Discount for Twitter or Facebook post - facebook

Create a pricing discount for users who post a pre designed message to facebook or twitter.
Is there a third party solution?
Any help with the any of the steps generally outlined below would be gratefully received.
from payment page:
open twitter/facebook login (allow customer to login)
automatically fill post with pre designed text
let customer press post and receive authentication that they have done so
re focus browser to payment page in some way (close fb/twitter pop up)
update payment page to include discount if correct response is received

your plan violates at least 2 items in facebook policy - you are not allowed to auto fill the post field, nor you can incentivize users for using FB:
IV. Application Integration Points
1 - You must not incentivize users to use (or gate content behind the use
of) Facebook social channels, or imply that an incentive is directly
tied to the use of our channels.
2 - You must not pre-fill any of the
fields associated with the following products, unless the user
manually generated the content earlier in the workflow: Stream stories
(user_message parameter for Facebook.streamPublish and
FB.Connect.streamPublish, and message parameter for stream.publish),
Photos (caption), Videos (description), Notes (title and content),
Links (comment), and Jabber/XMPP.


Facebook Graph API pre-defined messages, but with the ability to edit

I am currently building a site for a University study that aims to encourage a select few young people (peer supporters) to share messages around health and wellbeing in a private Facebook group.
I have used the Feed/Share dialog to share relevant links/images, however there are a few bits of content that are just pure text. I am aware that Facebook allows to post a status to a group using the Graph API, however you are not allowed to pre-fill what a user is going to say.
Would it be possible to have the ability to generate the content in a text box allowing the users to edit it as they wish before posting to the group or is this still prohibited?
...allowing the users to edit it as they wish...
No, that is not allowed, it´s prefilling. You would only be allowed to present an EMPTY textbox, where users can write the message. The message always must be 100% user generated.

Need eJunkie to Return To My Site After eBook Purchase

I sell ebooks via eJunkie and payment is collected with PayPal; website is with Weebly. I paste the 'add to cart' button on my website and when people buy my product they are directed to a FatFreeCart page:
eJunkie, on it's page, says "Product-specific Redirection cannot be combined with File Downloads for the same product, as they are mutually-exclusive types of digital-product delivery" so I will need some sort of a secure work around. A few ideas are posted on the above link.
Could anyone describe in simple terms what the solution would look like.
If you just want your standard E-junkie-generated thank-you/download page to include a link back to your site, you can add the HTML for that link in your E-junkie Seller Admin > Account Preferences > Common Thank-you Page HTML -- whatever you put in there will be added to every thank-you page we generate for you. E.g., the link HTML you'd add would look like this:
<a href=">Return to PPE Products</a>
If you'd rather just redirect buyers back to your site after checkout, then rather than using product-specific Redirection (which cannot be used with Single File Download products), you can redirect all your orders to a Common Thank-you Page URL on your site regardless of the item(s) ordered; you can enter this URL in the Account Preferences screen of your E-junkie Seller Admin. In this case, you should also remove the [%thankyou_link%] template tag from your Common Thank-you Email message template (also in Account Preferences), or just delete that entire template to disable this message.
Bear in mind this means your buyers will be unable to claim their download immediately following checkout for "instant gratification", because you'd be bypassing your standard E-junkie-generated thank-you page where we provide the download link; instead, buyers would need to wait to receive a product-specific thank-you email message for each item they purchase, providing a link to their download page for that item.
BTW, we don't routinely monitor third-party support sites like StackOverflow, so it's lucky our PR staff happened across your post here. For a prompt response from E-junkie support in the future, please use the Contact link on our site to email us, or post to our site's Community forum.

Supporting multiple social sign-in methods

I have performed a number of searches on this topic and found some related questions however none of which provided a clear picture of the best practice for developing a sign-in system on a site that relys on 3rd party server-side OAuth.
We have opted not to offer a traditional member sign-in method, allowing users to log in to the site via Facebook or Twitter (we may choose to offer further support for other networks at a later date).
We are keen to provide a seemless user experience for both new and returning users and would appreciate some advice & best practice from anyone who has successfully done this in the past.
The initial plan was as follows
- When a user signs in via Facebook we require them to provide a username which will be used throughout the site
- When a user signed in via Twitter we use their Twitter name as our username
This approach has an obvious flaw. What if a Twitter user signs in only to find that their username is being used by another member who chose it via signing in with Facebook?
This is unacceptable user experience therefore we need to re-think.
New approach
Currently our new approach is upon initial sign-in to present the user with a form to provide the remaining required information
For Twitter sign-ins:
- Display name. Pre-populated with Twitter username if available or suffixed with 0,1,2,3 etc..
- Email address. This will be confirmed via a verification email to complete the sign-up process.
For Facebook sign-ins:
- Display name. Pre-populated with Facebook Display name if supplied & available or suffixed with 0,1,2,3 etc..
- Email address. Pre-populated from Facebook account, no need to verify unless they decide to use a different email address, in which can the process will be the same as above.
It would be great to hear your thoughts on this matter.
I think second style is the simple one and user can feel less burden .
my vote for second only .He can pushed to login in the that same page and felt free.
hey ! just post weather which style you decided at the end ..because I need to know the result of this $100 question :))

How can I track accepted invitation sender on facebook app?

Situation: user A send invitation to my fb app to his friends X, Y and Z. Users X and Y has accepted invitations, but user Z not.
How can I track haw many users accepted invitations? I want to take some privileges for user A based on accepted invitations count.
Is there any method to track sender_id when invitation accepted?
Don't bother, it's not allowed by the policy.
Per section V.1.
You must not incentivize users to
grant additional permissions or use
Application Integration Points.
And per the documentation about Application Integration Points
By "Application Integration Point" we
mean Application Info Section,
Application tab, Feed, requests
(including invites), Publisher,
inbox attachments, Chat, Bookmarks, or
any other feature of a user profile or
Facebook communication channel in
which or through which an application
can provide, display, or deliver
content directed at, on behalf of, or
by permission of a user.
Actually, there is no need to additional permissions.
Using the next value, you can store the referring user id and referred user.
It's simply explained here:
You actually can do this. I'm doing it for other reasons (tracking how people get to the app and other analytics type stuff). In the , you can set the url attribute of the button. For instance, mine is . That url does some processing that will be saved in my database saying that user with userId 9999 invited the current user. This is being used to tell us the successfulness of invitations (our original idea was incentivization like you, but they pointed that out in the policy too).
This is how I do it:
track the invites by looping over $_GET['to'] on your 'thank you page' and store these IDs (= to_id) against the current user ID (= from_id) in your DB.
When a new users signs up, compare the new ID with the to_ids the table. If it's a match, honor the corresponding from_id
Drawback: if somebody was invited by 2 or more ppl you don't know which invitation to honor. I just honor all invitations which makes everybody happy.

Social Network (Facebook, Twitter, etc) User Account Integration (duplicate scenario)

So there are definitely many tutorials out there regarding how to integrate various individual social network authentication/registration into existing user accounts. But the scenario I can't seem to find out much information about is if a user signs into your account with different social network credentials. For example:
Scenario #1
User registers on site using site's authentication.
User then signs in/registers on site using Facebook Connect.
User then signs in/registers on site using Twitter.
How do I integrate all of these into one account?
Obviously once a user is registered, they can add other social network associations in the account settings pages. But I am more concerned if they register via the other social network not remembering they are already setup.
My general thoughts are trying to figure out a way to use the "username" or email to try and guess and present the user a way to combine accounts right there.
Anyone have any thoughts?
following up -
if your users can't remember that they've signed up previously, well, best of luck to them in general ;)
much as you described, i'm planning on giving users the option to link additional accounts once they have signed in by one means or another.
but as far as cross-checking, there's only so much you can do. many social network APIs do indeed provide email addresses (once you've busted in through OAuth) but these may be accessible only if a user has elected to make his/her address public, which is not guaranteed.
also not guaranteed is that the user used the SAME email address for each social network account, so even if you manage to retrieve an address it may or not be of any use to you.
finally, if you find matching email addresses via such means, it might be advisable to prompt the user to link accounts rather than assume he/she wants this done automatically. some people like to maintain multiple personalities. i.e. "it looks like you are also signed up with twitter - do you want to link your accounts? it will make your life seem worth living."
you might consider offering incentives to link user accounts or to provide an email address (up to you of course to figure out what these might be, based on the functionality of your website).
solution i am working on, database-side, is to maintain multiple accounts and then if link information is discovered by various means, said link is indicated in a lookup table.
an alternative is once you find a link, attempt to combine all relevant entries for the multiple accounts into one account entity - all i can say about this latter approach is that i would do so with caution as there could be a formidable level of complexity depending on the user's activity level and the complexity of your database schema.
in my (mental/actual) namespace a user who registers the old-fashioned way has a 'standard' account and one who uses a social network has an 'alias' account. then the goal becomes to define where the alias is supposed to point, i.e. create the lookup such that a subsequent login via either means retrieves the relevant information for both accounts (with a preference for displaying personal data for the 'standard' account).
btw i figured out how to make twitter OAuth behave since my last post - you can look at my other answers for details if you're interested.
hi matt,
i'm working on the same problem right
assuming the user starts with regular
site account (which is not
necessarily safe to assume if he sees
all the pretty "connect with XXX
network" buttons!!!), you can use
either OAuth or the javascript APIs
(facebookConnect or #anywhere -
haven't fully figured out the latter
yet and i'm not sure I recommend it as
I don't think it provides as rich an
API as do the backend libraries) to
login to the other sites.
the APIs should return certain
information after a successful
login/redirect from the social network
- such as the user ID and an ACCESS TOKEN which you can then store in your
database in some capacity associating
your 'actual' application user with
the ID of the social network.
when the user returns to the site, you
can then
1 verify cookies set by the social
network services (various schemes
typically verifying a signature, based
on sha1 or md5 hash of your
application data - by which i mean the
data you get when you register your
app with twitter/facebook, typically a
consumer key, application ID, etc. -
with the received cookies) so you know
the user has logged in with the social
2 find your database entry association
as described above
3 login your user manually based on
the assumption that facebook/twitter
connection is secure.
caveat: this is only as secure as your
implementation (or as secure as
facebook/twitter's implementations, if
you prefer...)
although twitter's OAuth does not
currently seem to work quite right,
their general description of the
process is pretty informative:
good luck.
I have been contemplating adding FB auth to our app, but we know that our returning users might click it and complete checkout for a new item, and then be surprised to not see any of their existing orders. To solve this, when a user clicks the 'Login with Facebook' item, we are using that click to fire a dropdown menu with two options:
[ Login with Facebook ]
[ Create new account ]
[ I have an account ]
If the user clicks 'I have an account' we send them to FB auth and return email from FB to our app. We compare that email to our existing users. If we match, we add the FB creds to the user. If no match, we throw an alert:
The email you have with FB does not match any of our accounts. To log in to your existing account, login with your email below, or update the email in your Facebook account
This allows the user to create a whole new account, if they want to keep them separate, without needing a new email service. While this is an edge case, it is a feature.