I'm not getting this dropdown in front as i have created a custom control combo of tree behaviour.
By reference to this doc: Add a custom field to a work item type (Inheritance process), we can add a custom field to support tracking data requirements you have that aren’t met with the existing set of fields.
Currently, the field Area Path and Iteration Path are existed datatype as Tree path, but their value are defined in Project configuration page and Team configuration page by reference to this doc: Define area paths and assign to a team and Define iteration paths and configure team iterations.
However, tree type is not available in new field, as below.
In addition, this is indeed a good suggestion. You can create a suggestion ticket here. The product group will review these tickets regularly, and consider take it as roadmap.
We have agile / devops culture -based teams who have a need to track work that has been planned and prioritized at an expected pace, vs work that came in for immediate handling. Some are bugs, some are tasks, some stories, etc.
We're thinking that adding a custom field is the way to go, with potential values of Maintenance and Enhancement. And of course, the hardest part: What would the field name be?
Is there a better approach? We don't think that a new work item is really it, but we could be convinced otherwise.
Additionally, we've looked at all of the canned fields and don't see an obvious field that fits, but we would prefer to use the built-in fields where it makes sense.
What, if any, is the recommended approach? I'd be very surprised if we're the first with this need.
A custom field doesn't have big difference from predefined field, so you can feel free to create one when no existing predefined fields can meet your needs.
I agree with your thought of adding a custom field. As for the field name, we can simply name it PlanStatus,PlannedOrNot or whatever you like...
You only need:
1.One inherited process based on Agile process template.
2.Edit Bug type and create the field.
Then edit other workItem types who also need this field. (Edit=>Add an existing field=>PlanStatus)
3.Then you can create a bug/epic with PlanStatus field and you can use the newly created field in Query. Besides, you can add a widget in Project OverView=>Dashboard to track the planned/unplanned workitems. (Chart for WorkItems widget or Query Results widget or what...)
Good day.
I want to add field that should contain link to related some module item, but modules can changes.
For example, this field that I need should be at Accounts and should contains links to Calls, Emails, Meetings etc objects. And I can choose module and object like
How to do this field?
[note: This was written before the question was tagged with 'suitecrm'. While SuiteCRM is based on SugarCRM CE 6.5, there are many differences between their current versions, so not everything stated below might apply to SuiteCRM.]
That field type is called flex relate field.
In regular Sugar each module can only have one field of that type.
It is saved in the database as parent_type (containing the linked module's name) and parent_id (containing the linked record's id).
The modules you can choose from are defined by the dropdown list parent_type_display and can be changed there.
(The list's values are supposed to be the modules' technical name as seen in the URL and database fields; its labels can be anything).
If you want different lists available in different modules, you can do that via code by overriding the list name in the options attribute of each modules parent_type field's VarDefs.
Instructions on how to create flex relate fields in Module Builder and Studio can be found in the official documentation: https://support.sugarcrm.com/Knowledge_Base/Studio_and_Module_Builder/Creating_a_Flex_Relate_Field/
What is the significance of having 2 separate last modified dates(jcr:lastModified and cq:lastModified)? Is there a scenario where one of the dates gets updated and second one not. Cant we live with one of the last modified (maybe jcr) and use it everywhere?
My issue is, we have few queries and conditions in our application defined based of either of these dates and am confused if the usage is right.
Here is a sample:
cq:lastModified is present at jcr:content node level, means it is available on all those nodes whose jcr:primaryType is cq:pageContent. Where as at all other nodes types jcr:lastModified is used. In general we can say that if any content is getting modified through aem functionality it will refer and update cq:lastModified and everything else that is using JCR core functionality will refer and update jcr:lastModified. Both properties can’t be present on the same node.
I think one should always check both properties. I'm currently facing the situation that updating an image with the ootb image dialog is not changing the cq:lastModified property. however, the jcr:lastModified property is either added or modified. This a very curious behavior I'd say. I'm not sure if I'm missing something in my dialog config:
Can be caused by the fact that the image tab is embedded in another dialog ... but I'm not sure
Any modification on page by an authoring activity i.e. on component dialogs or page properties dialog, it always associated with jcr:lastModified and jcr:lastModifiedBy properties on the respective nodes (i.e. if content modification is done on component then node type is nt:unstructured and if it is page properties like jcr:title then it is cq:pageContent).
For each content modification on the page as part of authoring activity, cq:lastModified and cq:lastModifiedBy properties on the jcr:content node gets updated; no matter on which component the modification have been done. Hence, if there is a modification on page properties like jcr:title then on jcr:content node, cq:lastModified, cq:lastModifiedBy, jcr:lastModified and jcr:lastModifiedBy property values get changed.
I'm in a situation where i need to add a default value "blank" to my "Two Options" field. Since I cannot set a default value of "null" to an already created Two Options field, I though of creating a new custom field of type "Option Set" and add the same two options Yes/No in addition to setting the Default value to Unassigned.
I need to create a workflow that copies the old values choices into the new field. I understand that I can't simple equate the values of two fields of different type but I'm going to do that with Check conditions to set the new field value corresponding to the old field value.
I'm not sure how to run this workflow against all the existing records in my CRM online with no codes. Is that possible ?
Without using code or custom tools your best options are:
Do an advanced find, select all the records in the view and run the workflow - this will run the workflow against every record. You can view up to 250 records at a time (check personal settings to change this) so this might work for you.
Export all the data to Excel, make the change in Excel in bulk. Reimport the data. This way you don't need workflow at all.
Is there a way to detect that a record being inserted is the result of a clone operation in a trigger?
As part of a managed package, I'd like to clear out some of the custom fields when Opportunity and OpportunityLineItem records are cloned.
Or is a trigger not the correct place to prevent certain fields being cloned?
I had considered creating dedicated code to invoke sObject.Clone() and excluding the fields that aren't required. This doesn't seem like an ideal solution for a managed package as it would also exclude any other custom fields on Opportunity.
In the Winter '16 release, Apex has two new methods that let you detect if a record is being cloned and from what source record id. You can use this in your triggers.
isClone() - Returns true if an entity is cloned from something, even if the entity hasn’t been saved.
getCloneSourceId() - Returns the ID of the entity from which an object was cloned.
One approach, albeit kind of kludgy, would be to create a new field, say original_id__c, which gets populated by a workflow (or trigger, depending on your preference for the order of execution) when blank with the salesforce id of the record. For new records this field will match the standard salesforce id, for cloned records they won't. There are a number of variations on when and how and what to populate the field with, but the key is to give yourself your own hook to differentiate new and cloned records.
If you're only looking to control the experience for the end user (as opposed to a developer extending your managed package) you can override the standard clone button with a custom page that clears the values for a subset of fields using url hacking. There are some caveats, namely that the field is editable and visible on the page layout for the user who clicked the clone button. As of this writing I don't believe you can package standard button overrides, but the list of what's possible changes with ever release.
You cannot detect clone operation inside the trigger. It is treated as "Insert" operation.
You can still use dedicated code to invoke sObject.Clone() and exclude the fields that aren't required. You can ensure that you include all fields by using the sObject describe information to get hold of all fields for that object, and then exclude the fields that are not required.
Hope this makes sense!