Emacs is unable to run code in swift-mode since upgrading to Catalina - swift

When I try to run code in emacs swift-mode with C-c C-z, I receive the following message:
'warning: unable to find and load segment named '__OBJC_RO' at
0x7fff6e030000 in '/usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib' in macosx dynamic loader
warning: unable to find and load segment named '__OBJC_RW' at
0x7fff919d9080 in '/usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib' in macosx dynamic loader
I am running emacs version 26.3 and macOS version 10.15
Does anybody have a resolution for this issue?


Spacemacs warnings after upgrade Debian 10 to 11 on Chromebook

I'm using Spacemacs on a Chromebook using the Linux environment. I had a notification indicated me that a new version of Debian was available, and I launched the upgrade. After that, when launching emacs with Spacemacs, it is written
found 6 new package(s) to install ...
refreshing package archive: nongnu [/]
After a few time, there is the following warnings:
Error (use-package): hl-todo/:init: Symbol’s function definition is void: global-hl-todo-mode
Error (use-package): undo-tree/:init: Symbol’s function definition is void: global-undo-tree-mode
It looks like I can continue to use emacs/spacemacs normally, but it took a certain time to launch.

VSCode Extension Host Terminated Unexpectedly OSX Catalina

Have recently updated to Catalina, since then have not been able to run/debug in VSCode. On start of VSCode I see a pop-up with message - extension host quit unexpectedly.
In developer tools I see message:
dyld: Symbol not found: _iconv Referenced from: /usr/lib/libarchive.2.dylib Expected in: /opt/local/lib/libiconv.2.dylib in /usr/lib/libarchive.2.dylib
What to do?
For me, it was an issue with mysql library installed on my mac. Nothing to do with vscode.
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mysql/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH

ArchLinux LibreOfficeFresh unable to start

My System:
- ArchLinux
- LibreOfficeFresh 5.0.2-3
- Xorg116
- Catalyst Graphics Drivers
LibreOfficeFresh is unable to start since I have installed catalyst, so since i switched
from MESA to catalyst.
Error Description:
[tekkkz#thinkpad ~]$ libreoffice
(soffice:1022): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_value_set_boxed: assertion 'G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOXED (value)' failed
(soffice:1022): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gtype.c:4268: type id '0' is invalid
(soffice:1022): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: can't peek value table for type '<invalid>' which is not currently referenced
Application Error
Someone an idea how I can get my LibreOffice working again?
Thanks for help,
this is the message that I saw when upgrading today
(18/24) upgrading libreoffice-fresh [##############################] 100%
> LibreOffice now uses highly experimental gtk3 vcl by default
> on some desktops. To use stable gtk2 vcl uncomment
> it in /etc/profile.d/libreoffice-fresh.{sh,csh}
So you can try that, uncomment the line export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk
and re-login, if you don't want to logout, you have to export the variable manually in a terminal and run libreoffice from that terminal inmediately after exporting the variable.
I do that, and it works right now
It seems to be a problem with GTK themes (and a recent change between GTK2/3). Try changing themes and see if it starts working again (it did for me).

Nsight Eclipse Edition not finding nvcc

I just installed CUDA 5.0 Preview (Mac OS X Lion) and I'm having trouble with Nsight.
The toolkit seems to be installed correctly. (Driver loads, nvcc -V works in bash, samples work fine).
When I create a new project I get warnings:
Error launching external scanner info generator (nvcc -dryrun ...)
Program 'nvcc' is not found in $PATH
In Preferences -> CUDA Toolkit I get no CUDA-compatible devices detected. Which is strange because I have nVidia GT 650M on my machine. So why doesn't Nsight recognize it?
If I try to build a project I get 2 errors:
/bin/sh: nvcc: command not found
make: * [src/test.o] Error 127
How do you start Nsight? Do you use /usr/local/cuda/bin/nsight? Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to launch Nsight by double-clinking the application on Mac OS X.
In the CUDA 5.0 Preview build we had a bug when shell script did not properly setup paths. This is how this script looks like in latest internal toolkit builds (you may need to adjust paths depending on your toolkit install location - in the final release installer will handle it):
PATH="$PATH:/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-5.0/bin" DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-5.0/lib" "/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-5.0/libnsight/nsight.app/Contents/MacOS/nsight" $#

Matlab: loading wmv video files

I am trying to load a wmv video in Matlab as follows:
vidObj = mmreader('video.wmv');
However, I receive the following error:
The file requires the following codec(s) to be installed on your system: video/x-ms-asf
I don't understand why I am receiving this error, since I am able to play wmv files on my system. I am running Matlab 7.10.0 (R2010a) on Ubuntu 11.04. How can I fix this problem?
it might be hard to impossible to get this working on a linux system. Alternatively, you could write your own wmv import function (if you know how to talk to the underlying libraries on your linux system, i.e. vlc).
I have received the same error message because of a version conflict for the standard c++ library.
I have started MATLAB in a console window and recognized that Gstreamer fails to load a plug-in.
(:26573): GStreamer-WARNING **: Failed to load plugin '/usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/libgstffmpeg.so':
/usr/local/MATLAB/2010b/bin/glnx86/../../sys/os/glnx86/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found (required by /usr/lib/libdirac_encoder.so.0)
The problem is, MATLAB ships with libstdc++.so.6.0.10 and GStreamer complains that it should work with libstdc++.so.6.0.13
So you should replace the symbolic link in MATLAB dir with the one in your system.
$ rm /usr/local/MATLAB/2010b/sys/os/glnx86/libstdc++.so.6
$ ln -s /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 /usr/local/MATLAB/2010b/sys/os/glnx86/libstdc++.so.6