How to write scodec codec for Collection Map - scala

I have below case class
case class Foo(code: Int, msg: String, headers: Map[String,String] = Map.empty)
Below is the code that I've tried so far -
import scodec._
import scodec.codecs._
implicit val mapCodec: Codec[List[(String, String)]] = sizedList()
implicit val fooCodec : Codec[Foo] = {
("code" | int32) :: ("msg" | cstring) :: ("headers" | mapCodec)
I don't know how to write Codec for Map[String, String]. I checked online documentation but it is still in TODO.
Any idea how can I write the codec for Map[String, String]?

What you would need to do is to define Codec for tuple of strings, which then you will need to use to create codec for List[(String, String)] which can be converted to Map[String, String] and vice versa, hence covert Codec using xmap function.
So the final solution might look like:
import scodec._
import scodec.codecs._
case class Foo(code: Int, msg: String, headers: Map[String,String] = Map.empty)
implicit val tupleCodec : Codec[(String, String)] = cstring.pairedWith(cstring)
implicit val mapCodec: Codec[Map[String, String]] = list(tupleCodec).xmap(_.toMap, _.toList)
implicit val fooCodec : Codec[Foo] = {
("code" | int32) :: ("msg" | cstring) :: ("headers" | mapCodec)
Hope this helps!


Circe encoder for a SortedMultiDict

I'm trying to write a Circe encoder for an object which has a field of scala.collection.immutable.SortedMultiDict. Circe can't find an encoder instance for that, so I need to write one.
import io.circe.{Decoder, Encoder, HCursor}
import io.circe.generic.semiauto._
import io.circe.parser.decode
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMultiDict
import io.circe.syntax._
implicit val mapEncoder: Encoder[List[(Long, String)]] = deriveEncoder[List[(Long, String)]]
implicit val mapDecoder: Decoder[List[(Long, String)]] = deriveDecoder[List[(Long, String)]]
implicit val oneEncoder: Encoder[SortedMultiDict[Long, String]] = (a: SortedMultiDict[Long, String]) =>
implicit val oneDecoder: Decoder[SortedMultiDict[Long, String]] = (c: HCursor) =>[Long, String])(c)
Sadly, this isn't correct...
val test = SortedMultiDict.from[Long, String](Seq(1666268475626L -> "a5d9f51d-35c7-4fef-b4a3-3d28944eeb2b", 1666268475626L -> "df359396-043c-4b65-bc3 -bf309d433ff5"))
val encodedData = test.asJson.noSpaces
val roundTrip = decode[SortedMultiDict[Long, String]](encodedData)
results in
scala> roundTrip
val res2: Either[io.circe.Error,scala.collection.immutable.SortedMultiDict[Long,String]] = Left(DecodingFailure(Attempt to decode value on failed cursor, List(DownField(head), DownField(::))))
In fact, the derived list encoder doesn't appear to work...
scala> val myList = List((1666268475626L, "a5d9f51d-35c7-4fef-b4a3-3d28944eeb2b"), (1666268475626L, "df359396-043c-4b65-bc3 -bf309d433ff5"))
val myList: List[(Long, String)] = List((1666268475626,a5d9f51d-35c7-4fef-b4a3-3d28944eeb2b), (1666268475626,df359396-043c-4b65-bc3 -bf309d433ff5))
scala> decode[List[(Long, String)]](myList.asJson.noSpaces)
val res0: Either[io.circe.Error,List[(Long, String)]] = Left(DecodingFailure(Attempt to decode value on failed cursor, List(DownField(head), DownField(::))))
Are my expectations of how to do the round trip of encoding/decoding wrong? It's what I'd understood from Circe's codec docs.
EDIT: Well, it works if I change the map codecs to be:
implicit val mapEncoder: Encoder[List[(Long, String)]] = Encoder.encodeList[(Long, String)]
implicit val mapDecoder: Decoder[List[(Long, String)]] = Decoder.decodeList[(Long, String)]
I still don't really understand why the earlier ones don't work, though, explications welcome...

scala 3 macros: returning Map[String, Class[Any]] from a Macro

I am trying to write a macro against scala 3.0.0-M3. I want the macro to return the inner types of the Option[_] fields of a Type. For example, given:
class Professor(val lastName: String, val id: Option[Int], val bossId: Option[Long])
I want to associate id with Int, and bossId with Long.
I have some code that does that for primitive types and compiles ok:
import scala.quoted._
import scala.quoted.staging._
import scala.quoted.{Quotes, Type}
object TypeInfo {
inline def fieldsInfo[T <: AnyKind]: Map[String, Class[Any]] = ${ fieldsInfo[T] }
def fieldsInfo[T <: AnyKind: Type](using qctx0: Quotes): Expr[Map[String, Class[Any]]] = {
given qctx0.type = qctx0
import qctx0.reflect.{given, _}
val uns = TypeTree.of[T]
val symbol = uns.symbol
val innerClassOfOptionFields: Map[String, Class[Any]] = symbol.memberFields.flatMap { m =>
// we only support val fields for now
val tpe = ValDef(m, None).tpt.tpe
// only if the field is an Option[_]
if(tpe.typeSymbol == TypeRepr.of[Option[Any]].typeSymbol){
val containedClass: Option[Class[Any]] =
if(tpe =:= TypeRepr.of[Option[Int]]) Some(classOf[Int].asInstanceOf[Class[Any]])
else if(tpe =:= TypeRepr.of[Option[Short]]) Some(classOf[Short].asInstanceOf[Class[Any]])
else if(tpe =:= TypeRepr.of[Option[Long]]) Some(classOf[Long].asInstanceOf[Class[Any]])
else if(tpe =:= TypeRepr.of[Option[Double]]) Some(classOf[Double].asInstanceOf[Class[Any]])
else if(tpe =:= TypeRepr.of[Option[Float]]) Some(classOf[Float].asInstanceOf[Class[Any]])
else if(tpe =:= TypeRepr.of[Option[Boolean]]) Some(classOf[Boolean].asInstanceOf[Class[Any]])
else if(tpe =:= TypeRepr.of[Option[Byte]]) Some(classOf[Byte].asInstanceOf[Class[Any]])
else if(tpe =:= TypeRepr.of[Option[Char]]) Some(classOf[Char].asInstanceOf[Class[Any]])
else None => ( -> clazz))
} else None
} else None
But if I try to use it, like this:
class Professor(val lastName: String, val id: Option[Int], val bossId: Option[Long])
object Main extends App {
val fields = TypeInfo.fieldsInfo[Professor]
the compiler first prints Map(id -> int, bossId -> long) because of the println in the macro code which looks alright, but then fails with:
[error] 16 | val fields = TypeInfo.fieldsInfo[Professor]
[error] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[error] | Found: (classOf[Int] : Class[Int])
[error] | Required: Class[Any]
[error] | This location contains code that was inlined from Main.scala:34
What I am doing wrong? Am I not supposed to be able to return a Map from a macro, or maybe not this way?
Note that the if/else logic in my macro doesn't really matter, the problem can be reduced to (everything else being equal):
val result: Map[String, Class[Any]] = Map(
"bossId" -> classOf[scala.Long].asInstanceOf[Class[Any]],
"id" -> classOf[scala.Int].asInstanceOf[Class[Any]]
You can define this missing given, based on the one from the standard library.
import scala.quoted._
given ToExpr[Class[?]] with {
def apply(x: Class[?])(using Quotes) = {
import quotes.reflect._
In the next release of Scala 3, this should no longer be necessary. The given instance of the standard library has been adapted to work for Class[?] too.
Then you can return a well typed Map[String, Class[?]].
inline def fieldsInfo: Map[String, Class[?]] = ${ fieldsInfoMacro }
def fieldsInfoMacro(using Quotes): Expr[Map[String, Class[?]]] = {
val result: Map[String, Class[?]] = Map(
"bossId" -> classOf[scala.Long],
"id" -> classOf[scala.Int]
And everything works:
scala> fieldsInfo
val res1: Map[String, Class[?]] = Map(bossId -> long, id -> int)

Extracting Object from Some() and Using it

In the below code, encoded is a JSON string. The JSON.parseFull() function is returning an object of the form: Some(Map(...)). I am using .get to extract the Map, but am unable to index it as the compiler sees it as type Any. Is there any to provide the compiler visibility that it is, in fact, a map?
val parsed = JSON.parseFull(encoded)
val mapped = parsed.get
You can utilize the collect with pattern matching to match on the type:
scala> val parsed: Option[Any] = Some(Map("1" -> List("1")))
parsed: Option[Any] = Some(Map(1 -> List(1)))
scala> val mapped = parsed.collect{
case map: Map[String, Any] => map
mapped: Option[Map[String,Any]] = Some(Map(1 -> List(1)))
You can do something like the following in the case of a List value to get values from the List:
scala>{ case(k, List(item1)) => item1}
res0: scala.collection.immutable.Iterable[Any] = List(1)
I was able to use a combination of the get function and pattern matching similar to what was posted in Tanjin's response to get the desired result.
object ReadFHIR {
def fatal(msg: String) = throw new Exception(msg)
def main (args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val fc = new FhirContext()
val client = fc.newRestfulGenericClient("")
val bundle ="Observation")
val jsonParser = fc.newJsonParser()
val encoded = jsonParser.encodeBundleToString(bundle)
val parsed = JSON.parseFull(encoded)
val mapped: Map[String, Any] = parsed.get match{
case map: Map[String, Any] => map

Scala: convert map to case class

Let's say I have this example case class
case class Test(key1: Int, key2: String, key3: String)
And I have a map
myMap = Map("k1" -> 1, "k2" -> "val2", "k3" -> "val3")
I need to convert this map to my case class in several places of the code, something like this:
What would be the easiest way of doing that? Can I somehow use implicit for this?
Two ways of doing this elegantly. The first is to use an unapply, the second to use an implicit class (2.10+) with a type class to do the conversion for you.
1) The unapply is the simplest and most straight forward way to write such a conversion. It does not do any "magic" and can readily be found if using an IDE. Do note, doing this sort of thing can clutter your companion object and cause your code to sprout dependencies in places you might not want:
object MyClass{
def unapply(values: Map[String,String]) = try{
Some(MyClass(values("key").toInteger, values("next").toFloat))
} catch{
case NonFatal(ex) => None
Which could be used like this:
val MyClass(myInstance) = myMap
be careful, as it would throw an exception if not matched completely.
2) Doing an implicit class with a type class creates more boilerplate for you but also allows a lot of room to expand the same pattern to apply to other case classes:
implicit class Map2Class(values: Map[String,String]){
def convert[A](implicit mapper: MapConvert[A]) = mapper conv (values)
trait MapConvert[A]{
def conv(values: Map[String,String]): A
and as an example you'd do something like this:
object MyObject{
implicit val new MapConvert[MyObject]{
def conv(values: Map[String, String]) = MyObject(values("key").toInt, values("foo").toFloat)
which could then be used just as you had described above:
val myInstance = myMap.convert[MyObject]
throwing an exception if no conversion could be made. Using this pattern converting between a Map[String, String] to any object would require just another implicit (and that implicit to be in scope.)
Here is an alternative non-boilerplate method that uses Scala reflection (Scala 2.10 and above) and doesn't require a separately compiled module:
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import scala.reflect._
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
case class Test(t: String, ot: Option[String])
package object ccFromMap {
def fromMap[T: TypeTag: ClassTag](m: Map[String,_]) = {
val rm = runtimeMirror(classTag[T].runtimeClass.getClassLoader)
val classTest = typeOf[T].typeSymbol.asClass
val classMirror = rm.reflectClass(classTest)
val constructor = typeOf[T].decl(termNames.CONSTRUCTOR).asMethod
val constructorMirror = classMirror.reflectConstructor(constructor)
val constructorArgs = (param: Symbol) => {
val paramName =
if(param.typeSignature <:< typeOf[Option[Any]])
m.get(paramName).getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException("Map is missing required parameter named " + paramName))
class CaseClassFromMapSpec extends Specification {
"case class" should {
"be constructable from a Map" in {
import ccFromMap._
fromMap[Test](Map("t" -> "test", "ot" -> "test2")) === Test("test", Some("test2"))
fromMap[Test](Map("t" -> "test")) === Test("test", None)
Jonathan Chow implements a Scala macro (designed for Scala 2.11) that generalizes this behavior and eliminates the boilerplate.
import scala.reflect.macros.Context
trait Mappable[T] {
def toMap(t: T): Map[String, Any]
def fromMap(map: Map[String, Any]): T
object Mappable {
implicit def materializeMappable[T]: Mappable[T] = macro materializeMappableImpl[T]
def materializeMappableImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context): c.Expr[Mappable[T]] = {
import c.universe._
val tpe = weakTypeOf[T]
val companion = tpe.typeSymbol.companionSymbol
val fields = tpe.declarations.collectFirst {
case m: MethodSymbol if m.isPrimaryConstructor ⇒ m
val (toMapParams, fromMapParams) = { field ⇒
val name =
val decoded = name.decoded
val returnType = tpe.declaration(name).typeSignature
(q"$decoded → t.$name", q"map($decoded).asInstanceOf[$returnType]")
c.Expr[Mappable[T]] { q"""
new Mappable[$tpe] {
def toMap(t: $tpe): Map[String, Any] = Map(..$toMapParams)
def fromMap(map: Map[String, Any]): $tpe = $companion(..$fromMapParams)
""" }
This works well for me,if you use jackson for scala:
def from[T](map: Map[String, Any])(implicit m: Manifest[T]): T = {
val mapper = new ObjectMapper() with ScalaObjectMapper
Reference from:Convert a Map<String, String> to a POJO
I don't love this code, but I suppose this is possible if you can get the map values into a tuple and then use the tupled constructor for your case class. That would look something like this:
val myMap = Map("k1" -> 1, "k2" -> "val2", "k3" -> "val3")
val params = Some({
case List(a:Int,b:String,c:String) => Some((a,b,c))
case other => None
val myCaseClass =
You have to be careful to make sure the list of values is exactly 3 elements and that they are the correct types. If not, you end up with a None instead. Like I said, not great, but it shows that it is possible.
Here's an update to Jonathon's answer for Scala 3 (which no longer has TypeTag). Be aware that this won't work for case classes nested inside of other classes. But for top-level case classes it seems to work fine.
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
object Reflect:
def fromMap[T <: Product : ClassTag](m: Map[String, ?]): T =
val classTag = implicitly[ClassTag[T]]
val constructor = classTag.runtimeClass.getDeclaredConstructors.head
val constructorArgs = constructor.getParameters()
.map { param =>
val paramName = param.getName
if (param.getType == classOf[Option[_]])
.getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing required parameter: $paramName"))
constructor.newInstance(constructorArgs: _*).asInstanceOf[T]
And a test for the above:
case class Foo(a: String, b: Int, c: Option[String] = None)
case class Bar(a: String, b: Int, c: Option[Foo])
class ReflectSuite extends munit.FunSuite:
test("fromMap") {
val m = Map("a" -> "hello", "b" -> 42, "c" -> "world")
val foo = Reflect.fromMap[Foo](m)
assertEquals(foo, Foo("hello", 42, Some("world")))
val n = Map("a" -> "hello", "b" -> 43)
val foo2 = Reflect.fromMap[Foo](n)
assertEquals(foo2, Foo("hello", 43))
val o = Map("a" -> "yo", "b" -> 44, "c" -> foo)
val bar = Reflect.fromMap[Bar](o)
assertEquals(bar, Bar("yo", 44, Some(foo)))
test("fromMap should fail when required parameter is missing") {
val m = Map("a" -> "hello", "c" -> "world")
intercept[java.lang.IllegalArgumentException] {

Different types in Map Scala

I need a Map where I put different types of values (Double, String, Int,...) in it, key can be String.
Is there a way to do this, so that I get the correct type with map.apply(k) like
val map: Map[String, SomeType] = Map()
val d: Double = map.apply("double")
val str: String = map.apply("string")
I already tried it with a generic type
class Container[T](element: T) {
def get: T = element
val d: Container[Double] = new Container(4.0)
val str: Container[String] = new Container("string")
val m: Map[String, Container] = Map("double" -> d, "string" -> str)
but it's not possible since Container takes an parameter. Is there any solution to this?
This is not straightforward.
The type of the value depends on the key. So the key has to carry the information about what type its value is. This is a common pattern. It is used for example in SBT (see for example SettingsKey[T]) and Shapeless Records (Example). However, in SBT the keys are a huge, complex class hierarchy of its own, and the HList in shapeless is pretty complex and also does more than you want.
So here is a small example of how you could implement this. The key knows the type, and the only way to create a Record or to get a value out of a Record is the key. We use a Map[Key, Any] internally as storage, but the casts are hidden and guaranteed to succeed. There is an operator to create records from keys, and an operator to merge records. I chose the operators so you can concatenate Records without having to use brackets.
sealed trait Record {
def apply[T](key:Key[T]) : T
def get[T](key:Key[T]) : Option[T]
def ++ (that:Record) : Record
private class RecordImpl(private val inner:Map[Key[_], Any]) extends Record {
def apply[T](key:Key[T]) : T = inner.apply(key).asInstanceOf[T]
def get[T](key:Key[T]) : Option[T] = inner.get(key).asInstanceOf[Option[T]]
def ++ (that:Record) = that match {
case that:RecordImpl => new RecordImpl(this.inner ++ that.inner)
final class Key[T] {
def ~>(value:T) : Record = new RecordImpl(Map(this -> value))
object Key {
def apply[T] = new Key[T]
Here is how you would use this. First define some keys:
val a = Key[Int]
val b = Key[String]
val c = Key[Float]
Then use them to create a record
val record = a ~> 1 ++ b ~> "abc" ++ c ~> 1.0f
When accessing the record using the keys, you will get a value of the right type back
scala> record(a)
res0: Int = 1
scala> record(b)
res1: String = abc
scala> record(c)
res2: Float = 1.0
I find this sort of data structure very useful. Sometimes you need more flexibility than a case class provides, but you don't want to resort to something completely type-unsafe like a Map[String,Any]. This is a good middle ground.
Edit: another option would be to have a map that uses a (name, type) pair as the real key internally. You have to provide both the name and the type when getting a value. If you choose the wrong type there is no entry. However this has a big potential for errors, like when you put in a byte and try to get out an int. So I think this is not a good idea.
import reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag
class TypedMap[K](val inner:Map[(K, TypeTag[_]), Any]) extends AnyVal {
def updated[V](key:K, value:V)(implicit tag:TypeTag[V]) = new TypedMap[K](inner + ((key, tag) -> value))
def apply[V](key:K)(implicit tag:TypeTag[V]) = inner.apply((key, tag)).asInstanceOf[V]
def get[V](key:K)(implicit tag:TypeTag[V]) = inner.get((key, tag)).asInstanceOf[Option[V]]
object TypedMap {
def empty[K] = new TypedMap[K](Map.empty)
scala> val x = TypedMap.empty[String].updated("a", 1).updated("b", "a string")
x: TypedMap[String] = TypedMap#30e1a76d
scala> x.apply[Int]("a")
res0: Int = 1
scala> x.apply[String]("b")
res1: String = a string
// this is what happens when you try to get something out with the wrong type.
scala> x.apply[Int]("b")
java.util.NoSuchElementException: key not found: (b,Int)
This is now very straightforward in shapeless,
scala> import shapeless._ ; import syntax.singleton._ ; import record._
import shapeless._
import syntax.singleton._
import record._
scala> val map = ("double" ->> 4.0) :: ("string" ->> "foo") :: HNil
map: ... <complex type elided> ... = 4.0 :: foo :: HNil
scala> map("double")
res0: Double with shapeless.record.KeyTag[String("double")] = 4.0
scala> map("string")
res1: String with shapeless.record.KeyTag[String("string")] = foo
scala> map("double")+1.0
res2: Double = 5.0
scala> val map2 = map.updateWith("double")(_+1.0)
map2: ... <complex type elided> ... = 5.0 :: foo :: HNil
scala> map2("double")
res3: Double = 5.0
This is with shapeless 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT as of the date of this answer.
I finally found my own solution, which worked best in my case:
case class Container[+T](element: T) {
def get[T]: T = {
val map: Map[String, Container[Any]] = Map("a" -> Container[Double](4.0), "b" -> Container[String]("test"))
val double: Double = map.apply("a").get[Double]
val string: String = map.apply("b").get[String]
(a) Scala containers don't track type information for what's placed inside them, and
(b) the return "type" for an apply/get method with a simple String parameter/key is going to be static for a given instance of the object the method is to be applied to.
This feels very much like a design decision that needs to be rethought.
I don't think there's a way to get bare map.apply() to do what you'd want. As the other answers suggest, some sort of container class will be necessary. Here's an example that restricts the values to be only certain types (String, Double, Int, in this case):
sealed trait MapVal
case class StringMapVal(value: String) extends MapVal
case class DoubleMapVal(value: Double) extends MapVal
case class IntMapVal(value: Int) extends MapVal
val myMap: Map[String, MapVal] =
Map("key1" -> StringMapVal("value1"),
"key2" -> DoubleMapVal(3.14),
"key3" -> IntMapVal(42))
myMap.keys.foreach { k =>
val message =
myMap(k) match { // map.apply() in your example code
case StringMapVal(x) => "string: %s".format(x)
case DoubleMapVal(x) => "double: %.2f".format(x)
case IntMapVal(x) => "int: %d".format(x)
The main benefit of the sealted trait is compile-time checking for non-exhaustive matches in pattern matching.
I also like this approach because it's relatively simple by Scala standards. You can go off into the weeds for something more robust, but in my opinion you're into diminishing returns pretty quickly.
If you want to do this you'd have to specify the type of Container to be Any, because Any is a supertype of both Double and String.
val d: Container[Any] = new Container(4.0)
val str: Container[Any] = new Container("string")
val m: Map[String, Container[Any]] = Map("double" -> d, "string" -> str)
Or to make things easier, you can change the definition of Container so that it's no longer type invariant:
class Container[+T](element: T) {
def get: T = element
override def toString = s"Container($element)"
val d: Container[Double] = new Container(4.0)
val str: Container[String] = new Container("string")
val m: Map[String, Container[Any]] = Map("double" -> d, "string" -> str)
There is a way but it's complicated. See Unboxed union types in Scala. Essentially you'll have to type the Map to some type Int |v| Double to be able to hold both Int and Double. You'll also pay a high price in compile times.