How to edit a Grafana dashboard which keeps freezing due to a bad query - grafana

I have a Grafana dashboard to which I have unfortunately added a graph which freezes the browser tab due to the large number of time series it tries to load. I am unable to edit it as the dashboard freezes within seconds of loading, rendering the entire dashboard unusable.
Is there a way to open a Grafana dashboard in some sort of "safe mode" where it will not attempt to pull data or render the panels, so that bad queries like these can be fixed?

I was able to get around it by appending the parameter var-something=blah to the dashboard URL, where $something was a dashboard variable. Doing the above caused the page to load with the bad query broken.


Inconsistency in Tableau Dashboard Data

I have created a tableau dashboard (Tableau Cloud) and have come across a weird issue.
Under the view mode the dashboard is showing incorrect number but when I open in edit mode the numbers change to the correct one
View mode
Some additional information: I have a website which links to the dashboard. when redirecting to the dashboard via the website I apply the filters through url query parameters. I checked if there is any issue here and I saw that all filters have been correctly applied.
edit mode
1.) I tried refreshing the data-source.
2.) I checked to see if the filters have been applied correctly. with the same filters the values shown in view and edit mode are different.
I am expecting the values to be correct and consistent.

Unable to view the Query editor Grafana dashboard

I am trying to create a dashboard in Grafana. In the UI, when I tried to create a new dashboard and add a panel, the query editor in the panel is not getting displayed.
It was initially working fine. Now facing this issue for newly created panels and also for existing panels.
The reason for the Query editor not to load may be due to browser cache. When I tried in Incognito, it works as before.

Data is not refreshing in Grafana dashboard but refreshing in panel

I am using Grafana and data visualization. I have multiple panels inside one dashboard and multiple panels showing the different things. I am using Influxdb as the data source. Data is coming in Grafana and I am able to visualize as well. I have data from July to October in Influxdb.
In all the panels data is showing till 23/08/2020 but I have data till October. If I got inside the panel and refresh it then showing all the data but as soon as I save the panel and come to the dashboard and refresh it, again it restore to 23/08, and again I have to go inside the panel to refresh the panel and see the data.
I am giving the correct time range as well but still, it's happening.
After refreshing again data will be restored to 23/08/2020
I think you should change Time Range as attached. It should be solve that problem.

Map is not visible in Kibana (4.1.3)

I used this example in order to create a simple Kibana dashboard with a streaming data. So, the example runs a Flink program to simulate a streaming data flow and to save it into Elasticsearch in real time (version 1.7.3). The dashboard is created in Kibana 4.1.3.
The problem is that the map is not visible in Kibana dashboard. See this screenshot.
I followed Readme step by step, but for some reason the example SlidingArravalCount.scala is not working properly. Also, since this is a streaming data (simulated), I expected to see a dynamically updated map in which the colors of rectangles are changing in real-time, but I see a static image all the time. To see updates, I should click on Refresh button. Is it possible to setup an automatic refresh in Kibana 4.1.3?
Also, my visualization Map is not shown in a Dashboard.

How to refresh parts of page when database changes?

I want a better way to update images on a webpage instead of forcing the webpage to refresh every 60 seconds.
I wrote a little status page that monitors some of our web sites. It uses and displays a list of servers I have inputted into a database.
Each server that is up gets a Green png image displayed next to it.
When a server goes down I update the status in a local mysql database to false.
The next time the page refreshes it gets a red png displayed next to it.
Right now that red png file does not display until I refresh the page.
Is there a way in (python) that I can make just that image dynamic without having to refresh the whole page? Or do I have to use something else to make it work?
Well, the generic answer is that you use AJAX and put a script on each server that will return "up" or something every time your page checks.
Here's a tutorial on how to do AJAX with specifically:
I have no knowledge related to
But in my point of view what you gonna need is to break your code in two parts (a monitor service and a monitor display) and use javascript to asynchronously update the data.
Your monitor service will provide a url that receives the monitored site ID and returns up or down. As you are using, it will probably be 100% python.
Your monitor display will use javascript to ever X seconds checks that url and show the correct icon. It can be python based, or not. But it will need javascript.