Azure devop- subscription does not send email to me - azure-devops

I'm a tester and typically create bug in Azure devop. I want to receive an email on work items that were created by myself AND (comment is posted OR assign to any members) BUT it does not work if work item is changed to another person.
My subscription as following:

From your screenshot, you only define the History Changes in Notification.
The History field represents the Comment field in the work item. So no notification will be sent when the assign to changes.
To meet your requirements, you can add an filter: Assign To -> Changes and set the relationship as Or.
Here is an example:


Is there way to further customise notification subscriptions?

Good morning.
I have a client who has a very specific notification that they want sent out.
There is a custom multi-value control on their Feature WIT that allows the user to select one or more values (that correspond with internal team names). They want a notification to be sent to a custom email address of the team that has been selected. See screenshots below.
The problem is that when creating the notification subscription, the only filter option available for that field is "changes" and I'm unable to get the value that has been selected.
Essentially I'd like to be able to do something like: "If 'ContributingTeam' = [ABC] then [send email to custom address]" but I can only do "If 'ContributingTeam' changes then [send email to custom address] but this doesn't help because I need to send the notification to a different email address depending on which team is selected.
I'm not able to reproduce your issue on my side, the drop down seems normal for the field used for Multivalue control:
Please check whether you choose the correct field, and check what type you used for the field. Also, try to create a new field and try again.

Avoid being flooded by Azure Devops notifications

We have global notifications setup to send notification to work items assignees. But since there are many fields in these work items, users complain about receiving too many notifications.
We want to setup work item change notifications to be sent only when certain fields are updated, For eg. only on state and title change of a work item.
Is this possible in Azure Devops?
Yes, this is achievable in Azure devops. You only need to configure the filter criteria for the notification. See below example:
Navigate to the Organization Settings page-->Global notifications-->Statics tab-->Select the notification your team subscribed.
Then Edit the notification your team subscribed. Add the new clause in the filter criteria section to only send notification on the specific fields changes.
Check out document Manage notifications for a team, group, or organization for more information.

Azure DevOps is not notifying changes to Comments

Created Notification subscription for changes to the Comments field, both changes to and changes in count of. But the emails are not getting delivered.
This was done at the Project settings level. Notifications for other fields, setup the same way work, so changes to Description field gets delivered. It's only the Comments field- actually this is the Discussion section of the User Story. Which are composed of multiple Comments.
PS: the subscription is enabled- both at project level and individual level. I unchecked the "Skip Initiator" so can test. Tried both Members of Team by Role option and just Members of Team. Filter is set simply to Comments, Changes. For the other subscription it's Comments Count, Changes...
Should there be some other settings elsewhere which is affecting notification for only this field?
Comments on a work item are surface through the "History" field. You can change your subscription to point to that field and try again.I convinced this will work.

Prevent Dynamic CRM Workflow from sending an email to a Disabled User

I am using Microsoft Dynamic CRM Online and have a workflow issue. When the status of a case is modified, there is a workflow that kicks off to send members of the case team an e-mail. The problem is, it is sending the message to members of the team that have been recently disabled.
Example: User Jack Bauer is added to Case FOX24. One month later, Jack's account is marked as disabled. The following week, the status of the case is updated and a workflow is triggered to send team members an e-mail.
Is there a way inside a workflow to prevent the email from being sent if the user is disabled?
So far, I haven't found anyway to stop the email.
I solved my problem by creating a child workflow to remove any disabled users from the case specific attributes before the email is sent. The new process contains the nine checks for disabled users as well as an Update Record action for each check to {clear} the value of the associated attribute. It is marked as "Run on demand" so users can clean the Case record anytime they desire.
The child workflow will be called once per email in the parent workflow because they are sent using different timeout periods. Even if a user is disabled in the week or so between the first and second message, they shouldn't receive the messages.
Add a condition into the workflow which checks the status of the record in the 'To' field of the email.

Using SmartSheet API for "Smarter" email notifications

Currently in SmartSheet, users are able to assign email notifications to users, which are triggered when "Anything Changes" or a pre-specified column changes in a sheet.
While this is useful, there is a common business case where a sheet administrator needs to notify users based on the contents of a cell. For example, if the drop down option in Column A is set to Option A, User A gets notified, or if set to Option B, User B gets notified, etc.
Is this sort of conditional notification logic possible in the SmartSheet API v2.0?
The Smartsheet API doesn't currently support creating or managing alerts (i.e., notifications and reminders). So, to achieve the type of scenario you've described, you'd need to create an integration that:
is able to know when the specified changes occur in the Sheet (ex: Column A is set to Option A for any row)
contains the logic to determine which user(s) to email (ex: if Column A is set to Option A for any row, then email User A)
sends the email(s)
At a high level, you have a couple of different options for accomplishing what I've outlined above:
Poll Smartsheet periodically (ex: hourly) to determine if the Sheet has changed (Get Sheet Version) and if it has changed, evaluate sheet data (Get Sheet); if data meets your criteria for sending email(s), then send email(s).
Alternatively, you could use "Smartsheet Webhooks" such that your integration will be notified when changes occur in the Sheet, then react to such notifications by subsequently using the API to evaluate sheet data (Get Sheet or Get Row); if data meets your criteria for sending email(s), then send email(s). Smartsheet Webhooks are currently in Private Beta -- if you'd like to be considered for the private beta, you can apply by completing this web form.