What is the URL to the company registration page in shopware6? - plugins

In shopware 5 we have a company registration page (https://www.shopwaredemo.co.uk/registerFC/index/sValidation/H)
What will be the URL to the company registration page in shopware6?

"It's not implemented yet, there is no possibility to register for another customer group." - Replay from shopware forum.


How to create users in on-boarding or checkout process

I have 3 different use case were i want to create a sysusers, in same model:
in on-boarding process of my customers to the platform my customers
co-workers register to be users on their organization from email
invite my customers customers register a account in the checkout
And I want them to enter their new password i the process. How do I solve this best?
In the latest version the returnUrl is kept even when the user goes through register and that solves the issue. Thanks MDriven for absolutely terrific support!
Even if it is possible to go this route I would suggest that you flip it the other way around. Ask the user to create an account. Once they have an account you promote that account to being coworker and/or customer by setting some state on the already existing sysuser.
... Have a UserInvite object - email the link to a page where the invite is accepted - in the accept page show user link to register or login if they have not done that.
Once you have a CurrentUser and UserInviteObject in scope you can tie it all together and be done think.

Wordpress new-user registration e-mail not sent out when registering with Wordpress-Social-Login

As the title suggests, our Wordpress site will correctly trigger the 'Activation', then 'Welcome' e-mail workflow to users that signup via the the non-WSL (Wordpress Social Login) route. Users that signup via WSL do not trigger the 'Welcome' e-mail, which is a problem.
To be honest, my best guess is that perhaps it has to do something with a non-WSL user trigger the chain of events that starts with a user 'activating' their account, which then fires off the subsequent e-mails.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Edit 1: E-mails are customised user Profile Builder Pro.

Need eJunkie to Return To My Site After eBook Purchase

I sell ebooks via eJunkie and payment is collected with PayPal; website is with Weebly. I paste the 'add to cart' button on my website and when people buy my product they are directed to a FatFreeCart page:
eJunkie, on it's page, says "Product-specific Redirection cannot be combined with File Downloads for the same product, as they are mutually-exclusive types of digital-product delivery" so I will need some sort of a secure work around. A few ideas are posted on the above link.
Could anyone describe in simple terms what the solution would look like.
If you just want your standard E-junkie-generated thank-you/download page to include a link back to your site, you can add the HTML for that link in your E-junkie Seller Admin > Account Preferences > Common Thank-you Page HTML -- whatever you put in there will be added to every thank-you page we generate for you. E.g., the link HTML you'd add would look like this:
<a href="http://www.example.com/>Return to PPE Products</a>
If you'd rather just redirect buyers back to your site after checkout, then rather than using product-specific Redirection (which cannot be used with Single File Download products), you can redirect all your orders to a Common Thank-you Page URL on your site regardless of the item(s) ordered; you can enter this URL in the Account Preferences screen of your E-junkie Seller Admin. In this case, you should also remove the [%thankyou_link%] template tag from your Common Thank-you Email message template (also in Account Preferences), or just delete that entire template to disable this message.
Bear in mind this means your buyers will be unable to claim their download immediately following checkout for "instant gratification", because you'd be bypassing your standard E-junkie-generated thank-you page where we provide the download link; instead, buyers would need to wait to receive a product-specific thank-you email message for each item they purchase, providing a link to their download page for that item.
BTW, we don't routinely monitor third-party support sites like StackOverflow, so it's lucky our PR staff happened across your post here. For a prompt response from E-junkie support in the future, please use the Contact link on our site to email us, or post to our site's Community forum.

How to force logged in customers to re-authenticate?

We are developing an application where we will use Facebook to authenticate users. We have a business requirement that customers need to be re-authenticated for getting into the "My Profile" section. i.e. When customers try to enter "My Profile" section, they will be treated as recognized but not authenticated.
To see a similar example: visit Amazon.com -> log in -> Add any item to cart -> Proceed to checkout. At this point, you'll be asked to re-enter credentials.
Is there a Facebook API that allows me to do this? By the way, I shouldn't log out the customer if the customer chooses not to re-authenticate.
Apologies if this question has already been asked - please point me to the relevant thread.
Send the users to login.php with the next url to your application authorization page.

Discount for Twitter or Facebook post

Create a pricing discount for users who post a pre designed message to facebook or twitter.
Is there a third party solution?
Any help with the any of the steps generally outlined below would be gratefully received.
from payment page:
open twitter/facebook login (allow customer to login)
automatically fill post with pre designed text
let customer press post and receive authentication that they have done so
re focus browser to payment page in some way (close fb/twitter pop up)
update payment page to include discount if correct response is received
your plan violates at least 2 items in facebook policy - you are not allowed to auto fill the post field, nor you can incentivize users for using FB:
IV. Application Integration Points
1 - You must not incentivize users to use (or gate content behind the use
of) Facebook social channels, or imply that an incentive is directly
tied to the use of our channels.
2 - You must not pre-fill any of the
fields associated with the following products, unless the user
manually generated the content earlier in the workflow: Stream stories
(user_message parameter for Facebook.streamPublish and
FB.Connect.streamPublish, and message parameter for stream.publish),
Photos (caption), Videos (description), Notes (title and content),
Links (comment), and Jabber/XMPP.