Azure DevOps is not notifying changes to Comments - azure-devops

Created Notification subscription for changes to the Comments field, both changes to and changes in count of. But the emails are not getting delivered.
This was done at the Project settings level. Notifications for other fields, setup the same way work, so changes to Description field gets delivered. It's only the Comments field- actually this is the Discussion section of the User Story. Which are composed of multiple Comments.
PS: the subscription is enabled- both at project level and individual level. I unchecked the "Skip Initiator" so can test. Tried both Members of Team by Role option and just Members of Team. Filter is set simply to Comments, Changes. For the other subscription it's Comments Count, Changes...
Should there be some other settings elsewhere which is affecting notification for only this field?

Comments on a work item are surface through the "History" field. You can change your subscription to point to that field and try again.I convinced this will work.


Unable to shut off notifications for test-related items that have link changes

In Azure DevOps Server 2020 Update 1.2, is there a way to turn off e-mail notifications for test-related work items for my projects? Specifically, when testers make links with user stories or add steps to tests, I get flooded with e-mails. This didn't used to happen before, and yes, I did something to cause it but don't know what that was. But I now want to explicitly shut test-related types off. All my other notification types seem to be working/filtering as desired.
Thank you.
According to you description, it seems related to the notification of the work items. You could try to go to the Notification settings and then disable the subscription of "A work item assigned to me is change" to check the result.
If not, please check if you have installed Email report extension or other email notification extensions.

Azure devop- subscription does not send email to me

I'm a tester and typically create bug in Azure devop. I want to receive an email on work items that were created by myself AND (comment is posted OR assign to any members) BUT it does not work if work item is changed to another person.
My subscription as following:
From your screenshot, you only define the History Changes in Notification.
The History field represents the Comment field in the work item. So no notification will be sent when the assign to changes.
To meet your requirements, you can add an filter: Assign To -> Changes and set the relationship as Or.
Here is an example:

CQ5 workflow inbox notifications persisting after workflow finished

I've implemented a custom workflow in Adobe CQ5.6, similar to
I'm using CQ5 inbox notifications only -- no email notifications.
The problem is, after the Approver selects either "Approve" or "Reject", the inbox notification does not get removed, even though the workflow continues / completes.
There doesn't seem to be an option to manually delete a notification, unless you go into crxde and delete the nodes. So the main concern here is that notifications will quickly pile up, making it confusing to figure out which ones are current, and ultimately clogging up the app.
This only seems to happen at this exact step in the workflow. The Author's notifications disappear once they've been dealt with, as you would expect.
Has anyone had anything like this happen before?
Something about the way I worded this question helped me figure out the answer.
The Author's notifications disappear ... as you would expect
This made me think it might be a user permission problem rather than anything to do with the workflow step.
I confirmed this by switching the roles of the two user types, (so the Approver starts the workflow and the Author must approve the change). As I guessed, it was any notification assigned to the Approver, rather than notifications generated by that particular workflow step, which were not disappearing.
Specifically, the permission that was missing was for /etc/workflow/instances. I allowed all methods for that user, and my problem is resolved.
You can edit permissions via /useradmin.html in your CQ5 instance (in my case, http://localhost:4502/useradmin.html )

Add email recipient to all new Trac tickets

Is there a configuration change that can be made to Trac to send a notification to an email address only upon the creation of all new tickets? If it can't be done through config, a plugin would be the second best option, with source code modification as a last resort.
NOTE: The setting smtp_always_cc in the notification section of TracIni will send messages on all updates. I'm in need of email notifications only on the creation of a new ticket.
Does this have to be an email notification? One option you have is to create a query that will list the ten (or however many) most recently-created tickets. When looking at the results of the query, use the "RSS Feed" button at the bottom of the page to subscribe to a feed that will notify you whenever the results of that query get updated.
You could write your own ticket listener plugin (or rather, override the default one and tweak it), or write a email filter (procmail?) to remove non-creation mails.
The smtp_always_cc configuration option in trac.ini will do exactly that.
The one caveat is that it will also send an email on any updates to that issue -- not only on issue creation. This may or may not be what you want. See the TracNotification page in the help wiki for more information.
We use this feature in our product at Akiri Solutions.

Best way to notify users of an account that needs to be updated?

I am using Microsoft CRM 4.0. I currently have many accounts that need to be updated by the sales person assigned to the account. What would be the best way to notify the user of the update? Also, It would be nice if there was also a way to notify me back that the task had been completed. I was thinking the best way would be through a workflow but It does not allow me to select multiple accounts at once to notify the user, of which ones need the update. I also have mobile access with CRM.
You're on the right track. You could use a combination of workflows to accomplish this. I don't know what exactly it is they need to update but you could create a bit flag called new_isrecordupdated and then create workflows that wait until the fields needing to be updated are changed. When they are you can set that flag to true. Then have another workflow sleep for X days and verify that the field is false, if so send out an email to the user.
If you need them to complete tasks, then the workflow will need to sit on the tasks if they're regarding an account. On a status change of completed, update the flag to false.
Again, I'm not sure what you're looking for them to update so I can't say with 100% certainty that this is what you need.
Depending on how many accounts you are talking about, you may want a scheduled console application to find all of the outstanding accounts that still require attention. It could then create a single email for each sales person each day with links to each of the accounts that still required attention.
You could also have a single daily report letting you know which accounts had been updated and which were still needed updating.
These could be done with a scheduled application or an SSRS Report.
In addition it would be helpful to add a view for your sales reps that showed them the complete list of accounts that they needed to update. You would also want a similar view sorted by the assigned owner.
This way you have notification, but not abusive notification if a lot of these are happening and you have a way for both you and your salesmen see anything outstanding with a simple glance at a view.
You would probably need to have a boolean to set an account as needing an update, and then you could use a plug-in to reset that flag whenever the owner updated it along with setting a last updated date. This would give you the fields to flag an account as needing to be updated and the date would allow you to see which accounts had been updated by their owners.