Wordpress new-user registration e-mail not sent out when registering with Wordpress-Social-Login - email

As the title suggests, our Wordpress site will correctly trigger the 'Activation', then 'Welcome' e-mail workflow to users that signup via the the non-WSL (Wordpress Social Login) route. Users that signup via WSL do not trigger the 'Welcome' e-mail, which is a problem.
To be honest, my best guess is that perhaps it has to do something with a non-WSL user trigger the chain of events that starts with a user 'activating' their account, which then fires off the subsequent e-mails.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Edit 1: E-mails are customised user Profile Builder Pro.


Button function in a SendGrid Email to Trigger an external Webhook

forgive my naivete in asking this question, but I'm hoping someone can help me.
I have an email I send out through the SendGrid api using a dynamic template. The content of the email is different for each user I send it to (highly curated). I send products, their name, info, and a link to buy them.
I am looking to create a "LIKE" button next to each product for the user to interact with in the email and provide feedback on that product. That is, if they like that product but don't want to click to buy yet, they can hit "LIKE" and I'll be informed.
I am thinking I would do this through a webhook using something like integromat where a click of the button would trigger the webhook and then I would use something like airtable to update information.
Is something like this feasible? Would I just put the webhook URL in the href tag of a button? Is it possible to trigger the webhook AND then redirect to a window/tab that would acknowledge that the button was clicked?
Thank you for any feedback!
Links in an email will open a web browser outside of the email. This will make an HTTP request to the URL that you set as the HREF for the link (<a>). So, you can point that HREF directly at an endpoint on your own application and handle the request, storing the data about which user liked which product and rendering or redirecting the user to a confirmation page.
I think you may be complicating the idea by introducing the term webhook to this. I also see no reason you would want to include a third-party like Integromat to the proceedings.

Drupal 8 - User Account Mail

I have some issue with User Account Settings. (Drupal 8)
Normaly there is a possibility to change the content on every mail...but it's does not work.
If an user register to my website (from a front form) a different email is send than the one i configure here:
enter image description here
Someone ?
The Welcome (new user created by administrator) email template (as its label says) is for accounts created by admin, not for users who manually register on your site.
The email template your users are receiving is Welcome (awaiting approval) or Welcome (no approval required), depending on whether administrator approval is required or not.

Retrieving Azure AD Invitation Redemption URL after-the-fact

We have a Powershell script that creates some guest users using the New-AzureADMSInvitation cmdlet, and its return value has a handy-dandy InviteRedeemUrl property that we include in a nice welcome email to the user to get them started with setting their account up and using our application. This works fine when inviting individual or small numbers of users.
However, we'll need to do this for many users, and carefully control when the emails go out, and I can't see any other way of retrieving this URL after-the-fact... the only option seems to be the "Resend invitation" button on the guest user in AD, which sends a Microsoft-branded email from "Microsoft Invitations" with the redeem URL, which is kind of a problem... For marketing reasons we need to put the invite redeem URL in our own welcome email, so we don't want Microsoft sending out those emails.
Is there any way to retrieve or calculate that invitation URL after the guest user had already been invited? I know I could delete and recreate the invitation itself, but that's still a manual process and I'd like to be able to create guest users in bulk first, and then retrieve those URLs in bulk once we're ready to send out emails. Especially since Azure AD itself seems to be able to fetch the redeem URLs later on via the "Resend invitation" button.
Alternatively , you can think of adding you company branding in the verification and invitation mails in azure AD.
Here is something similar you can find:-
Basically you need to change the company branding in Azure active directory to have your custom logo and text.
Hope it helps.
We ended up modifying the AD invitation script to store the InviteRedeemUrl value in our CRM as a field on the customer record. Then later on when our Marketing team wants to start their email campaigns, they could include a reference to this field in the email template just like they would any other field. This way, we got all our analytics on click/open rates and retained complete control over the emails, including where each batch was being sent from (so customers could reply to the correct support staff member for their segment).

Customizing Joomla 1.5 user registration process

I am pretty new to joomla. I have been working on the maintenance of our company's website.
Coming to the issue, the website has a 2-step user registration process where users will fill up the registration form, once they submit, a verification mail will be sent to them with the activation link. Once they click on the activation link in their mail, they will be activated.
Now, since this is getting us a lot of junk users we want to change this process.
What we want to do is :
When a user wants to register, he will be asked for his email-id.
Once the email is provided and submitted, a mail will be sent to him along with the activation link.
After the activation link is clicked he is brought to the website for further registration.
Only after this, the user will be put in our database as a valid user.
So basically, first I want to check if the email is a valid one and only then proceed with registration because email-ids are very important for our business
Please help.
Thanks in advance,
In the Database table where he will provide his email ID create a field namely "Status" that will only take Active and Inactive only. And you can use that to determine if user is active or not.

Notifying users with email when an event is created on the website

I have created a Drupal CCK content Event. When someone creates an event. I want an email to be sent to the users with one specific role. Also, this should happen if the creator of the event gives his consent to the website for this. How is this possible in Drupal website.
You should take a look at the rules module. It's made for things just like this.