Data is not refreshing in Grafana dashboard but refreshing in panel - grafana

I am using Grafana and data visualization. I have multiple panels inside one dashboard and multiple panels showing the different things. I am using Influxdb as the data source. Data is coming in Grafana and I am able to visualize as well. I have data from July to October in Influxdb.
In all the panels data is showing till 23/08/2020 but I have data till October. If I got inside the panel and refresh it then showing all the data but as soon as I save the panel and come to the dashboard and refresh it, again it restore to 23/08, and again I have to go inside the panel to refresh the panel and see the data.
I am giving the correct time range as well but still, it's happening.
After refreshing again data will be restored to 23/08/2020

I think you should change Time Range as attached. It should be solve that problem.


Unable to view the Query editor Grafana dashboard

I am trying to create a dashboard in Grafana. In the UI, when I tried to create a new dashboard and add a panel, the query editor in the panel is not getting displayed.
It was initially working fine. Now facing this issue for newly created panels and also for existing panels.
The reason for the Query editor not to load may be due to browser cache. When I tried in Incognito, it works as before.

How do you set the start page using a server side data source

Using angular and a server side data source, I want to be able to load the grid at a specific page number. This will help me support the user using the back button as they go from list pages (aggrid) to detail pages.
I've discovered paginationGoToPage() but it doesn't seem to work in onGridReady, it only works if i use it on a button click. But even if I do use it, it seems like the data would have to be loaded twice, once when the grid is first rendered and then again for the particular page I want to go to.

How to edit a Grafana dashboard which keeps freezing due to a bad query

I have a Grafana dashboard to which I have unfortunately added a graph which freezes the browser tab due to the large number of time series it tries to load. I am unable to edit it as the dashboard freezes within seconds of loading, rendering the entire dashboard unusable.
Is there a way to open a Grafana dashboard in some sort of "safe mode" where it will not attempt to pull data or render the panels, so that bad queries like these can be fixed?
I was able to get around it by appending the parameter var-something=blah to the dashboard URL, where $something was a dashboard variable. Doing the above caused the page to load with the bad query broken.

Map is not visible in Kibana (4.1.3)

I used this example in order to create a simple Kibana dashboard with a streaming data. So, the example runs a Flink program to simulate a streaming data flow and to save it into Elasticsearch in real time (version 1.7.3). The dashboard is created in Kibana 4.1.3.
The problem is that the map is not visible in Kibana dashboard. See this screenshot.
I followed Readme step by step, but for some reason the example SlidingArravalCount.scala is not working properly. Also, since this is a streaming data (simulated), I expected to see a dynamically updated map in which the colors of rectangles are changing in real-time, but I see a static image all the time. To see updates, I should click on Refresh button. Is it possible to setup an automatic refresh in Kibana 4.1.3?
Also, my visualization Map is not shown in a Dashboard.

Clarifications on the Domo dashboard

The tool I'm using to develop a dashboard is Domo Centerview builder. The graphs are not getting loaded when I open the dashboard but it appears only after selecting the controls.
controls like check-box, radio-buttons , radio-group and drop down lists should be placed independently. It should not come under any KPI's if u place it inside any KPI's it wont take the data until some event happens in the dashboard
I assume you are talking about Domo here - which is used to build business intelligence dashboards.
Any graph you create using the analyzer goes to your overview page. You can then move the graphs/cards to the page that you want.