Is it possible/fine to run Prometheus, Loki, Grafana outside of Kubernetes? - kubernetes

In some project there are scaling and orchestration implemented using technologies of a local cloud provider, with no Docker & Kubernetes. But the project has poor logging and monitoring, I'd like to instal Prometheus, Loki, and Grafana for metrics, logs, and visualisation respectively. Unfortunately, I've found no articles with instructions about using Prometheus without K8s.
But is it possible? If so, is it a good way? And how to do this? I also know that Prometheus & Loki can automatically detect services in the K8s to extract metrics and logs, but will the same work for a custom orchestration system?

Can't comment about Loki, but Prometheus is definitely doable.
Prometheus supports a number of service discovery mechanisms, k8s being just on of them. If you look at the list of options (the ones ending with _sd_config) you can see if your provider is there.
If it is not then a generic service discovery can be used. Maybe DNS-based discovery will work with your custom system? If not then with some glue code a file based service discovery will almost certainly work.

Yes, I'm running Prometheus, Loki etc. just fine in a AWS ECS cluster. It just requires a bit more configuration especially regarding service discovery (if you are not already using something like ECS Service Disovery or Hashicorp Consul)


Deploying Prometheus to different kubernetes cluster

We have a central monitoring cluster that monitors different k8s clusters (running various micro services)
Currently we’ve deployed prometheus using manifests but we plan to move to a prometheus operator.
My question is, is service discovery possible for prometheus in this kind of a set up? Will I be able to annotate my pods?
Of course, you'll be able to do service discovery with the Prometheus operator for Kubernetes.
However, it does not work as it does with a standalone Pormetheus server and the kubernetes_sd_config configuration.
With the operator, the service discovery works with a custom resource called ServiceMonitor. This resource works with label selector that target services with specific label. You can find an example here, in the official github page

Get request count from Kubernetes service

Is there any way to get statistics such as service / endpoint access for services defined in Kubernetes cluster?
I've read about Heapster, but it doesn't seem to provide these statistics. Plus, the whole setup is tremendously complicated and relies on a ton of third-party components. I'd really like something much, much simpler than that.
I've been looking into what may be available in kube-system namespace, and there's a bunch of containers and services, there, Heapster including, but they are effectively inaccessible because they require authentication I cannot provide, and kubectl doesn't seem to have any API to access them (or does it?).
Heapster is the agent that collects data, but then you need a monitoring agent to interpret these data. On GCP, for example, that's fluentd who gets these metrics and sends to Stackdriver.
Prometheus is an excellent monitoring tool. I would recommend this one, if youare not on GCP.
If you would be on GCP, then as mentioned above you have Stackdriver Monitoring, that is configured by default for K8s clusters. All you have to do is to create a Stackdriver accound (this is done by one click from GCP Console), and you are good to go.

Should we run a Consul container in every Pod?

We run our stack on the Google Cloud Platform (hosted Kubernetes, GKE) and have a Consul cluster running outside of K8s (regular GCE instances).
Several services running in K8s use Consul, mostly for it's CP K/V Store and advanced locking, not so much for service discovery so far.
We recently ran into some issues with using the Consul service discovery from within K8s. Right now our apps talk directly to the Consul Servers to register and unregister services they provide.
This is not recommended best-practice, usually Consul clients (i.e. apps using Consul) should talk to the local Consul agent. In our setup there are no local Consul agents.
My Question: Should we run local Consul agents as sidekick containers in each pod?
IMHO this would be a huge waste of ressources, but it would match the Consul best-practies better.
I tried searching on Google, but all posts about Consul and Kubernetes talk about running Consul in K8s, which is not what I want to do.
As the official Consul Helm chart and the documentation suggests the standard approach is to run a DaemonSet of Consul clients and then use a connect-side-car injector to inject sidecars into your node simply by providing an annotation of the pod spec. This should handle all of the boilerplate and will be inline with best practices.
Consul: Connect Sidecar;

Spring boot and prometheus

I am trying to figure out how to best collect metrics from a set of spring boot based services running within a Kubernetes cluster. Looking at the various docs, it seems that the choice for internal monitoring is between Actuator or Spectator with metrics being pushed to an external collection store such as Redis or StatsD or pulled, in the case of Prometheus.
Since the number of instances of a given service is going to vary, I dont see how Prometheus can be configured to poll those running services since it will lack knowledge of them. I am also building around a Eureka service registry so not sure if that is polled first in this configuration.
Any real world insight into this kind of approach would be welcome.
You should use the Prometheus java client ( for instrumenting. Approaches like redis and statsd are to be avoided, as they mean hitting the network on every single event - greatly limiting what you can monitor.
Use file_sd service discovery in Prometheus to provide it with a list of targets from Eureka (, though if you're using Kubernetes like your tag hints Prometheus has a direct integration there.

Rancher connect to kubernetes instead of start kubernetes

Rancher is designed (as best as I can tell) to own and run a kubernetes cluster. Rancher does provide a configuration so that kubectl can interact w/ the kubernetes cluster. Rancher seems like a nice tool. But as far as I can tell, there is no way to connect to an existing kubernetes cluster. Is there any way to do this?
If you are looking for a service that can connect to an existing k8s cluster(s) then try Containership. You can use Kubectl and/or the Containership UI to manage you workloads, config maps, etc on multiple clusters.
Hope this helps!
I got this answer on the rancher forums
There is not, most of the value we can add at the moment is around configuring, managing, and controlling access to the installation we setup.