applications and resources like PubSub for use with Config Connector

Installation of Istio on GKE / Google Cloud

I have created a free account on GCP as also my first cluster.
I want to deploy istio on my GKE cluster, so I am following the official instructions.
At some point, the instructions indicate that I should
Ensure that the Google Kubernetes Engine API is enabled for your
project (also found by navigating to “APIs & Services” -> “Dashboard”
in the navigation bar)
What is that supposed to mean?
Isn't the API already active since I have created and I am running a cluster?
How can a cluster be running without the API being enabled?
Enabling GKE API is the prerequisite for running GKE. If you already run GKE then you can skip this part.
You can enable Istio as a part of GKE cluster creation. Here is the good instruction from Google:
Those information how to install Istio on GKE - described "Istio instalation on GKE add-on".
If you are interested with the instructions how to install Istio manually you can find instructions from google here.
To verify disable/enable API for GKE, please run:
APIs & Services
Kubernetes Engine API
This overview provide more information about this api.

Vertx Service Discovery alternatives

Can I do Vertx Service Discovery without Hazelcast or are there alternative cluster managers, i.e., in my local machine?
Other Vert.x installations I have seen use Zookeeper for discovery. Hazelcast has a Zookeeper discovery SPI if that's the route you want to take.
I found the solution. I have used kubernetes native discovery mechanism.
Vertx supports a number of discovery services. These include:
Hazelcast - default discovery service
Consul bridge
Zookeeper discovery
Kubernetes bridge
Docker link bridge .etc.
The choice of discovery mechanism is left to the developer. Check on vertx official documentation for more information here.

Eureka to Consul issue for spring cloud

We are moving our large set of eureka based microservices to consul based discovery.
There was one feature of the eureka version of spring cloud that we were used. You could register a specific hostname such as "hostname: blah".
Is a capability like that present in the spring cloud consul version?
You can set It's not documented, but it should show in IDE auto-complete with the note on what it is for.
See ConsulDiscoveryProperties.