How can I exclude a "report.specification" from a Report in Enterprise Architect? - enterprise-architect

I am attempting to generate a data dictionary for a package, but I cannot figure out how to exclude the report that is my data dictionary.
I get this item:
in my generated PDF on the last page:
I have tried Generate Documentation ➜ Exclude Filters ➜ Exclude diagram type and selecting Extended Documentation, Maintenance, and ModelDocument
And I have also tried Generate Documentation ➜ Exclude Filters ➜ Element Filters and adding a filter where the Name Not Equals Data Dictionary
But I still get the "Data Dictionary" page as the last page in my data dictionary.

I do not have enough reputation yet to comment for clarification so I went ahead and tested it on my own
It works for me (On EA Version 13.1308):
Package setup with the report specification
Element Filters set
(I cannot provide more images as I reached my links limit, just take my word for it, the report specification isn't in the final report)
Provide each step you are doing to generate your report
Also, make sure you are not closing the generate Documentation window after setting your filters, as it will remove them


how to quickly locate which sheets/dashboards contain a field?

I am creating a data dictionary and I am supposed to track the location of any used field in a workbook. For example (superstore sample data), I need to specify which sheets/dashboards have the [sub-category] field.
My dataset has hundreds of measures/dimensions/calc fields, so it's incredibly time exhaustive to click into every single sheet/dashboard just to see if a field exists in there, so is there a quicker way to do this?
One robust, but not free, approach is to use Tableau's Data Catalog which is part of the Tableau Server Data Management Add-On
Another option is to build your own cross reference - You could start with Chris Gerrard's ruby libraries described in the article

How to Query a Web Service (XML) From a Subreport?

I apologize if this has been already asked but my searches have had little luck. I've also tried MSDN forum's, but its obvious that I need the big guns for this one ;)
I am using VS2008 (SSRS 2008 R2) to create a series of subreports. Each Subreport queries 1 or more Web Methods from a WCF Web Service.
When I run an rdl as a stand-alone report, everything renders properly. When I run that rdl as a subreport, I receive an error recommending that I check the log (details, and steps to reproduce below.)
Simple Test (No Subreports):
Using the instructions found in the article Reporting Services: Using XML and Web Service Data Sources I was able to create the necessary Shared Datasets for each web method.
I successfully created a report (SubTest.rdl) utilizing a Shared Dataset for a Table.
The dataset's underlying web method contains no parameters (trying to keep it simple).
SubTest.rdl renders correctly!
So far so good.
Test 2: Master/Subreport structure
created a Parent/Master report (MasterTest.rdl)
added a Subreport Report Item, and specified "SubTest.rdl"
Note: No Report parameters are specified, as SubTest does not have any parameters defined.
I receive the following error during the rendering of the MasterTest.rdl report:
Warning 1 [rsErrorExecutingSubreport] An error occurred while executing the subreport 'Subreport1' (Instance: 5iS0): Data retrieval failed for the subreport, 'Subreport1', located at: /SubTest. Please check the log files for more information.
Additional Testing:
To ensure that my subreport is properly defined in MasterTest.rdl, I altered SubTest.rdl. In SubTest I removed the DataSource, DataSet, and Table from "SubTest.rdl" and insterted a TextBox filled with the words "Output From Subreport". This rendered properly in the Master report, indicating that the problem specifically relates to my Web Service Datasource/DataSet.
Questions: :(
Is there a way to accomplish this task?
If this is not possible, can anyone suggest a workaround for providing Web Service xml to a subreport?
Also, per the error message: Any idea where I can find this log? (because this is running in Visual Studio, checking the SSRS logs folder on my local machine did not help, nor did running VS with logging enabled.)
A workaround that I could not get to work:
I tried to follow the instructions in the linked article for passing XML to a subreport as a parameter, but
The master passes the xml as a scalar string. Because I am querying
a web service and not using a data set where each row contains a col holding the XML, I only have the resultant dataset to work with. Basically I need to convert a data set to a scalar.
I had difficulty following the instructions (even if I could solve problem
1, I'm not even sure that I properly defined the dataset and
parameter - how do I get fields when the data is not known until
Thank you for any help you can give. This has been driving nuts for days!

Browse Field Data contains value but nothing is shown on the report

I have annoying issue with CR 2011. We are trying to upgrade from very old CR8.5 (DBF files are used as source(s) for the reports) to CR2011 and right now strange issue has appeared.
There are several fields on the report and all of them contain some data (as can be seen in the dbf file itself and/or in Browse Field Data) but few of them are never "shown" on the report. (If I, however, browse the data within the preview in CR2011 designer, I can see the data with no problem.)
This report uses two (non-linked) tables.
If I try to create a blank report, add these two tables & format the report again, I'll get what I expect (i.e. all fields shown on the report). (But this is not a solution as we have hundreds of reports.)
It does not matter if I (re)save report in latest format.
Everything is shown when using CR8.5 (designer or "runtime")
Has anyone experienced similar behavior and/or some tips where to look?
Non-linked tables are "less" supported than before (whole support for dbf files is limited). So the only correct solution is to link non-linked tables together. In my case, as the "free" table was parameter table. I had to simply add "paramid" to both tables (always set to 0) and perform the linking.

Given code base hosted on TFS, which command can tell me which file has changed most?

I want to find out files under a given directory which have been updated most. Is there any command which can display this info? Or is there any way to get max version count for a given file, so I can write some script to get this info from all and then sort desc.
Do you mean changed the most number of times, or undergone the most code chrun?
Either way - looking at the report data might be the easiest option for you. Take a look at the following blog post I did explaining how to use Excel for looking at TFS data that uses churn as an example allowing you to drill down into folders and files - but you should be able to get the data that you are looking for.
Getting Started with the TFS Data Warehouse

Eclipse Birt Reports, Creating report from SQL database, (user key?)

I'm fairly new to using the Birt Report Designer and need to figure out how to generate a report from a SQLite database. I have suceeded in getting it to connect to the DB but am now unsure how to generate a report and the tutorials that I have found aren't of much help so far.
I have a template that was given to me by my employer that has a few fields, I'm wondering if these fieldnames (in the template) are supposed to match field names in the DB.
Also, when I go to Run->View Report-> As PDF I am unsure what I am supposed to enter for the field "User Key", does this correspond to a table name in the DB or something along these lines?
As of now, I have tried entering a table name but just a blank report is generated.
If anyone can point me to a good resource or help with this I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
There are two books i could really advice:
BIRT - A Field Guide to Reporting
Integrating and Extending BIRT
and the Eclipse Help containing BIRT documentation.
I suppose the User Key could be report parameter (listed in Data Explorer window), which is passed to Data Set to select appropriate data. If I'm guessing right, check within a Data Set editor ("Parameters" tab and "Query" tab) where the User Key parameter goes in - probably to one of the table field in a WHERE clause. Parameters in a query are represented by question marks: SELECT * FROM fooTable WHERE barColumn = ?. Hope tracking this would lead to find out, what to enter to the parameter.
Additionally, ensure if your Data Set(s) is(are) connected correctly to your SQLite Data Source ("Data Source" tab in a Data Set editor).
Being as new as you are to BIRT, I would suggest building a couple of reports with the sample DB (Classic Models). There are many, many samples out there for you to use as a guide. Additionally, most tutorials will use the Classic Models data so you can follow right along. After you create a couple of practice reports (this should not take more than 30-45 minutes) the template you have been given will likely make A LOT more sense and allow you to make progress almost immediately.
If you are looking for a nice collection of tutorials and samples, be sure to check out Birt Exchange for Dev Share (samples) & tutorials.
As for the "User Key" this is almost certainly a report-level parameter used to filter the data set (as the previous answer points out).
Good Luck!