Sparx EA Reporting - Understanding Loops - enterprise-architect

I am trying to create a Sparx Enterprise Architect Report and need some assistance in understanding the Reporting Sections and how loops are processed. My intention is to get as simple report of a process diagram, and then show all linked requirements.. the structure would be as follows:
List of Elements in Package (as a table)
Then for each Element
List of Linked Requirements (as a table)
This is how I have setup the configuration:
The template fragment is simply a query that returns all requirements which are linked to elements within the current package.
There must be an easier way to simply list specific elements in a package. then re-iterate the same list of elements to process their connections?


How do I merge two Dashboard data sources in grafana

I would like to re-use a query between panels -- ideally between library panels.
I have three Postgres datasources. For simplicity, say A contains ecommerce behavior, B contains app behavior, and C contains user profile data.
I have a query on source C that helps me determine if the user is an enterprise, paid, or free user. Call the query Q.
I am trying to filter out enterprise users from queries on A and B. So I need to apply Q to these tables.
Attempt at solution:
I have two library panels where I set the Data source -- Mixed --. In the first panel, I make a query to datasources A and C. In the second panel, I make queries to B and C. Note I am using query Q in both cases.
I would like to define Q exactly once to help future-proof changes.
Ideally, I would be able to use a Dashboard data source in a -- Mixed -- context. How do I merge two -- Dashboard -- sources?
Maybe these can help you
The basic idea is, make sure that you correctly set the gridPos and datasource properties in a way that make sense; and you can merge as many dashboards as you want by taking the panels (as mentioned in the docs, panels is an array of JSON that represents building blocks of the dashboard).
Hope it helps. I'm working exactly on the same right now.

how to quickly locate which sheets/dashboards contain a field?

I am creating a data dictionary and I am supposed to track the location of any used field in a workbook. For example (superstore sample data), I need to specify which sheets/dashboards have the [sub-category] field.
My dataset has hundreds of measures/dimensions/calc fields, so it's incredibly time exhaustive to click into every single sheet/dashboard just to see if a field exists in there, so is there a quicker way to do this?
One robust, but not free, approach is to use Tableau's Data Catalog which is part of the Tableau Server Data Management Add-On
Another option is to build your own cross reference - You could start with Chris Gerrard's ruby libraries described in the article

Change Properties of multiple diagrams in Enterprise Architect

I would like to change the properties of multiple diagrams together rather than clicking on them one by one. Does anyone know how this can be achieved?
You can use the scripting facility of Enterprise Architect to loop the diagrams you would like to change and update them.
See this section of the manual to get help.
There is a bunch of example scripts included with EA, either from the local scripts, or from the EAScriptLib MDG.
Another source of examples is my Github repository:
You could write a SQL to manipulate your database. t_diagram.PDATA holds a long cryptic string where one part is ScalePI=0; (which is the default for no scaling). You can alter that to be ScalePI=1; (meaning scale to one page).
String manipulations vary from database to database. So you need to write your own which you can execute in a script using
Repository.Execute("UPDATE t_diagram ...")
Note that you should test this in a sandbox first since invalid SQLs can easily disrupt your whole repository.

PowerApps datasource to overcome 500 visible or searchable items limit

For PowerApps, what data source, other than SharePoint lists are accessible via Powershell?
There are actually two issues that I am dealing with. The first is dynamic updating and the second is the 500 item limit that SharePoint lists are subject to.
I need to dynamically update my data source, which I am currently doing with PowerShell. My data source is not static and updating records by hand is time-consuming and error prone. The driving force behind my question is that the SharePoint list view threshold is 5,000 records however you are limited to 500 visible and searchable records when using SharePoint lists in the Gallery View and my data source contains greater than 500 but less than 1000 records. If you have any items beyond the 500th record that should match the filter criteria, they will not be found. So SharePoint lists are not optional for me until that limitation is remediated
To your first question, Powershell can be used for almost anything on the Microsoft stack. You could use SQL server, Dynamics 365, SP, Azure, and in the future there will be an SDK for the Common Data Service. There are a lot of connectors, and Powershell can work with a good majority of them.
Take note that working with these data structures through Powershell is independent from Powerapps. Powerapps just takes the data that the data connector gives it, and if you have something updating the data in the background (Powershell, cron job, etc.), In order to get a dynamic list of items, you can use a Timer control and a Refresh function on your data source to update the list every ~5-20 seconds.
To your second question about SharePoint, there is an article that came out around the time you asked this regarding working with large lists. I wouldn't say it completely solves your question, but this article seems to state using the "Filter" function on basic column types would possibly work for you:
...if you’d like to filter the set of items that you are showing in the gallery control, you will make use of a “Filter” expression, rather than the “Search” expression, which is the default that existing apps used. With our changes, SharePoint connector now supports “equals” type of queries on columns that support filtering (Single line of text, choice, numbers, dates and people), so make sure that the columns and the expressions you use are supported and watch for the same warning to avoid reverting back to the top 500 items.
It also notes that if you want to pull from a list larger than the 5k threshold, you would need to use indexes, I have not fully tested this yet but it seems that this could potentially solve your problem.

How to show data from two different datasources in Activereport

I have a report file . I have to show the data in this report from two different datatable . I have to show the data from one datatable after another . I don't want to use sub report . Is there another way to solve it?
With Regards
The way to solve this with ActiveReports is with a subreport. Other than using subreports, you could use the "unbound mode" to programmatically combine the records from both datatables into a single rowset. See this walkthrough for an example of using unbound mode (see the DataInitialize and FetchData events for the meat of the matter).
It is difficult to say for sure how best to go about this without more information though. For example, some info that might useful:
Are the data tables in the DataSet?
Are the datatables joinable? In other words, is there a relation between them?
Why don't you want to use subreports? This is truly the way a banded report writer like ActiveReports is meant to handle multiple data sources.
Also, you might check out our Data Dynamics Reports product. It uses a different paradigm than banded reports where you lay out data regions (e.g. table, chart, etc.) on a page. Each data region can be bound to a separate data source without using a subreport. Maybe that would be a better fit for what you need.
Scott Willeke
GrapeCity inc.