Improve Hasura Subscription Performance - postgresql

we developed a web app that relies on real-time interaction between our users. We use Angular for the frontend and Hasura with GraphQL on Postgres as our backend.
What we noticed is that when more than 300 users are active at the same time we experience crucial performance losses.
Therefore, we want to improve our subscriptions setup. We think that possible issues could be:
Too many subscriptions
too large and complex subscriptions, too many forks in the subscription
Concerning 1. each user has approximately 5-10 subscriptions active when using the web app. Concerning 2. we have subscriptions that are complex as we join up to 6 tables together.
The solutions we think of:
Use more queries and limit the use of subscriptions on fields that are totally necessary to be real-time.
Split up complex queries/subscriptions in multiple smaller ones.
Are we missing another possible cause? What else can we use to improve the overall performance?
Thank you for your input!

OP question is quite broad and impossible to be answered in a general case.
So what I describe here reflects my experience with optimization of subscriptions - it's for OP to decide is it reflects their situtation.
Short description of system
Users of system: uploads documents, extracts information, prepare new documents, converse during process (IM-like functionalitty), there are AI-bots that tries to reduce the burden of repetitive tasks, services that exchange data with external systems.
There are a lot of entities, a lot of interaction between both human and robot participants. Plus quite complex authorization rules: visibility of data depends on organization, departements and content of documents.
What was on start
At first it was:
programmer wrote a graphql-query for whole data needed for application
changed query to subscription
It was OK for first 2-3 monthes then:
queries became more complex and then even more complex
amount of subscriptions grew
UI became lagging
DB instance is always near 100% load. Even during nigths and weekends. Because somebody did not close application
First we did optimization of queries itself but it did not suffice:
some things are rightfully costly: JOINs, existence predicates, data itself grew significantly
network part: you can optimize DB but just to transfer all needed data has it's cost
Optimization of subscriptions
Step I. Split subscriptions: subscribe for change date, query on change
Instead of complex subscription for whole data split into parts:
A. Subscription for a single field that indicates that entity was changed
Instead of:
# other fields
pages{ # array relation
tasks{ # array relation
# multiple other array/object relations
# pagination and ordering
that returns thousands of rows.
Create a function that:
accepts hasura_session - so that results are individual per user
returns just one field: max_change_date
So it became:
Always one row and always one field
B. Change of application logic
Query whole data
Subscribe for doc_change_date
memorize value of max_change_date
if max_change_date changed - requery data
It's absolutely OK if subscription function sometimes returns false positives.
There is no need to replicate all predicates from source query to subscription function.
In our case: visibility of data depends on organizations and departments (and even more).
So if a user of one department creates/modifies document - this change is not visible to user of other department.
But those changes are like ones/twice in a minute per organization.
So for subscription function we can ignore those granularity and calculate max_change_date for whole organization.
It's beneficial to have faster and cruder subscription function: it will trigger refresh of data more frequently but whole cost will be less.
Step II. Multiplex subscriptions
The first step is a crucial one.
And hasura has a multiplexing of subscriptions:
So in theory hasura could be smart enough and solve your problems.
But if you think "explicit better than implicit" there is another step you can do.
In our case:
user(s) uploads documents
combines them in dossiers
create new document types
converse with other
So subscriptions becames: doc_change_date, dossier_change_date, msg_change_date and so on.
But actually it could be beneficial to have just one subscription: "hey! there are changes for you!"
So instead of multiple subscriptions application makes just one.
We thought about 2 formats of multiplexed subscription:
A. Subscription returns just one field {max_change_date} that is accumulative for all entities
B. Subscription returns more granular result: {doc_change_date, dossier_change_date, msg_change_date}
Right now "A" works for us. But maybe we change to "B" in future.
Step III. What we would do differently with hasura 2.0
That's what we did not tried yet.
Hasura 2.0 allows registering VOLATILE functions for queries.
That allows creation of functions with memoization in DB:
you define a cache for function call presumably in a table
then on function call you first look in cache
if not exists: add values to cache
return result from cache
That allows further optimizations both for subscription functions and query functions.
Actually it's possible to do that without waiting for hasura 2.0 but it requires trickery on postgresql side:
you create VOLATILE function that did real work
and another function that's defined as STABLE that calls VOLATILE function. This function could be registered in hasura
It works but that's trick is hard to recommend.
Who knows, maybe future postgresql versions or updates will make it impossible.
That's everything that I can say on the topic right now.
Actually I would be glad to read something similar a year ago.
If somebody sees some pitfalls - please comment, I would be glad to hear opinions and maybe alternative ways.
I hope that this explanation will help somebody or at least provoke thought how to deal with subscriptions in other ways.


CQRS projections, joining data from different aggregates via probe commands

In CQRS when we need to create a custom-tailored projections for our read-models, we usually prefer a "denormalized" projections (assume we are talking about projecting onto a DB). It is not uncommon to have the information need by the application/UI come from different aggregates (possibly from different BCs).
Imagine we need a projected table to contain customer's information together with her full address and that Customer and Address are different aggregates in our system (possibly in different BCs). Meaning that, addresses are generated and maintained independently of customers. Or, in other words, when a new customer is created, there is no guarantee that there will be an AddressCreatedEvent subsequently produced by the system, this event may have already been processed prior to the creation of the customer. All we have at the time of CreateCustomerCommand is an UUID of an existing address.
We have several solutions here.
Enrich CreateCustomerCommand and the subsequent CustomerCreatedEvent to contain full address of the customer (looking up this information on the fly from the UI or the controller). This way the projection handler will just update the table directly upon receiving CustomerCreatedEvent.
Use the addrUuid provided in CustomerCreatedEvent to perform an ad-hoc query in the projection handler to get the missing part of the address information before updating the table.
These are commonly discussed solution to this problem. However, as noted by many others, there are problems with each approach. Enriching events can be difficult to justify as well described by Enrico Massone in this question, for example. Querying other views/projections (kind of JOINs) will work but introduces coupling (see the same link).
I would like describe another method here, which, as I believe, nicely addresses these concerns. I apologize beforehand for not giving a proper credit if this is a known technique. Sincerely, I have not seen it described elsewhere (at least not as explicitly).
"A picture speaks a thousand words", as they say:
The idea is that :
We keep CreateCustomerCommand and CustomerCreatedEvent simple with only addrUuid attribute (no enriching).
In API controller we send two commands to the command handler (aggregates): the first one, as usual, - CreateCustomerCommand to create customer and project customer information together with addrUuid to the table leaving other columns (full address, etc.) empty for time being. (Warning: See the update, we may have concurrency issue here and need to issue the probe command from a Saga.)
Right after this, and after we have obtained custUuid of the newly created customer, we issue a special ProbeAddrressCommand to Address aggregate triggering an AddressProbedEvent which will encapsulate the full state of the address together with the special attribute probeInitiatorUuid which is, of course our custUuid from the previous command.
The projection handler will then act upon AddressProbedEvent by simply filling in the missing pieces of the information in the table looking up the required row by matching the provided probeInitiatorUuid (i.e. custUuid) and addrUuid.
So we have two phases: create Customer and probe for the related Address. They are depicted in the diagram with (1) and (2) correspondingly.
Obviously, we can send as many such "probe" commands (in parallel) as needed by our projection: ProbeBillingCommand, ProbePreferencesCommand, etc. effectively populating or "filling in" the denormalized projection with missing data from each handled "probe" event.
The advantages of this method is that we keep the commands/events in the first phase simple (only UUIDs to other aggregates) all the while avoiding synchronous coupling (joining) of the projections. The whole approach has a nice EDA feeling about it.
My question is then: is this a known technique? Seems like I have not seen this... And what can go wrong with this approach?
I would be more then happy to update this question with any references to other sources which describe this method.
There is one significant flaw with this approach that I can see already: command ProbeAddrressCommand cannot be issued before the projection handler had a chance to process CustomerCreatedEvent. But this is impossible to know from the API gateway (or controller).
The solution would probably involve a Saga, say CustomerAddressJoinProjectionSaga with will start upon receiving CustomerCreatedEvent and which will only then issue ProbeAddrressCommand. The Saga will end upon registering AddressProbedEvent. Or, if many other aggregates are involved in probing, when all such events have been received.
So here is the updated diagram.
As noted by Levi Ramsey (see answer below) my example is rather convoluted with respect to the choice of aggregates. Indeed, Customer and Address are often conceptualized as belonging together (same Aggregate Root). So it is a better illustration of the problem to think of something like Student and Course instead, assuming for the sake of simplicity that there is a straightforward relation between the two: a student is taking a course. This way it is more obvious that Student and Course are independent aggregates (students and courses can be created and maintained at different times and different places in the system).
But the question still remains: how can we obtain a projection containing the full information about a student (full name, etc.) and the courses she is registered for (title, credits, the instructor's full name, prerequisites, etc.) all in the same table, if the UI requires it ?
A couple of thoughts:
I question why address needs to be a separate aggregate much less in a different bounded context, in view of the requirement that customers have an address. If in some other bounded context customer addresses are meaningful (e.g. you want to know "which addresses have more customers" etc.), then that context can subscribe to the events from the customer service.
As an alternative, if there's a particularly strong reason to model addresses separately from customers, why not have the read side prospectively listen for events from the address aggregate and store the latest address for a given address UUID in case there's a customer who ends up with that address. The reliability per unit effort of that approach is likely to be somewhat greater, I would expect.

Is rule engine suitable for validating data against set of rules?

I am trying to design an application that allows users to create subscriptions based on different configurations - expressing their interest to receive alerts when those conditions are met.
While evaluating the options for achieving the same, I was thinking about utilizing a generic rule engine such as Drools to achieve the same. Which seemed to be a natural fit to this problem looking at an high-level. But digging deeper and giving it a bit more thought, I am doubting if Business Rule Engine is the right thing to use.
I see Rule engine as something that can select a Rule based on predefined condition and apply the Rule to that data to produce an outcome. Whereas, my requirement is to start with a data (the event that is generated) and identify based on Rules (subscriptions) configured by users to identify all the Rules (subscription) that would satisfy the event being handled. So that Alerts can be generated to all those Subscribers.
To give an example, an hypothetical subscription from an user could be, to be alerted when a product in Amazon drops below $10 in the next 7 days. Another user would have created a subscription to be notified when a product in Amazon drops below $15 within the next 30 days and also offers free one-day shipping for Prime members.
After a bit of thought, I have settled down to storing the Rules/Subscriptions in a relational DB and identifying which Subscriptions are to fire an Alert for an Event by querying against the DB.
My main reason for choosing this approach is because of the volume, as the number of Rules/Subscriptions I being with will be about 1000 complex rules, and will grow exponentially as more users are added to the system. With the query approach I can trigger a single query that can validate all Rules in one go, vs. the Rule engine approach which would require me to do multiple validations based on the number of Rules configured.
While, I know my DB approach would work (may not be efficient), I just wanted to understand if Rule Engine can be used for such purposes and be able to scale well as the number of rules increases. (Performance is of at most importance as the number of Events that are to be processed per minute will be about 1000+)
If rule engine is not the right way to approach it, what other options are there for me to explore rather than writing my own implementation.
You are getting it wrong. A standard rule engine selects rules to execute based on the data. The rules constraints are evaluated with the data you insert into the rule engine. If all constraints in a rule match the data, the rule is executed. I would suggest you to try Drools.

REST design principles: Referencing related objects vs Nesting objects

My team and I we are refactoring a REST-API and I have come to a question.
For terms of brevity, let us assume that we have an SQL database with 4 tables: Teachers, Students, Courses and Classrooms.
Right now all the relations between the items are represented in the REST-API through referencing the URL of the related item. For example for a course we could have the following
{ "id":"Course1", "teacher": "", ... }
In addition, if ask a list of courses thought a call GET call to /courses, I get a list of references as shown below:
... //pagination details
"items": [
{"href": ""},
{"href": ""}...
All this is nice and clean but if I want a list of all the courses titles with the teachers' names and I have 2000 courses and 500 teachers I have to do the following:
Approximately 2500 queries just to read the data.
Implement the join between the teachers and courses
Optimize with caching etc, so that I will do it as fast as possible.
My problem is that this method creates a lot of network traffic with thousands of REST-API calls and that I have to re-implement the natural join that the database would do way more efficiently.
Colleagues say that this is approach is the standard way of implementing a REST-API but then a relatively simple query becomes a big hassle.
My question therefore is:
1. Is it wrong if we we nest the teacher information in the courses.
2. Should the listing of items e.g. GET /courses return a list of references or a list of items?
Edit: After some research I would say the model I have in mind corresponds mainly to the one shown in Is this a good approach?
My problem is that this method creates a lot of network traffic with thousands of REST-API calls and that I have to re-implement the natural join that the database would do way more efficiently. Colleagues say that this is approach is the standard way of implementing a REST-API but then a relatively simple query becomes a big hassle.
Your colleagues have lost the plot.
Here's your heuristic - how would you support this use case on a web site?
You would probably do it by defining a new web page, that produces the report you need. You'd run the query, you the result set to generate a bunch of HTML, and ta-da! The client has the information that they need in a standardized representation.
A REST-API is the same thing, with more emphasis on machine readability. Create a new document, with a schema so that your clients can understand the semantics of the document you return to them, tell the clients how to find the target uri for the document, and voila.
Creating new resources to handle new use cases is the normal approach to REST.
Yes, I totally think you should design something similar to As a rule of thumb, I would say "prefer a solution that requires less network calls". It's especially true if amount of network calls will be less by order of magnitude.
Of course it doesn't eliminate the need to limit the request/response size if it becomes unreasonable.
Real life solutions must have a proper balance. Clean API is nice as long as it works.
So in your case I would so something like:
GET /courses?include=teachers
GET /courses?includeTeacher=true
GET /courses?includeTeacher=brief|full
In the last one the response can have only the teacher's id for brief and full teacher details for full.
My problem is that this method creates a lot of network traffic with thousands of REST-API calls and that I have to re-implement the natural join that the database would do way more efficiently. Colleagues say that this is approach is the standard way of implementing a REST-API but then a relatively simple query becomes a big hassle.
Have you actually measured the overhead generated by each request? If not, how do you know that the overhead will be too intense? From an object-oriented programmers perspective it may sound bad to perform each call on their own, your design, however, lacks one important asset which helped the Web to grew to its current size: caching.
Caching can occur on multiple levels. You can do it on the API level or the client might do something or an intermediary server might do it. Fielding even mad it a constraint of REST! So, if you want to comply to the REST architecture philosophy you should also support caching of responses. Caching helps to reduce the number of requests having to be calculated or even processed by a single server. With the help of stateless communication you might even introduce a multitude of servers that all perform calculations for billions of requests that act as one cohesive system to the client. An intermediary cache may further help to reduce the number of requests that actually reach the server significantly.
A URI as a whole (including any path, matrix or query parameters) is actually a key for a cache. Upon receiving a GET request, i.e., an application checks whether its current cache already contains a stored response for that URI and returns the stored response on behalf of the server directly to the client if the stored data is "fresh enough". If the stored data already exceeded the freshness threshold it will throw away the stored data and route the request to the next hop in line (might be the actual server, might be a further intermediary).
Spotting resources that are ideal for caching might not be easy at times, though the majority of data doesn't change that quickly to completely neglect caching at all. Thus, it should be, at least, of general interest to introduce caching, especially the more traffic your API produces.
While certain media-types such as HAL JSON, jsonapi, ... allow you to embed content gathered from related resources into the response, embedding content has some potential drawbacks such as:
Utilization of the cache might be low due to mixing data that changes quickly with data that is more static
Server might calculate data the client wont need
One server calculates the whole response
If related resources are only linked to instead of directly embedded, a client for sure has to fire off a further request to obtain that data, though it actually is more likely to get (partly) served by a cache which, as mentioned a couple times now throughout the post, reduces the workload on the server. Besides that, a positive side effect could be that you gain more insights into what the clients are actually interested in (if an intermediary cache is run by you i.e.).
Is it wrong if we we nest the teacher information in the courses.
It is not wrong, but it might not be ideal as explained above
Should the listing of items e.g. GET /courses return a list of references or a list of items?
It depends. There is no right or wrong.
As REST is just a generalization of the interaction model used in the Web, basically the same concepts apply to REST as well. Depending on the size of the "item" it might be beneficial to return a short summary of the items content and add a link to the item. Similar things are done in the Web as well. For a list of students enrolled in a course this might be the name and its matriculation number and the link further details of that student could be asked for accompanied by a link-relation name that give the actual link some semantical context which a client can use to decide whether invoking such URI makes sense or not.
Such link-relation names are either standardized by IANA, common approaches such as Dublin Core or or custom extensions as defined in RFC 8288 (Web Linking). For the above mentioned list of students enrolled in a course you could i.e. make use of the about relation name to hint a client that further information on the current item can be found by following the link. If you want to enable pagination the usage of first, next, prev and last can and probably should be used as well and so forth.
This is actually what HATEOAS is all about. Linking data together and giving them meaningful relation names to span a kind of semantic net between resources. By simply embedding things into a response such semantic graphs might be harder to build and maintain.
In the end it basically boils down to implementation choice whether you want to embed or reference resources. I hope, I could shed some light on the usefulness of caching and the benefits it could yield, especially on large-scale systems, as well as on the benefit of providing link-relation names for URIs, that enhance the semantical context of relations used within your API.

Blogs and Blog Comments Relationship in NoSQL

Going off an example in the accepted answer here:
Mongo DB relations between objects
For a blogging system, "Posts should be a collection. post author might be a separate collection, or simply a field within posts if only an email address. comments should be embedded objects within a post for performance."
If this is the case, does that mean that every time my app displays a blog post, I'm loading every single comment that was ever made on that post? What if there are 3,729 comments? Wouldn't this brutalize the database connection, SQL or NoSQL? Also there's the obvious scenario in which when I load a blog post, I want to show only the first 10 comments initially.
Document databases are not relational databases. You CANNOT first build the database model and then later on decide on various interesting ways of querying it. Instead, you should first determine what access patterns you want to support, and then design the document schemas accordingly.
So in order to answer your question, what we really need to know is how you intend to use the data. Displaying comments associated with a post is a distinctly different scenario than displaying all comments from a particular author. Each one of those requirements will dictate a different design, as will supporting them both.
This in itself may be useful information to you (?), but I suspect you want more concrete answers :) So please add some additional details on your intended usage.
Adding more info:
There are a few "do" and "don'ts" when deciding on a strategy:
DO: Optimize for the common use-cases. There is often a 20/80 breakdown where 20% of the UX drives 80% of the load - the homepage/landing page is a classic example. First priority is to make sure that these are as efficient as possible. Make sure that your data model allows either A) loading those in either a single IO request or B) is cache-friendly
DONT: don't fall into the dreaded "N+1" trap. This pattern occurs when you data model forces you to make N calls in order to load N entities, often preceded by an additional call to get the list of the N IDs. This is a killer, especially together with #3...
DO: Always cap (via the UX) the amount of data which you are willing to fetch. If the user has 3729 comments you obviously aren't going to fetch them all at once. Even it it was feasible from a database perspective, the user experience would be horrible. Thats why search engines use the "next 20 results" paradigm. So you can (for example) align the database structure to the UX and save the comments in blocks of 20. Then each page refresh involves a single DB get.
DO: Balance the Read and Write requirements. Some types of systems are read-heavy and you can assume that for each write there will be many reads (StackOverflow is a good example). So there it makes sense to make writes more expensive in order to gain benefits in read performance. For example, data denormalization and duplication. Other systems are evenly balanced or even write heavy and require other approaches
DO: Use the dimension of TIME to your advantage. Twitter is a classic example: 99.99% of tweets will never be accessed after the first hour/day/week/whatever. That opens all kinds of interesting optimization possibilities in the your data schema.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. I suggest reading up a little on column-based NoSQL systems (such as Cassandra)
Not sure if this answers you question, but anyhow you can throttle the amount of blog comments in two ways:
Load only the last 10 , or range of blog comments using $slice operator
db.blogs.find( {_id : someValue}, { comments: { $slice: -10 } } )
will return last 10 comments
db.blogs.find( {_id : someValue}, { comments: { $slice: [-10, 10] } } )
will return next 10 comments
Use capped array to save only the last n blog posts using capped arrays

"Life Beyond Transactions" Entity-Message-Activity Model in Practice?

Over vacation I read Pat Helland's "Life Beyond Transactions" (yes, vacation was that good :). To sum it up briefly, it advocates limiting the scope of transactions to a single entity and then using groups of "activities" that have the ability to update the entity or cancel a task anytime a change takes place that would make that task invalid.
(E.g. Shipping Order A requires some amount of Item 1. The Shipping Orders and Items are stored as entities and have their own activities. Shipping Order B ships with the last of Item 1 before A finishes. The activity for Item 1 cancels Shipping Order A.)
I had thought I was printing out the Dynamo paper, so forgive me if I conflate the two here. I've seen quite a few "NoSQL" projects influenced by Dynamo and BigTable, particularly in how they address entities by keys and partition data. I was wondering if this Entity-Message-Activity model has influenced any of them?
Or, to put it in more concrete terms, if I have an operation in HBase, Cassandra, Riak, etc. that spans multiple entities, do I need to implement an Activity all by myself (as more of a design pattern in the application), or is there some kind of existing framework? Or do they do something else completely that renders this entire question moot?
I can add my 2 cents here just from a Cassandra point of view (I haven't used the other NoSQL engines available). Cassandra is primarily designed to be a fast read-write structure. Twitter is a great use case for Cassandra (check the twitter clone Twissandra for this)
Assuming I have understood your question correctly: yes you will have to implement the activity yourself. To understand the modeling of Column/SuperColumnFamilies I would suggest reading this great article WTF is a SuperColumn?