Spacemacs warnings after upgrade Debian 10 to 11 on Chromebook - emacs

I'm using Spacemacs on a Chromebook using the Linux environment. I had a notification indicated me that a new version of Debian was available, and I launched the upgrade. After that, when launching emacs with Spacemacs, it is written
found 6 new package(s) to install ...
refreshing package archive: nongnu [/]
After a few time, there is the following warnings:
Error (use-package): hl-todo/:init: Symbol’s function definition is void: global-hl-todo-mode
Error (use-package): undo-tree/:init: Symbol’s function definition is void: global-undo-tree-mode
It looks like I can continue to use emacs/spacemacs normally, but it took a certain time to launch.


How to config CDT debug for cygwin?

I am new to eclipse CDT with cygwin. I just created a HelloWorld C++ project.
The built exe works in cygwin.
If I click the exe in file in file explorer, it says that it can not find cygwin1.dll. This error can be resolved by adding C:\cygwin64\bin to the Path env variable.
If I try to debug directly, I got the following errors:
Failed to execute MI command:
Error message from debugger back end:
Error creating process /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/C:/Users/Cheng_g15klso/Documents/Proj/HelloWorld/C:/Users/Cheng_g15klso/Documents/Proj/HelloWorld/Debug/HelloWorld.exe, (error 2).
The above diagnosis seems to point to lacking of C:\cygwin64\bin, so I add C:\cygwin64\bin to Path env variable in the env var tab of the debug config, but the result is the same.
My questions:
How to solve this issue?
Where to find a list of error to decode error 2?
It seems that the latest gdb above version 9.2-1 is wrong:
I have downgrade my gdb and gcc for cgywin to cure the issue

Emacs is unable to run code in swift-mode since upgrading to Catalina

When I try to run code in emacs swift-mode with C-c C-z, I receive the following message:
'warning: unable to find and load segment named '__OBJC_RO' at
0x7fff6e030000 in '/usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib' in macosx dynamic loader
warning: unable to find and load segment named '__OBJC_RW' at
0x7fff919d9080 in '/usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib' in macosx dynamic loader
I am running emacs version 26.3 and macOS version 10.15
Does anybody have a resolution for this issue?

Error "Did you compile with -rdynamic?" seen only when application installed using RPM

I have a Vala application that loads modules just gmodule-2.0, when installed through usual make install means everything works correctly. When I build an RPM file and install (on Fedora 27) using dnf install my-app I get a whole bunch of errors like
(my-app:15094): Gtk-WARNING **: Could not find signal handler 'btn_thing_changed_cb'. Did you compile with -rdynamic?
(my-app:15094): Gtk-WARNING **: Could not find signal handler 'adj_thing_value_changed_cb'. Did you compile with -rdynamic?
Even after I add -rdynamic to the build and reinstall I continue to see these errors. Somewhere I read that I need to use gmodule-export-2.0, but the diff on it's pkgconfig and the one for gmodule-2.0 shows that they're exactly the same. Soooo...
The application is written in Vala and built using valac. Also, the UI classes that I have are Gtk template classes which may be an issue, but the fact that it works when I install from source makes me think that it isn't.
This is because the default RPM build will strip the symbols out of executables. You can disable stripping by changing your spec file to include:
%global __os_install_post %{nil}
%global __strip /bin/true

Yasnippet installing with cask in Emacs error

I've been trying to install Yasnippet using Cask, but I can't get it to work. I've installed other packages using Cask and they seem to work, but Yasnippet won't load. I get this error when I opened Emacs and have added (yas-global-mode 1) to my init.el file.
Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading `/home/adam/.emacs.d/init.el':
error: Don't know how to make a localized variable an alias
To ensure normal operation, you should investigate and remove the
cause of the error in your initialization file. Start Emacs with
the `--debug-init' option to view a complete error backtrace.
Cask has been erased and reinstalled in my home folder. The Yasnippet map in /home/adam/.emacs.d/.cask/24.3.1/elpa/ has been erased and reinstalled with Cask.
Thanks in advance for help!
Edit: emacs --debug-init
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Don't know how to make a localized variable an alias")
defvaralias(yas/fallback-behavior yas-fallback-behavior)

Emacs packages fails install due missing deps: pkg-info and dash

I get the following error when installing a set of packages for my emacs client (clojure-mode)
Warning (emacs): Unable to activate package pkg-info'.
Required packagedash-1.6.0' is unavailable
Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading `/home/skinney/.emacs.d/init.el':
Wrong type argument: stringp, nil
How do I solve this? A google search reveals nothing :/
As #lunaryorn noted this was caused by a bug in the EPL package. See the discussion here for the details.
The new version is already on MELPA. If updating does not work for you - you might have to remove EPL and reinstall EPL manually.