Service broker for kubernetes catalog, simple implementation for google cloud shell - kubernetes

I am trying to implement Azure osba service broker on google cloud shell to interact with google cloud kubernetes and Azure services, but i am not able to run it and always commands are ending in some error.
I have installed helm and service catalog also. Please suggest me any simple service broker for google cloud shell which i can implement easily for demo purpose. Can i use Google shell cloud MySQL ( GCP)? Please provide any information in form of website link or github.

You can use config connector to manage your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) resources through Kubernetes configuration as Google cloud platform service broker is deprecated.
This documentation will help you to get started with config connector by managing a cloud spanner instance. You can also refer to this repository that contains sample applications and resources like PubSub for use with Config Connector


Add VPC Configuration in Kinesis Data Analytic App via aws cdk

I am trying to create AWS Kinesis Data Analytic(KDA) App via cdk. I need to put this KDA app inside a VPC but I am not able to find any cloudformation(cdk) support to add it. I can see vpc configiration api is exposed by aws kinesis sdk but it is not exposed via cdk. Anybody has any references on how to do it. Please do share the code or documentation reference

Run Kafka Consumers on Google Cloud Run

I have a large application with lots of microservices that communicate through Kafka. Right now it's working on GKE.
We are moving Kafka to and we were planning to move some of the microservices to Google Cloud Run (fully managed).
BUT,... it looks like Google Cloud Run (fully managed) does not support listening to kafka events, right? Are there any plans to support it? Is there a workaround?
This post shared by andres-s, shows that you can implement your own cloud run and have it connected to confluent kafka, in Anthos.
It would be great to have this option in the fully-managed Google Cloud Run service.
But in the meantime, the question would be: is it possible to implement it in a regular GKE cluster (not Anthos)?
Google Cloud has a fully managed Kafka solution through SaaS partner Confluent, which uses Cloud Run for Anthos (with GKE)
Google Pub/Sub is the GCP alternative for Kafka, but through Confluent you can use kafka on GCP
Cloud Run is just Knative SERVING. It is stateless and spins up when it receives events. Due to this, it can't really subscribe to a topic and pull an event.
Knative Eventing is more stateful in nature and handles the pulls and subsequently triggers the pods running Knative Serving. They, ideally, are used together to give you the full serverless experience.
The good news is, there is a "hack". You can do Kafka to PubSub then PubSub to Cloud Run. If you are adventurous and don't mind OSS software, there are a number of Knative Eventing tutorials at

Anthos showing wrong status of Deployment on on-premise external cluster

I wanted to give a try to GCP's Anthos On-Premise GKE offering.
For sake of my demo I setup a Kubernetes cluster in GCP itself using Google Compute Engine following instructions from (
After this I followed Anthos documentation to register my cluster to Anthos. I was able to register the cluster and Login into it using both Token based and Basic authentication based mechanisms.
Now when I try to deploy anything from GCP console, I get following error
But the deployment succeeds, I can see deployment and associated pods in Running state on my cluster.
Also when I try to deploy using Marketplace I get following error.
I wish to know if it is a bug in Anthos or my cluster has some missing configurations ?
You're not running Anthos GKE On-Prem, you're running open-source Kubernetes on Google Cloud. Things designed for Anthos - the marketplace and connecting clusters to Cloud Console - are not supposed to work in your setup. The fact that they mostly work despite that is an accident (and a testament to the portability and compatibility of Kubernetes).
To get Cloud Console integration and use the marketplace, you need to use either Anthos GKE On-Prem that runs on VMWare or regular GKE.

What happened to Cloud Run for GKE?

Several resources on the web point to the existence of Cloud Run for GKE. For example, this Google codelabs, this YouTube video from Google and this LinkedIn training video.
However the Cloud Run for GKE functionality seems to have disappeared when you try to create a new Kubernetes cluster, using the Google Cloud web console. The checkboxes to enable Istio and Cloud Run for GKE underneath "Additional features" are not available anymore. (see 3:40 on this LinkedIn video tutorial)
The official documentation about Cloud run for GKE also seems to have disappeared or changed and replaced with documentation about Cloud Run on Anthos.
So, in short, what happened to Cloud Run for GKE?
You first need to create a GKE cluster and then when creating cloud run choose CloudRun for Anthos so, it's not really gone anywhere.
If it was greyed out, that was probably because you had to tick "enabled stackdriver..."
I think it is just a change of words and not functionality.
If you check this documentation out you'll see it specifically says:
This guide shows how to set up a new Google Kubernetes Engine cluster with Cloud Run for Anthos on Google Cloud enabled.
It starts off with creating a GKE cluster which has two ways:
Using GCP console
Using gcloud command-line tool
I prefer gcloud command-line tool using which you need the following command to create a cluster:
gcloud beta container clusters create CLUSTER_NAME \
--addons=HorizontalPodAutoscaling,HttpLoadBalancing,Istio,CloudRun \
--machine-type=n1-standard-4 \
--enable-stackdriver-kubernetes \
--scopes cloud-platform
If you look closely at the add-ons, you will see it has Istio and CloudRun. The most important flag here is --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes, you would have to enable Stackdriver for Kubernetes in order to move forward.
Looking at your question, I believe you are using GCP Console. The same should be done via console. If you choose the appropriate version of GKE, it will give you options to enable Istio ad well as Cloud Run.
Initially, the checkbox to Enable Cloud Run for Anthos (beta) will be grayed out if Enable legacy Stackdriver Logging service and Enable legacy Stackdriver Monitoring service is enabled Enable Stackdriver Kubernetes Engine Monitoring disabled.
So firstly select Enable Stackdriver Kubernetes Engine Monitoring and now after selecting Enable Istio (beta), you should see the checkbox for Enable Cloud Run for Anthos (beta) working.
Here is the list of available GKE versions for Cloud Run.
If you follow the guide carefully, you will simply be able to create a GKE cluster and deploy a Hello World application on Cloud Run for Anthos (GKE).
I hope this helps!!
Cloud Run for GKE did not disappear but it was simply renamed to "Cloud Run for Anthos".
Initially I thought Anthos was a technology for multicloud environments, but it seems to be more of a "brand name".
The answer is that Anthos is not really a technology, but more of a
brand, a wrapper around Google's cloud crown jewels, Kubernetes (K8s).
This is quoted from this post on TheRegister.

IBM Cloud Functions "Failed to pull container image"

I have a docker container that I want to run in IBM Cloud Functions (OpenWhisk), because I don't want the container to be publicly accessible I want to store it in the IBM Cloud Container Registry. For OpenWhisk to be able to access it I followed this tutorial for a similar problem: Access IAM-based services from IBM Cloud Functions
To summarize the steps:
create a IAM Namespace for Functions
give the namespace access to
the container registry
But sadly this doesn't solve the problem, I still get Failed to pull container image ''. And I can't really find any points where I could configure an API key or something.
How can I get this to work?
OpenWhisk (the underlying technology of IBM Cloud Functions) does not yet support authenticated access to a registry. As a consequence, AFAIK your use-case is currently not supported.