Nsight Eclipse Edition not finding nvcc - eclipse

I just installed CUDA 5.0 Preview (Mac OS X Lion) and I'm having trouble with Nsight.
The toolkit seems to be installed correctly. (Driver loads, nvcc -V works in bash, samples work fine).
When I create a new project I get warnings:
Error launching external scanner info generator (nvcc -dryrun ...)
Program 'nvcc' is not found in $PATH
In Preferences -> CUDA Toolkit I get no CUDA-compatible devices detected. Which is strange because I have nVidia GT 650M on my machine. So why doesn't Nsight recognize it?
If I try to build a project I get 2 errors:
/bin/sh: nvcc: command not found
make: * [src/test.o] Error 127

How do you start Nsight? Do you use /usr/local/cuda/bin/nsight? Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to launch Nsight by double-clinking the application on Mac OS X.
In the CUDA 5.0 Preview build we had a bug when shell script did not properly setup paths. This is how this script looks like in latest internal toolkit builds (you may need to adjust paths depending on your toolkit install location - in the final release installer will handle it):
PATH="$PATH:/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-5.0/bin" DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-5.0/lib" "/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-5.0/libnsight/nsight.app/Contents/MacOS/nsight" $#


Running C++ in Eclipse on MacOS

I am using Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developer on Mac OS Sierra 10.12.6. When I build a project (HelloWorld Project) I see a message:
"xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun
"make clean" terminated with exit code 1. Build might be incomplete.
22:30:31 Build Finished. 0 errors, 0 warnings. (took 74ms)"
And I can't run the program
... three years later ...
Try installing the Xcode command-line tools by running xcode-select --install.

Qt 5.6 on windows compilier error

I'm starting out with QT creator
My objective is to use it to create a Application using Qt3D and QT quick Ui
When I try to create a project it shows me I don't have a compiler yet: (screenshot on link)
QT new project, no compiler error
If I try to build an example it shows me the following error:
16:35:11: Configuration is faulty. Check the Issues view for details.
Error while building/deploying project shadow-map-qml (kit: Desktop Qt 5.6.0 MSVC2015 64bit)
When executing step "Make"
Did I do something wrong on the installation or Do I need to download and install a separate compiler? If so for Qt 5.6 on windows 10 which should I download?

Executing cuda program through Eclipse is giving error

I am using eclipse to execute a cuda program. I have downloaded a CUDA PLUGIN for
eclipse. When I execute sample cuda program given by plugin its fine but when I try
to execute any other program I am getting error undefined reference to main...
Building target: Add_cuda
Invoking: NVCC Linker
nvcc -L/export/trainee3/dinesh/cuda5.0/lib64 -o "Add_cuda" ./mycuda.o -lcudart
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.1.2/../../../../lib64/crt1.o: In function `_start':
(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I found in stackoverflow that some times we get this problem because of system startup file
I used flag -nostartfiles but it is not working in my case..
I have included lib64 and include path in c++ build.
So any suggestion to over come this problem....
We've been over this already.
Use nsight eclipse edition instead.
If you have cuda 5.0 or 5.5 installed, just type nsight in a terminal session.
If you really want to use that Eclipse CUDA plugin (which is no longer supported, I don't believe), then start with the C++ sample project, which you agree now and back then would work. Then modify the source code in that project. Don't create your own project.
Install CUDA 5. It comes with Nsight Eclipse version. Very Elegant to use. NV Visual profiler is integrated with Nsight. Syntax highlighting and debug mode are very easy to use.

Eclipse juno + cuda plugin error

I am using Eclipse Juno parallel version. I have installed
cuda plugin. But while building a sample cuda helloworld
program I am getting error -
make all
make: *** No rule to make target `exe_cuda', needed by `all'. Stop.
******Makefile snapshot**************
all: exe_cuda
# Tool invocations
#echo 'No tool found that can build the extension specified with the build
artifact name $#'
# Other Targets
-$(RM) $(OBJS)$(C_DEPS) exe_cuda
-#echo ' '
Any suggestion......
I agree that the toolchain does not appear to be set up properly for C projects.
My suggestions are:
Create a C++ project instead. That seems to work.
Use Nsight Eclipse Edition instead. It is installed automatically with the linux CUDA 5 package (just type nsight from a terminal window).
You could report the problem to fixstars corporation, the developer of that cuda plugin. It seems they have not updated it since 2011, so I don't know if it's actively maintained. But the help page is here which includes a link for a mailing list you could use.

"No source available for.." using Nsight Eclipse Edition RC1 on OSX 10.8.1

I'm trying to use CUDA 5 RC1 on OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.1. When debugging from Nsight Eclipse Edition I get the error:
No source available for main()
I've verified that nvcc is set to use -g and -G to emit device and host debug symbols and that -O0 is set to disable optimizations.
Any ideas what the issue is or some other diagnostics I can carry out?
The issue, for me at least, turned out to be that the architecture needed to be set to x64.
To do this, right click on your project and hit Properties.
Then go to Build --> Settings --> Tool Settings.
Under NVCC Compiler --> Code Generation, set Architecture to x64.
Under NVCC Linker --> Miscellaneous set Architecture to x64.
Finally, clean the project and rebuild.