ArchLinux LibreOfficeFresh unable to start - gtk

My System:
- ArchLinux
- LibreOfficeFresh 5.0.2-3
- Xorg116
- Catalyst Graphics Drivers
LibreOfficeFresh is unable to start since I have installed catalyst, so since i switched
from MESA to catalyst.
Error Description:
[tekkkz#thinkpad ~]$ libreoffice
(soffice:1022): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_value_set_boxed: assertion 'G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOXED (value)' failed
(soffice:1022): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gtype.c:4268: type id '0' is invalid
(soffice:1022): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: can't peek value table for type '<invalid>' which is not currently referenced
Application Error
Someone an idea how I can get my LibreOffice working again?
Thanks for help,

this is the message that I saw when upgrading today
(18/24) upgrading libreoffice-fresh [##############################] 100%
> LibreOffice now uses highly experimental gtk3 vcl by default
> on some desktops. To use stable gtk2 vcl uncomment
> it in /etc/profile.d/libreoffice-fresh.{sh,csh}
So you can try that, uncomment the line export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk
and re-login, if you don't want to logout, you have to export the variable manually in a terminal and run libreoffice from that terminal inmediately after exporting the variable.
I do that, and it works right now

It seems to be a problem with GTK themes (and a recent change between GTK2/3). Try changing themes and see if it starts working again (it did for me).


Jupyter extension for VSCode on Linux throws error when doing anything Jupyter related

After installing code-oss on Manjaro Linux along with the Jupyter extension for code and jupyter-notebooks itself, the extension seems to error when I try to do anything Jupyter related inside code. If I try to create a new notebook from the command pallete, it pops up a dialog saying this:
Command 'Jupyter: Create New Jupyter Notebook' resulted in an error (command 'jupyter.createnewnotebook' not found)
Code then tells me that the extension activation failed and to open the chrome developer console for more information. This is what the chrome console then says:
extension activation failed Error: Extension 'ms-toolsai.jupyter' CANNOT use API proposal: notebookEditor. Its package.json#enabledApiProposals-property declares: but NOT notebookEditor. The missing proposal MUST be added and you must start in extension development mode or use the following command line switch: --enable-proposed-api ms-toolsai.jupyter
Initial Pop-up error
Chrome Console error
You can solve that problem by inserting"enable-proposed-api": ["ms-toolsai.jupyter"] in the start settings of vs code. So press CTRL+ALT+P -> "Preference: Configure Runtime Arguments" then insert the upper line. After that restart vscode.
Had the same problem and found out this is happening because of the open source version of code - OSS. It does not have the proper config in the product.json.
The accepted solution to add to Runtime Arguments unfortunately didn't work on Arch.
Easiest solution for me was to install code-features from AUR.
You can find more info on arch wiki site
Or directly on microsoft docs regarding oss code issues.
The solution to add "enable-proposed-api": ["ms-toolsai.jupyter"] to the runtime of vscode didn't work for me on Arch linux. But when I started vscode from the command line using the argument "--enable-proposed-api ms-toolsai.jupyter" the problem was solved. So I created a custom desktop launcher for this:
Fist, copy the desktop launcher to your applications folder
$ cp /usr/share/applications/code-oss.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/.
Then edit the new file:
$ nano ~/.local/share/applications/code-oss.desktop
Now add "--enable-proposed-api ms-toolsai.jupyter" to both of the Exec lines like so:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Code - OSS
Comment=Code Editing. Redefined.
GenericName=Text Editor
Exec=/usr/bin/code-oss --enable-proposed-api ms-toolsai.jupyter --unity-launch %F
[Desktop Action new-empty-window]
Name=New Empty Window
Exec=/usr/bin/code-oss --enable-proposed-api ms-toolsai.jupyter --new-window %F
I restarted my computer and the problem was solved.

The terminal process failed to launch: A native exception occurred during launch (File not found: )

I keep using vscode debug for long time. But it began to fails to use debug from yesterday.
It reports that The terminal process failed to launch: A native exception occurred during launch (File not found: ).
I can use powershell in terminal.
I have tried solution in (, but none of them works.
Code -version: 1.47.3
Operating System version: windows 10 1909 build 18363.959
all extensions:
"": "C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe"
In my case this problem arising after updating VS Code version to 1.54.3 on Ubuntu 18.04.
This problem is resolved by restarting VS Code after the update.
Yep, that's kinda what my problem was...PS had been blocked at a system-admin level.
Make sure that you can actually run PS from the command-line or start window.
Win10 popup
I fixed it by change "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv" to false in setting.json.
I also had the same issue and asked the question one week before yet didn't get solution.
here is link of my question
[link]Visual Studio (VS-code) code terminal is failed to launch
1 solution i got:
the issue arises when you delete some of it's files before by mistake and you don't know try to remember that or simply recover your pc to 3 weeks ago atleat so all files will be placed suitably.
I had the error. To fix it, I looked at all the terminal settings in VSCode and checked out the ones that weren't set to the default value. Eventually, I found that the path to my PowerShell had changed to the preview version I had installed. Reverting this to its default got it working again. Hope this helps someone.

Error "Did you compile with -rdynamic?" seen only when application installed using RPM

I have a Vala application that loads modules just gmodule-2.0, when installed through usual make install means everything works correctly. When I build an RPM file and install (on Fedora 27) using dnf install my-app I get a whole bunch of errors like
(my-app:15094): Gtk-WARNING **: Could not find signal handler 'btn_thing_changed_cb'. Did you compile with -rdynamic?
(my-app:15094): Gtk-WARNING **: Could not find signal handler 'adj_thing_value_changed_cb'. Did you compile with -rdynamic?
Even after I add -rdynamic to the build and reinstall I continue to see these errors. Somewhere I read that I need to use gmodule-export-2.0, but the diff on it's pkgconfig and the one for gmodule-2.0 shows that they're exactly the same. Soooo...
The application is written in Vala and built using valac. Also, the UI classes that I have are Gtk template classes which may be an issue, but the fact that it works when I install from source makes me think that it isn't.
This is because the default RPM build will strip the symbols out of executables. You can disable stripping by changing your spec file to include:
%global __os_install_post %{nil}
%global __strip /bin/true

Error while trying to debug D program

My problem is that when I try to start debuggin in DDT in Eclipse (Kepler) an error shows up:
Error in final launch sequence
Failed to execute MI command:
-gdb-set auto-solib-add on
Error message from debugger back end:
No symbol table is loaded.
Use the "file" command.
No symbol table is loaded.
Use the "file" command.
I've compiled the application with -gc and -g flag but it didn't help.
I'm using original DMD compiler.
Sounds like you are working on Windows, DMD has no GDB support there yet. You can either use windbg from the command line or use the Visual Studio plugin, which converts the debug info after compiling.
The issue that I had is that the compiler (DMD) is not working with GDB under Windows. If somebody wants to use DDT with debugging support, he needs to use GDC compiler.
This actually is mentioned in the "Debugging" page:

Emacs packages fails install due missing deps: pkg-info and dash

I get the following error when installing a set of packages for my emacs client (clojure-mode)
Warning (emacs): Unable to activate package pkg-info'.
Required packagedash-1.6.0' is unavailable
Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading `/home/skinney/.emacs.d/init.el':
Wrong type argument: stringp, nil
How do I solve this? A google search reveals nothing :/
As #lunaryorn noted this was caused by a bug in the EPL package. See the discussion here for the details.
The new version is already on MELPA. If updating does not work for you - you might have to remove EPL and reinstall EPL manually.