Unable to view the Query editor Grafana dashboard - grafana

I am trying to create a dashboard in Grafana. In the UI, when I tried to create a new dashboard and add a panel, the query editor in the panel is not getting displayed.
It was initially working fine. Now facing this issue for newly created panels and also for existing panels.

The reason for the Query editor not to load may be due to browser cache. When I tried in Incognito, it works as before.


In AEM, I used table component on the page. Problem is I can able to add the data into it but it is not reflecting on Page. Any idea to troubleshoot?

It is working in dev environment but not in Stage environment.
I tried publishing the page and looked for a change , but did not work.

Inconsistency in Tableau Dashboard Data

I have created a tableau dashboard (Tableau Cloud) and have come across a weird issue.
Under the view mode the dashboard is showing incorrect number but when I open in edit mode the numbers change to the correct one
View mode
Some additional information: I have a website which links to the dashboard. when redirecting to the dashboard via the website I apply the filters through url query parameters. I checked if there is any issue here and I saw that all filters have been correctly applied.
edit mode
1.) I tried refreshing the data-source.
2.) I checked to see if the filters have been applied correctly. with the same filters the values shown in view and edit mode are different.
I am expecting the values to be correct and consistent.

Embedding a website in a Grafana dashboard

I run Grafana 7.2.0 Open Source Edition and need to embed a website into the dashboard itself. That is, I need a row or two of the usual panels of graphs, and below them embed an external web site that needs to be periodically reloaded.
How can I achieve this? There do not seem to be any relevant plugins at https://grafana.com/grafana/plugins. Is it possible to write a custom panel just for my instance? If so, any pointers about how to start would be appreciated.
You can use Grafana's standard "Text" panel.
Set Display->Mode->HTML in panel settings and add
<iframe src="http://your.external.web.page.url"></iframe> in panel content editor.

Data is not refreshing in Grafana dashboard but refreshing in panel

I am using Grafana and data visualization. I have multiple panels inside one dashboard and multiple panels showing the different things. I am using Influxdb as the data source. Data is coming in Grafana and I am able to visualize as well. I have data from July to October in Influxdb.
In all the panels data is showing till 23/08/2020 but I have data till October. If I got inside the panel and refresh it then showing all the data but as soon as I save the panel and come to the dashboard and refresh it, again it restore to 23/08, and again I have to go inside the panel to refresh the panel and see the data.
I am giving the correct time range as well but still, it's happening.
After refreshing again data will be restored to 23/08/2020
I think you should change Time Range as attached. It should be solve that problem.

How to edit a Grafana dashboard which keeps freezing due to a bad query

I have a Grafana dashboard to which I have unfortunately added a graph which freezes the browser tab due to the large number of time series it tries to load. I am unable to edit it as the dashboard freezes within seconds of loading, rendering the entire dashboard unusable.
Is there a way to open a Grafana dashboard in some sort of "safe mode" where it will not attempt to pull data or render the panels, so that bad queries like these can be fixed?
I was able to get around it by appending the parameter var-something=blah to the dashboard URL, where $something was a dashboard variable. Doing the above caused the page to load with the bad query broken.