Sequence Diagram is not generated in document from Enterprise Architect - enterprise-architect

A model as use case section which have sequence diagrams . I am generating documentation from use case template with some modifications to suit the organization font/style . The generated document contains the notes from UseCase: Sceanrio section and notes from General section , but its not generating the sequence diagram.
Is there a specific tag I need to include to get them generated?

Please check whether you've included Diagram Section in the defined templates and also in the Diagram properties under the Diagram tab -> Document Generation Options**** check whether Exclude image from documentation has enabled , if so please disable and re generate the document.


How to bring dropdown at top

I'm not getting this dropdown in front as i have created a custom control combo of tree behaviour.
By reference to this doc: Add a custom field to a work item type (Inheritance process), we can add a custom field to support tracking data requirements you have that aren’t met with the existing set of fields.
Currently, the field Area Path and Iteration Path are existed datatype as Tree path, but their value are defined in Project configuration page and Team configuration page by reference to this doc: Define area paths and assign to a team and Define iteration paths and configure team iterations.
However, tree type is not available in new field, as below.
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Configuring the Node Identifier Option in Exhaustive CHAID in SPSS Data Modeler

According to IBM's online help:
Optionally, for CHAID, QUEST, and C&R Tree models, an additional field can be added that indicates the ID for the node to which each record is assigned.
I cannot find that option. I am using an (exhaustive) CHAID which adds the $R- (prediction field) variable but there is no $RI- (node identifier field) variable. Just in case IBM was being literal I checked running a regular CHAID (not exhaustive) but still without getting the $RI-variable I need.
I know that in SPSS v. 25 this is easily configured so is IBM just confused in their online help for modeler, or am I missing something obvious? Thanks in advance for any help.
The get the rule identifier added to the data set, you need to first train the model to generate the model nugget.
You can then edit (or open) the model nugget and select the "Settings" tab. Here you will find the option "Rule identifier" which must be checked to include the ID of node the each record is assigned.
It is important to realize that this is a setting in the generated mudel nugget and not in the modeling node. This also means that this setting must be checked (and rechecked) each time the model is retrained and the nugget is regenerated.

Sparx EA Reporting - Understanding Loops

I am trying to create a Sparx Enterprise Architect Report and need some assistance in understanding the Reporting Sections and how loops are processed. My intention is to get as simple report of a process diagram, and then show all linked requirements.. the structure would be as follows:
List of Elements in Package (as a table)
Then for each Element
List of Linked Requirements (as a table)
This is how I have setup the configuration:
The template fragment is simply a query that returns all requirements which are linked to elements within the current package.
There must be an easier way to simply list specific elements in a package. then re-iterate the same list of elements to process their connections?

How can I exclude a "report.specification" from a Report in Enterprise Architect?

I am attempting to generate a data dictionary for a package, but I cannot figure out how to exclude the report that is my data dictionary.
I get this item:
in my generated PDF on the last page:
I have tried Generate Documentation ➜ Exclude Filters ➜ Exclude diagram type and selecting Extended Documentation, Maintenance, and ModelDocument
And I have also tried Generate Documentation ➜ Exclude Filters ➜ Element Filters and adding a filter where the Name Not Equals Data Dictionary
But I still get the "Data Dictionary" page as the last page in my data dictionary.
I do not have enough reputation yet to comment for clarification so I went ahead and tested it on my own
It works for me (On EA Version 13.1308):
Package setup with the report specification
Element Filters set
(I cannot provide more images as I reached my links limit, just take my word for it, the report specification isn't in the final report)
Provide each step you are doing to generate your report
Also, make sure you are not closing the generate Documentation window after setting your filters, as it will remove them

Eclipse Birt Reports, Creating report from SQL database, (user key?)

I'm fairly new to using the Birt Report Designer and need to figure out how to generate a report from a SQLite database. I have suceeded in getting it to connect to the DB but am now unsure how to generate a report and the tutorials that I have found aren't of much help so far.
I have a template that was given to me by my employer that has a few fields, I'm wondering if these fieldnames (in the template) are supposed to match field names in the DB.
Also, when I go to Run->View Report-> As PDF I am unsure what I am supposed to enter for the field "User Key", does this correspond to a table name in the DB or something along these lines?
As of now, I have tried entering a table name but just a blank report is generated.
If anyone can point me to a good resource or help with this I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
There are two books i could really advice:
BIRT - A Field Guide to Reporting
Integrating and Extending BIRT
and the Eclipse Help containing BIRT documentation.
I suppose the User Key could be report parameter (listed in Data Explorer window), which is passed to Data Set to select appropriate data. If I'm guessing right, check within a Data Set editor ("Parameters" tab and "Query" tab) where the User Key parameter goes in - probably to one of the table field in a WHERE clause. Parameters in a query are represented by question marks: SELECT * FROM fooTable WHERE barColumn = ?. Hope tracking this would lead to find out, what to enter to the parameter.
Additionally, ensure if your Data Set(s) is(are) connected correctly to your SQLite Data Source ("Data Source" tab in a Data Set editor).
Being as new as you are to BIRT, I would suggest building a couple of reports with the sample DB (Classic Models). There are many, many samples out there for you to use as a guide. Additionally, most tutorials will use the Classic Models data so you can follow right along. After you create a couple of practice reports (this should not take more than 30-45 minutes) the template you have been given will likely make A LOT more sense and allow you to make progress almost immediately.
If you are looking for a nice collection of tutorials and samples, be sure to check out Birt Exchange for Dev Share (samples) & tutorials.
As for the "User Key" this is almost certainly a report-level parameter used to filter the data set (as the previous answer points out).
Good Luck!