Vertx Service Discovery alternatives - vert.x

Can I do Vertx Service Discovery without Hazelcast or are there alternative cluster managers, i.e., in my local machine?

Other Vert.x installations I have seen use Zookeeper for discovery. Hazelcast has a Zookeeper discovery SPI if that's the route you want to take.

I found the solution. I have used kubernetes native discovery mechanism.

Vertx supports a number of discovery services. These include:
Hazelcast - default discovery service
Consul bridge
Zookeeper discovery
Kubernetes bridge
Docker link bridge .etc.
The choice of discovery mechanism is left to the developer. Check on vertx official documentation for more information here.


What is the use case of Spring Cloud K8s Discovery Server when we can simply use Kubernetes native service discovery?

I'm trying to understand why and when to use Spring Cloud K8s Discovery Server when K8s has a Native Service Discovery which does:
Service discovery
Ensures compatibility with additional tooling (e.g. Istio)
Isn't it simpler if your app can simply rely/use a DNS name of a service it needs? On top that that it gets load balancing as well. Why should one even think about a Discovery Server?

Usecase when we need service discovery service when infrastructure is built with kubernetes

I am learning Kubernetes and have developed good knowledge about it. however I am not able to understand why and in which case one would use the service discovery tools when infra is on Kubernetes.
This was asked to me during the interview like which service discovery software will you use for microservices. I am not sure why one would need service discovery when in Kubernetes we have services objects which can be referenced by name.
Has anyone come across a case, where they are developing microservices on Kubernetes and needed the service discovery tool to say like etcd ?
Yes, there could be many more cases for setting up your own service discovery. One, in particular, is a multi-cluster setup with k8s. You can look at how Submariner (a tool for connecting several k8s clusters with an l3/4 tunnel) utilize CoreDNS to add a cross-cluster DNS Service Discovery).

How to use spring cloud kubernetes discovery on localhost?

I replaced Eureka service with Spring Cloud Kubernetes Discovery to run in kubernetes cluster (microk8s) and it's work fine in k8s without eurika. But how can i use Spring Cloud Kubernetes Discovery for local debug? For example, when i'm starting my microservices local without kubernetes, how can I resolve them by name? Is't necessary to use any local discovery service like Eurika in that case? or is there some other way?
simple way can be to create a network of services via docker-compose file and run docker containers for the applications those need to be communicate with and the main services those you need to debug can be opened in the VSCode like editors.
The service discovery can happen by help of docker-compose and eureka or spring-cloud won't be required.

Disadvantages of using eureka for Service Discovery with kubernetes

I am deploying a set of services that are containerised using Docker into AWS. No matter which deployment solution is chosen (e.g. raw EC2/ECS/Elastic Beanstalk/Fargate) we will face the issue of "service discovery".
To name just a few of the options for service discovery that I've considered:
AWS Route 53 Service Registry
Hashicorp Consul
Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka
Specifics Of My Stack
I am developing Java Spring Boot applications using Spring Cloud with the target deployment environment being AWS.
Given that my stack is Spring based, spring cloud eureka made sense to me while developing locally. It was easy to set up a single node, integrates well with the stack and ecosystem of choice and required very little set up.
Locally, we are using docker compose (not swarm) to deploy services - one of the containers deployed is a single node Eureka service discovery server.
However, when we progress outside of local development and into staging or production environment we are considering options like Kubernetes.
My Own Assessment Of Pros/Cons
AWS Route 53 Service Registry
Requires us to couple code specifically to AWS services. Not a problem per se, we are quite tied in anyway on other parts of the stack (SNS/SQS).
Makes running the stack locally slightly more difficult as it relies on Route 53, I suppose we could open up a certain hosted zone for local development.
AWS native, no managing service registries or extra "moving parts".
Spring Cloud Eureka
Downside is that thus requires us to deploy and manage a high availability service registry cluster and requires more resources. Another "moving part" to manage.
Advantages are that it fits into our stack well (spring ecosystem, spring boot, spring cloud, feign and zuul work well with this). Also can be run locally trivially.
I presume we need to configure the networks and registry zone to ensure that that clients publish their host address rather and docker container internal IP address. e.g. if service A is on host A and wants to talk to service B on host B, service B needs to advertise its EC2 address rather than some internal docker IP.
If we use Kubernetes for orchestration, are there any disadvantages to using something like Spring Cloud Eureka over the built in service discovery options described here
Given Kube provides this, it seems suboptimal to then use eureka deployed using kube to perform discovery. I presume kube can make some optimisations that impact avaialbility and stability that might nit be possible using eureka. e.g kube would know when deploying a new service - eureka will have to rely on heartbeats/health checks and depending on how that is configured (e.g. frequency) this could result in stale records whereas i presume kube might not suffer from this for planned service shutdown/restarts. I guess it still does for unplanned failures such as a host failure or network partition.
Does anyone have any advice on this, do people use services like Kubernetes but use other mechanisms for service discovery rather than those provided by kube. Is there a good reason to do one or the other?
Possible Challenges I Anticipate
We could replace eureka, but relying on Kube to perform discovery will mean that we need to run kube locally to deploy whereas currently we have a simple tiny docker-compose file. Also, I'll have to look at how easy it'll be to ensure that ribbon, zuul and feign play nicely with this.
Currently we have ribbon configured with a eureka client so that service A can server to service B just as "service-b" for example and have ribbon resolve a healthy host via a eureka client. I guess we can configure ribbon to not use eureka and use an external Kube service name which will be resolved by Kube DNS at runtime...
Final Note
Thanks in advance for any contribution or advice. I know this might elicit a primarily opinion focused response. But I am hoping someone can provide objective guidance on when one solution might be preferable to another.
Service discovery is something you get out-of-the-box with Kubernetes. So having another external service in your platform will be another application to maintain, deploy and can be a point of failure. So I would stick with the the service discovery provided by Kubernetes.

Consul and HA Proxy for Service Discovery - Which should I use?

I know that Consul is a tool for Service Discovery in the era of micro-services. But before Consul, HA Proxy was invented. So why do we need Consul for service discovery, or Consul is more powerful than HA Proxy? Is there any comparisons between Consul and HA Proxy? Please give me some advice, which should I use or can I use both of them.
HA Proxy is basically a high performance TCP/HTTP laod balancer and Consul provides both a DNS and HTTP interface for doing service discovery(Consul also provides other features as Key/Value store etc.)
Here is an article as to how you can use both HA proxy and consul together:
Another article here refers to dynamic load balancing using both these tools.
If you are using docker, you might want to look at this basic setup article.
PS : I haven't tried using Consul together with HA Proxy though I am working on two separate POC to use them in separate situations. I hope these articles will help you.
You can use Consul to find out that on which IPs and ports your service is running and then based on this info generate HAProxy config. Clients communication to backends would go via the HAProxy load balancer and they don't need to know about internal ips, ports or even Consul. Related to this question regarding service discovery.