Best way to notify users of an account that needs to be updated? - android-activity

I am using Microsoft CRM 4.0. I currently have many accounts that need to be updated by the sales person assigned to the account. What would be the best way to notify the user of the update? Also, It would be nice if there was also a way to notify me back that the task had been completed. I was thinking the best way would be through a workflow but It does not allow me to select multiple accounts at once to notify the user, of which ones need the update. I also have mobile access with CRM.

You're on the right track. You could use a combination of workflows to accomplish this. I don't know what exactly it is they need to update but you could create a bit flag called new_isrecordupdated and then create workflows that wait until the fields needing to be updated are changed. When they are you can set that flag to true. Then have another workflow sleep for X days and verify that the field is false, if so send out an email to the user.
If you need them to complete tasks, then the workflow will need to sit on the tasks if they're regarding an account. On a status change of completed, update the flag to false.
Again, I'm not sure what you're looking for them to update so I can't say with 100% certainty that this is what you need.

Depending on how many accounts you are talking about, you may want a scheduled console application to find all of the outstanding accounts that still require attention. It could then create a single email for each sales person each day with links to each of the accounts that still required attention.
You could also have a single daily report letting you know which accounts had been updated and which were still needed updating.
These could be done with a scheduled application or an SSRS Report.
In addition it would be helpful to add a view for your sales reps that showed them the complete list of accounts that they needed to update. You would also want a similar view sorted by the assigned owner.
This way you have notification, but not abusive notification if a lot of these are happening and you have a way for both you and your salesmen see anything outstanding with a simple glance at a view.
You would probably need to have a boolean to set an account as needing an update, and then you could use a plug-in to reset that flag whenever the owner updated it along with setting a last updated date. This would give you the fields to flag an account as needing to be updated and the date would allow you to see which accounts had been updated by their owners.


Platform / extranet suggestions for capturing data from external sales agents

I'm looking for suggestions for a tool/platform that can help in capturing form and file attachment data from external sales agents. I currently use Google Forms and a plugin to enable sending email notifications to specific contacts, but the hope is to create something more advanced where people providing the data can login to submit data and make updates to the records. The platform should also enable approval workflows with email notifications to ensure the incoming data meets requirements.
Here is a description of the desired process:
Agent logs in to the platform
Agent submits data (and optional file attachments) into the system using a form
Upon submission, the system triggers a review task and sends an email notification to a reviewer
If the reviewer deems the information invalid/incomplete, they will
reject it, with comment, and the system will
automatically send the information back to the agent while copying
their manager. Record status will be updated automatically.
If the reviewer deems the information invalid, they will approve it, with or without
comment, and the system will automatically send the information back to the agent while copying
their manager and project administrator. Record status will be updated automatically.
Additional requirements:
Contacts for email notifications will vary by agent and they should be determined by identification items on the user/agent profile
Agents need to be able to update records but a new review task will be triggered once an update is submitted
The system should have functionality for searching the record fields
An agent should see their own data and data submitted by others in the same agency, but not the data submitted by agents outside their agency
I should be able to see the full list of submissions and version history of the records
Approximate scale: 100-150 agencies, 1000-1500 agents
So far, I've thought of using a list within SharePoint Online combined with Microsoft Flow, but I'm not sure it would enable all the desired functionality. I'd be interested in your thoughts about that setup as well as others that you think could work and/or have found successful. Even if your solution does not tick all the boxes, I'd be interested to know about it.
Thanks a lot for your help!

Create Purchase Order Workflow Ignoring Items with Certain Item->Locations

When creating a Purchase Order (PO) from a Sales Order (SO) in NetSuite, desire to only populate the PO->ItemList with Items from SO which are set to a specific Item->Location even when they share Preferred Vendor.
How can we achieve this? Thinking perhaps a Workflow can check the ItemList when the Create PO link is clicked on an Item.
Our solution ended up being to identify the items which were not to be added to the PO. Then we set the quantity to 0 and added a User Error message upon saving if they were still on the PO. This could be achieved via some scripting, though this was sufficient for our needs with this workflow process.

Dynamics CRM Workflow: Verifying that Item is assigned to a User (vs. Team) Before Sending Notification

I have reviewed all the past questions as well as scoured google results, but I can't find a good answer to this.
In our MS Dynamics CRM 2016 Cloud implementation, we have added email notifications to the owner of a Lead, or Opportunity, based on certain events. Sometimes the owner is a Team, and in those cases, we want to avoid sending to the team (it causes the workflow to get stuck in "waiting for retry based on error").
I added a qualification to all the workflows to say: If OwningUser.PrimaryEmail Contains Data ...
My theory was that if a user were associated with the Owner field, this would pass (all of our users have primary emails except service accounts), and if a team were associated, it would fail. However, that is not happening - it is still trying to send the email and failing.
I was concerned that it could be an issue if no user were assigned and the system tried to reference a null value.
However, I can't see another way to do this and no one I've talked to seems to know either.
Try adding a condition like this. This should hopefully tell you if the owner is populated with a team record, if not then you are safe to send the email.

Suggestions about how to handle recurring payments when packages involved

Please suggest the following:
when a user want a certain package in my site, let's call it basic package.. his starting his recurring payment..after half a month he canceles the package, but his still paid for a full month, my question is this:
When recurring payment involved, what kind of fields should i save from the ipn, and how should i know exactly when to stop the features of the package a user bought...
I've seen in the ipn, i have 'next recurring payment' date, should i save it and use it? should i, every time a user do anything related to his package,check if the package limit time just ended?
What can be a most preferred solution for this?
When recurring payment involved, what kind of fields should i save from the ipn
All of them, for any kind of IPN whatsoever. Log the entire transaction every time.
and how should i know exactly when to stop the features of the package a user bought...
You should definitely stop when you get a cancel or eot IPN message. You probably don't want to deny service just because of payment difficulties. See below for the rest of it.
I've seen in the ipn, i have 'next recurring payment' date, should i save it and use it?
Save everything. Then you don't have a problem.
should i, every time a user do anything related to his package, check if the package limit time just ended? What can be a most preferred solution for this?
I have a 'subscriptions' table which shows the user/product pair and the expiry date. Every time he pays the expiry date is pushed out another period, or maybe I create it with the final expiry date, I don't remember offhand. When he logs in, he is given the roles associated with all his subscriptions that haven't expired yet.
If he tries to do something he can no longer do due to an expiry:
he isn't even provided with a link in the first place by the webapp, so he can't get there by any direct action
in any other case, e.g. somewhere I forgot to do that, or when he tries to access via a bookmark, container-managed authentication will see that he isn't in the appropriate role and give him a 403.
He can also see a table of his subscriptions showing how long they have left to run, and another table of expired subscriptions.

CQ5 workflow inbox notifications persisting after workflow finished

I've implemented a custom workflow in Adobe CQ5.6, similar to
I'm using CQ5 inbox notifications only -- no email notifications.
The problem is, after the Approver selects either "Approve" or "Reject", the inbox notification does not get removed, even though the workflow continues / completes.
There doesn't seem to be an option to manually delete a notification, unless you go into crxde and delete the nodes. So the main concern here is that notifications will quickly pile up, making it confusing to figure out which ones are current, and ultimately clogging up the app.
This only seems to happen at this exact step in the workflow. The Author's notifications disappear once they've been dealt with, as you would expect.
Has anyone had anything like this happen before?
Something about the way I worded this question helped me figure out the answer.
The Author's notifications disappear ... as you would expect
This made me think it might be a user permission problem rather than anything to do with the workflow step.
I confirmed this by switching the roles of the two user types, (so the Approver starts the workflow and the Author must approve the change). As I guessed, it was any notification assigned to the Approver, rather than notifications generated by that particular workflow step, which were not disappearing.
Specifically, the permission that was missing was for /etc/workflow/instances. I allowed all methods for that user, and my problem is resolved.
You can edit permissions via /useradmin.html in your CQ5 instance (in my case, http://localhost:4502/useradmin.html )