Inconsistency in Tableau Dashboard Data - tableau-api

I have created a tableau dashboard (Tableau Cloud) and have come across a weird issue.
Under the view mode the dashboard is showing incorrect number but when I open in edit mode the numbers change to the correct one
View mode
Some additional information: I have a website which links to the dashboard. when redirecting to the dashboard via the website I apply the filters through url query parameters. I checked if there is any issue here and I saw that all filters have been correctly applied.
edit mode
1.) I tried refreshing the data-source.
2.) I checked to see if the filters have been applied correctly. with the same filters the values shown in view and edit mode are different.
I am expecting the values to be correct and consistent.


How can I hide filters while downloading a Tableau worksheet as PDF or Powerpoint?

I want to download a Tableau dashboard as a ppt, but I want the filter controls to be hidden, is there a way of doing it?
The simple way to do this is to build the visualisation and then include it in a dashboard.
Tableau dashboards are designed to allow you to control the way things are visualised. They can include multiple visualisations. More importantly for your purpose, they allow you to control what the layout shows and where it shows it. So including a single visualisation in a dashboard gives you the option to remove filters and other elements you don't want users to see or pdfs/powerpoints to print.
It may be that you have are building dashboards. If so, the trick is to realise that anything can be omitted from the visualisation.

Unable to view the Query editor Grafana dashboard

I am trying to create a dashboard in Grafana. In the UI, when I tried to create a new dashboard and add a panel, the query editor in the panel is not getting displayed.
It was initially working fine. Now facing this issue for newly created panels and also for existing panels.
The reason for the Query editor not to load may be due to browser cache. When I tried in Incognito, it works as before.

accessing XHR within google sheets

I've been using import functions a lot in my sports modeling, but I've never been able to figure out how to get past the issue of pulling information that is dynamically imported from another source.
For example, i'm trying to use importxml to pull the money line values in this link here:
I can get the information in the left columns up until "PINNACLE", and after research i now understand I can't get the rest of the information because it's not static on the page and I need to go to the source... how do I find the source of this information so I can pull it from there?
I tried inspecting the page, clicking on "network", clicking on "XHR", refreshing the page and previewing the results, but nothing seemed to match.
Am I looking in the wrong place?
The page uses websockets to download the data, so I don't think you could simulate it in Google spreadsheets using formulas (maybe it could be possible in a script). However in this particular case there is a 'classic view' variant of the page which includes all the data in its source:

Map is not visible in Kibana (4.1.3)

I used this example in order to create a simple Kibana dashboard with a streaming data. So, the example runs a Flink program to simulate a streaming data flow and to save it into Elasticsearch in real time (version 1.7.3). The dashboard is created in Kibana 4.1.3.
The problem is that the map is not visible in Kibana dashboard. See this screenshot.
I followed Readme step by step, but for some reason the example SlidingArravalCount.scala is not working properly. Also, since this is a streaming data (simulated), I expected to see a dynamically updated map in which the colors of rectangles are changing in real-time, but I see a static image all the time. To see updates, I should click on Refresh button. Is it possible to setup an automatic refresh in Kibana 4.1.3?
Also, my visualization Map is not shown in a Dashboard.

use one visualization with multiple filters

Let's say I have a visualization that is displaying production line output over time. There are 6 production lines and I only want to display one production line on the visualization at a time. I can add a Production Line filter to accommodate this.
I want to create a dashboard view for each production line. So I want to create 6 dashboard views each with the same visualization filtered for a different value. However, I do not know how to do this without creating a copy of the visualization and dictating the exact Production Line filter.
Reasons for doing this:
I want to publish the specific dashboards and be able to embed the view into a SharePoint site (that is Production Line specific) and not require the user to filter the view each time
If I make a change to visualization, I want it to be transferred to all dashboard views for all Production Lines and do not want to make the same change to 6 visualizations.
Is this possible?
You can't do it with a dashboard. Try doing it with stories though. Create one story point for each production line. You can drop a single copy of your viz onto multiple story points, each with filters independent of each other, and any changes to the worksheet will be reflected in all six story points.
Yes it is possible. You could use a story as Sam M says, with 6 views of your dashboard each with a different filter setting,
Another choice that works in the embedded viz use case is to create a single dashboard, and apply a filter to all the worksheets on that dashboard. When using Tableau Server, you can supply the filter value as a query parameter in the URL (see the documentation)
After you test it out and are happy with the result, you can remove the filter control from the dashboard so it is no longer visible. You can still control the filter setting via the URL (or via the JavaScript API)
This allows you to adjust the viz that users see in your embedded view without making them manually select the filter setting, and also without creating six nearly identical dashboards.