Different types in Map Scala - scala

I need a Map where I put different types of values (Double, String, Int,...) in it, key can be String.
Is there a way to do this, so that I get the correct type with map.apply(k) like
val map: Map[String, SomeType] = Map()
val d: Double = map.apply("double")
val str: String = map.apply("string")
I already tried it with a generic type
class Container[T](element: T) {
def get: T = element
val d: Container[Double] = new Container(4.0)
val str: Container[String] = new Container("string")
val m: Map[String, Container] = Map("double" -> d, "string" -> str)
but it's not possible since Container takes an parameter. Is there any solution to this?

This is not straightforward.
The type of the value depends on the key. So the key has to carry the information about what type its value is. This is a common pattern. It is used for example in SBT (see for example SettingsKey[T]) and Shapeless Records (Example). However, in SBT the keys are a huge, complex class hierarchy of its own, and the HList in shapeless is pretty complex and also does more than you want.
So here is a small example of how you could implement this. The key knows the type, and the only way to create a Record or to get a value out of a Record is the key. We use a Map[Key, Any] internally as storage, but the casts are hidden and guaranteed to succeed. There is an operator to create records from keys, and an operator to merge records. I chose the operators so you can concatenate Records without having to use brackets.
sealed trait Record {
def apply[T](key:Key[T]) : T
def get[T](key:Key[T]) : Option[T]
def ++ (that:Record) : Record
private class RecordImpl(private val inner:Map[Key[_], Any]) extends Record {
def apply[T](key:Key[T]) : T = inner.apply(key).asInstanceOf[T]
def get[T](key:Key[T]) : Option[T] = inner.get(key).asInstanceOf[Option[T]]
def ++ (that:Record) = that match {
case that:RecordImpl => new RecordImpl(this.inner ++ that.inner)
final class Key[T] {
def ~>(value:T) : Record = new RecordImpl(Map(this -> value))
object Key {
def apply[T] = new Key[T]
Here is how you would use this. First define some keys:
val a = Key[Int]
val b = Key[String]
val c = Key[Float]
Then use them to create a record
val record = a ~> 1 ++ b ~> "abc" ++ c ~> 1.0f
When accessing the record using the keys, you will get a value of the right type back
scala> record(a)
res0: Int = 1
scala> record(b)
res1: String = abc
scala> record(c)
res2: Float = 1.0
I find this sort of data structure very useful. Sometimes you need more flexibility than a case class provides, but you don't want to resort to something completely type-unsafe like a Map[String,Any]. This is a good middle ground.
Edit: another option would be to have a map that uses a (name, type) pair as the real key internally. You have to provide both the name and the type when getting a value. If you choose the wrong type there is no entry. However this has a big potential for errors, like when you put in a byte and try to get out an int. So I think this is not a good idea.
import reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag
class TypedMap[K](val inner:Map[(K, TypeTag[_]), Any]) extends AnyVal {
def updated[V](key:K, value:V)(implicit tag:TypeTag[V]) = new TypedMap[K](inner + ((key, tag) -> value))
def apply[V](key:K)(implicit tag:TypeTag[V]) = inner.apply((key, tag)).asInstanceOf[V]
def get[V](key:K)(implicit tag:TypeTag[V]) = inner.get((key, tag)).asInstanceOf[Option[V]]
object TypedMap {
def empty[K] = new TypedMap[K](Map.empty)
scala> val x = TypedMap.empty[String].updated("a", 1).updated("b", "a string")
x: TypedMap[String] = TypedMap#30e1a76d
scala> x.apply[Int]("a")
res0: Int = 1
scala> x.apply[String]("b")
res1: String = a string
// this is what happens when you try to get something out with the wrong type.
scala> x.apply[Int]("b")
java.util.NoSuchElementException: key not found: (b,Int)

This is now very straightforward in shapeless,
scala> import shapeless._ ; import syntax.singleton._ ; import record._
import shapeless._
import syntax.singleton._
import record._
scala> val map = ("double" ->> 4.0) :: ("string" ->> "foo") :: HNil
map: ... <complex type elided> ... = 4.0 :: foo :: HNil
scala> map("double")
res0: Double with shapeless.record.KeyTag[String("double")] = 4.0
scala> map("string")
res1: String with shapeless.record.KeyTag[String("string")] = foo
scala> map("double")+1.0
res2: Double = 5.0
scala> val map2 = map.updateWith("double")(_+1.0)
map2: ... <complex type elided> ... = 5.0 :: foo :: HNil
scala> map2("double")
res3: Double = 5.0
This is with shapeless 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT as of the date of this answer.

I finally found my own solution, which worked best in my case:
case class Container[+T](element: T) {
def get[T]: T = {
val map: Map[String, Container[Any]] = Map("a" -> Container[Double](4.0), "b" -> Container[String]("test"))
val double: Double = map.apply("a").get[Double]
val string: String = map.apply("b").get[String]

(a) Scala containers don't track type information for what's placed inside them, and
(b) the return "type" for an apply/get method with a simple String parameter/key is going to be static for a given instance of the object the method is to be applied to.
This feels very much like a design decision that needs to be rethought.

I don't think there's a way to get bare map.apply() to do what you'd want. As the other answers suggest, some sort of container class will be necessary. Here's an example that restricts the values to be only certain types (String, Double, Int, in this case):
sealed trait MapVal
case class StringMapVal(value: String) extends MapVal
case class DoubleMapVal(value: Double) extends MapVal
case class IntMapVal(value: Int) extends MapVal
val myMap: Map[String, MapVal] =
Map("key1" -> StringMapVal("value1"),
"key2" -> DoubleMapVal(3.14),
"key3" -> IntMapVal(42))
myMap.keys.foreach { k =>
val message =
myMap(k) match { // map.apply() in your example code
case StringMapVal(x) => "string: %s".format(x)
case DoubleMapVal(x) => "double: %.2f".format(x)
case IntMapVal(x) => "int: %d".format(x)
The main benefit of the sealted trait is compile-time checking for non-exhaustive matches in pattern matching.
I also like this approach because it's relatively simple by Scala standards. You can go off into the weeds for something more robust, but in my opinion you're into diminishing returns pretty quickly.

If you want to do this you'd have to specify the type of Container to be Any, because Any is a supertype of both Double and String.
val d: Container[Any] = new Container(4.0)
val str: Container[Any] = new Container("string")
val m: Map[String, Container[Any]] = Map("double" -> d, "string" -> str)
Or to make things easier, you can change the definition of Container so that it's no longer type invariant:
class Container[+T](element: T) {
def get: T = element
override def toString = s"Container($element)"
val d: Container[Double] = new Container(4.0)
val str: Container[String] = new Container("string")
val m: Map[String, Container[Any]] = Map("double" -> d, "string" -> str)

There is a way but it's complicated. See Unboxed union types in Scala. Essentially you'll have to type the Map to some type Int |v| Double to be able to hold both Int and Double. You'll also pay a high price in compile times.


How to Get Case Class Parameter Key Value Pairs? [duplicate]

Is there a nice way I can convert a Scala case class instance, e.g.
case class MyClass(param1: String, param2: String)
val x = MyClass("hello", "world")
into a mapping of some kind, e.g.
getCCParams(x) returns "param1" -> "hello", "param2" -> "world"
Which works for any case class, not just predefined ones. I've found you can pull the case class name out by writing a method that interrogates the underlying Product class, e.g.
def getCCName(caseobj: Product) = caseobj.productPrefix
getCCName(x) returns "MyClass"
So I'm looking for a similar solution but for the case class fields. I'd imagine a solution might have to use Java reflection, but I'd hate to write something that might break in a future release of Scala if the underlying implementation of case classes changes.
Currently I'm working on a Scala server and defining the protocol and all its messages and exceptions using case classes, as they are such a beautiful, concise construct for this. But I then need to translate them into a Java map to send over the messaging layer for any client implementation to use. My current implementation just defines a translation for each case class separately, but it would be nice to find a generalised solution.
This should work:
def getCCParams(cc: AnyRef) =
cc.getClass.getDeclaredFields.foldLeft(Map.empty[String, Any]) { (a, f) =>
a + (f.getName -> f.get(cc))
Because case classes extend Product one can simply use .productIterator to get field values:
def getCCParams(cc: Product) = cc.getClass.getDeclaredFields.map( _.getName ) // all field names
.zip( cc.productIterator.to ).toMap // zipped with all values
Or alternatively:
def getCCParams(cc: Product) = {
val values = cc.productIterator
cc.getClass.getDeclaredFields.map( _.getName -> values.next ).toMap
One advantage of Product is that you don't need to call setAccessible on the field to read its value. Another is that productIterator doesn't use reflection.
Note that this example works with simple case classes that don't extend other classes and don't declare fields outside the constructor.
Starting Scala 2.13, case classes (as implementations of Product) are provided with a productElementNames method which returns an iterator over their field's names.
By zipping field names with field values obtained with productIterator we can generically obtain the associated Map:
// case class MyClass(param1: String, param2: String)
// val x = MyClass("hello", "world")
(x.productElementNames zip x.productIterator).toMap
// Map[String,Any] = Map("param1" -> "hello", "param2" -> "world")
If anybody looks for a recursive version, here is the modification of #Andrejs's solution:
def getCCParams(cc: Product): Map[String, Any] = {
val values = cc.productIterator
cc.getClass.getDeclaredFields.map {
_.getName -> (values.next() match {
case p: Product if p.productArity > 0 => getCCParams(p)
case x => x
It also expands the nested case-classes into maps at any level of nesting.
Here's a simple variation if you don't care about making it a generic function:
case class Person(name:String, age:Int)
def personToMap(person: Person): Map[String, Any] = {
val fieldNames = person.getClass.getDeclaredFields.map(_.getName)
val vals = Person.unapply(person).get.productIterator.toSeq
scala> println(personToMap(Person("Tom", 50)))
res02: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Any] = Map(name -> Tom, age -> 50)
If you happen to be using Json4s, you could do the following:
import org.json4s.{Extraction, _}
case class MyClass(param1: String, param2: String)
val x = MyClass("hello", "world")
Solution with ProductCompletion from interpreter package:
import tools.nsc.interpreter.ProductCompletion
def getCCParams(cc: Product) = {
val pc = new ProductCompletion(cc)
You could use shapeless.
case class X(a: Boolean, b: String,c:Int)
case class Y(a: String, b: String)
Define a LabelledGeneric representation
import shapeless._
import shapeless.ops.product._
import shapeless.syntax.std.product._
object X {
implicit val lgenX = LabelledGeneric[X]
object Y {
implicit val lgenY = LabelledGeneric[Y]
Define two typeclasses to provide the toMap methods
object ToMapImplicits {
implicit class ToMapOps[A <: Product](val a: A)
extends AnyVal {
def mkMapAny(implicit toMap: ToMap.Aux[A, Symbol, Any]): Map[String, Any] =
a.toMap[Symbol, Any]
.map { case (k: Symbol, v) => k.name -> v }
implicit class ToMapOps2[A <: Product](val a: A)
extends AnyVal {
def mkMapString(implicit toMap: ToMap.Aux[A, Symbol, Any]): Map[String, String] =
a.toMap[Symbol, Any]
.map { case (k: Symbol, v) => k.name -> v.toString }
Then you can use it like this.
object Run extends App {
import ToMapImplicits._
val x: X = X(true, "bike",26)
val y: Y = Y("first", "second")
val anyMapX: Map[String, Any] = x.mkMapAny
val anyMapY: Map[String, Any] = y.mkMapAny
println("anyMapX = " + anyMapX)
println("anyMapY = " + anyMapY)
val stringMapX: Map[String, String] = x.mkMapString
val stringMapY: Map[String, String] = y.mkMapString
println("anyMapX = " + anyMapX)
println("anyMapY = " + anyMapY)
which prints
anyMapX = Map(c -> 26, b -> bike, a -> true)
anyMapY = Map(b -> second, a -> first)
stringMapX = Map(c -> 26, b -> bike, a -> true)
stringMapY = Map(b -> second, a -> first)
For nested case classes, (thus nested maps)
check another answer
I don't know about nice... but this seems to work, at least for this very very basic example. It probably needs some work but might be enough to get you started? Basically it filters out all "known" methods from a case class (or any other class :/ )
object CaseMappingTest {
case class MyCase(a: String, b: Int)
def caseClassToMap(obj: AnyRef) = {
val c = obj.getClass
val predefined = List("$tag", "productArity", "productPrefix", "hashCode",
val casemethods = c.getMethods.toList.filter{
n =>
(n.getParameterTypes.size == 0) &&
(n.getDeclaringClass == c) &&
(! predefined.exists(_ == n.getName))
val values = casemethods.map(_.invoke(obj, null))
casemethods.map(_.getName).zip(values).foldLeft(Map[String, Any]())(_+_)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println(caseClassToMap(MyCase("foo", 1)))
// prints: Map(a -> foo, b -> 1)
Details: https://github.com/hank-whu/common4s
With the use of Java reflection, but no change of access level. Converts Product and case class to Map[String, String]:
def productToMap[T <: Product](obj: T, prefix: String): Map[String, String] = {
val clazz = obj.getClass
val fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields.map(_.getName).toSet
val methods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods.filter(method => fields.contains(method.getName))
methods.foldLeft(Map[String, String]()) { case (acc, method) =>
val value = method.invoke(obj).toString
val key = if (prefix.isEmpty) method.getName else s"${prefix}_${method.getName}"
acc + (key -> value)
Modern variation with Scala 3 might also be a bit simplified as with the following example that is similar to the answer posted by Walter Chang above.
def getCCParams(cc: AnyRef): Map[String, Any] =
.foldLeft(Map.empty)((a, f) => a + (f.getName -> f.get(cc)))

What is the best way to return more than 2 different variable type values in Scala

It's been while Since I've started working on scala and I am wondering what kind of variable type is the best when I create a method which requires to return multiple data.
let's say If I have to make a method to get user info and it'll be called from many places.
def getUserParam(userId: String):Map[String,Any] = {
//do something
"isExist" -> true,
"userDataA" -> "String",
"userDataB" -> 1 // int
in this case, the result type is Map[String,Any] and since each param would be recognized as Any, You cannot pass the value to some other method requiring something spesifically.
def doSomething(foo: String){}
val foo = getUserParam("bar")
doSomething(foo("userDataA")) // type mismatch error
If I use Tuple, I can avoid that error, but I don't think it is easy to guess what each indexed number contains.
and of course there is a choice to use Case Class but once I use case class as a return type, I need to import the case class where ever I call the method.
What I want to ask is what is the best way to make a method returning more than 2 different variable type values.
Here are three options. Even though you might like the third option (using anonymous class) it's actually my least favorite. As you can see, it requires you to enable reflective calls (otherwise it throws a compilation warning). Scala will use reflection to achieve this which is not that great.
Personally, if there are only 2 values I use tuple. If there are more than two I will use a case class since it greatly improves code readability. The anonymous class option I knew it existed for a while, but I never used that it my code.
import java.util.Date
def returnTwoUsingTuple: (Date, String) = {
val date = new Date()
val str = "Hello world"
val tupleVer = returnTwoUsingTuple
case class Reply(date: Date, str: String)
def returnTwoUsingCaseClass: Reply = {
val date = new Date()
val str = "Hello world"
val caseClassVer = returnTwoUsingCaseClass
import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
def returnTwoUsingAnonymousClass = {
val date = new Date()
val str = "Hello world"
new {
val getDate = date
val getStr = str
val anonClassVer = returnTwoUsingAnonymousClass
Sinse your logic with Map[String,Any] is more like for each key I have one of .. not for each key I have both ... more effective use in this case would be Either or even more effectively - scalaz.\/
import scalaz._
import scalaz.syntax.either._
def getUserParam(userId: String): Map[String, String \/ Int \/ Boolean] = {
//do something
"isExist" -> true.right,
"userDataA" -> "String".left.left,
"userDataB" -> 1.right.left
String \/ Int \/ Boolean is left-associatited to (String \/ Int) \/ Boolean
now you have
def doSomething(foo: String){}
unluckily it's the most complex case, if for example you had
def doSomethingB(foo: Boolean){}
you could've just
since the right value considered as correct so for String which is left to the left you could write
Closed Family
Or you could craft you own simple type for large number of alternatives like
sealed trait Either3[+A, +B, +C] {
def ifFirst[T](action: A => T): Option[T] = None
def ifSecond[T](action: B => T): Option[T] = None
def ifThird[T](action: C => T): Option[T] = None
case class First[A](x: A) extends Either3[A, Nothing, Nothing] {
override def ifFirst[T](action: A => T): Option[T] = Some(action(x))
case class Second[A](x: A) extends Either3[Nothing, A, Nothing] {
override def ifSecond[T](action: A => T): Option[T] = Some(action(x))
case class Third[A](x: A) extends Either3[Nothing, Nothing, A] {
override def ifThird[T](action: A => T): Option[T] = Some(action(x))
now having
def getUserParam3(userId: String): Map[String, Either3[Boolean, String, Int]] = {
//do something
"isExist" -> First(true),
"userDataA" -> Second("String"),
"userDataB" -> Third(1)
val foo3 = getUserParam3("bar")
you can use your values as

Specialization of Scala methods to a specific tags

I have a generic map with values, some of which can be in turn lists of values.
I'm trying to process a given key and convert the results to the type expected by an outside caller, like this:
// A map with some values being other collections.
val map: Map[String, Any] = Map("foo" -> 1, "bar" -> Seq('a', 'b'. 'a'))
// A generic method with a "specialization" for collections (pseudocode)
def cast[T](key: String) = map.get(key).map(_.asInstanceOf[T])
def cast[C <: Iterable[T]](key: String) = map.get(key).map(list => list.to[C].map(_.asIntanceOf[T]))
// Expected usage
cast[Int]("foo") // Should return 1:Int
cast[Set[Char]]("bar") // Should return Set[Char]('a', 'b')
This is to show what I would like to do, but it does not work. The compiler error complains (correctly, about 2 possible matches). I've also tried to make this a single function with some sort of pattern match on the type to no avail.
I've been reading on #specialized, TypeTag, CanBuildFrom and other scala functionality, but I failed to find a simple way to put it all together. Separate examples I've found address different pieces and some ugly workarounds, but nothing that would simply allow an external user to call cast and get an exception is the cast was invalid. Some stuff is also old, I'm using Scala 2.10.5.
This appears to work but it has a some problems.
def cast[T](m: Map[String, Any], k: String):T = m(k) match {
case x: T => x
With the right input you get the correct output.
scala> cast[Int](map,"foo")
res18: Int = 1
scala> cast[Set[Char]](map,"bar")
res19: Set[Char] = Set(a, b)
But it throws if the type is wrong for the key or if the map has no such key (of course).
You can do this via implicit parameters:
val map: Map[String, Any] = Map("foo" -> 1, "bar" -> Set('a', 'b'))
abstract class Casts[B] {def cast(a: Any): B}
implicit val doubleCast = new Casts[Double] {
override def cast(a: Any): Double = a match {
case x: Int => x.toDouble
implicit val intCast = new Casts[Int] {
override def cast(a: Any): Int = a match {
case x: Int => x
case x: Double => x.toInt
implicit val seqCharCast = new Casts[Seq[Char]] {
override def cast(a: Any): Seq[Char] = a match {
case x: Set[Char] => x.toSeq
case x: Seq[Char] => x
def cast[T](key: String)(implicit p:Casts[T]) = p.cast(map(key))
println(cast[Double]("foo")) // <- 1.0
println(cast[Int]("foo")) // <- 1
println(cast[Seq[Char]]("bar")) // <- ArrayBuffer(a, b) which is Seq(a, b)
But you still need to iterate over all type-to-type options, which is reasonable as Set('a', 'b').asInstanceOf[Seq[Char]] throws, and you cannot use a universal cast, so you need to handle such cases differently.
Still it sounds like an overkill, and you may need to review your approach from global perspective

Dynamically create extensible record in shapeless 2.0

I need to produce an extensible record given an HList of keys and a map of values, here's a MWE of what I'm trying to achieve (you can copy/paste this in any REPL with shapeless 2.0 available, in order to reproduce the issue)
import shapeless._; import syntax.singleton._; import record._
case class Foo[T](column: Symbol)
val cols = Foo[String]('column1) :: HNil
val values = Map("column1" -> "value1")
object toRecord extends Poly1 {
implicit def Foo[T] = at[Foo[T]] { foo =>
val k = foo.column.name
val v = values.get(k)
(k ->> v)
val r = cols.map(toRecord)
// r: shapeless.::[Option[String] with shapeless.record.KeyTag[k.type,Option[String]] forSome { val k: String },shapeless.HNil] = Some(value1) :: HNil
val value = r("column1")
// error: No field String("column1") in record shapeless.::[Option[String] with shapeless.record.KeyTag[k.type,Option[String]] forSome { val k: String },shapeless.HNil]
val value = r("column1")
If I try defining the record manually everything works as expected
val q = ("column1" ->> Some("value1")) :: HNil
// q: shapeless.::[Some[String] with shapeless.record.KeyTag[String("column1"),Some[String]],shapeless.HNil] = Some(value1) :: HNil
// Some[String] = Some(value1)
Clearly the difference is that in one case the KeyTag has type
KeyTag[String("column1"), Some[String]]
and in the (non-working) other
KeyTag[k.type,Option[String]] forSome { val k: String }
I sense the issue is with the string k not being statically known, but I have no clue on how to fix this.
Generally speaking, is there a way of dynamically generating an extensible record from a list of keys?
I fear the answer is to use a macro, but I'd be glad if another solution existed.
This isn't too bad if you can change your Foo definition a bit to allow it to keep track of the singleton type of the column key (note that I've removed the unused T type parameter):
import shapeless._; import syntax.singleton._; import record._
case class Foo[K <: Symbol](column: Witness.Aux[K])
val cols = Foo('column1) :: HNil
val values = Map("column1" -> "value1")
object toRecord extends Poly1 {
implicit def atFoo[K <: Symbol] = at[Foo[K]] { foo =>
val r = cols.map(toRecord)
And then:
scala> val value = r('column1)
value: Option[String] = Some(value1)
Note that I've changed your string key ("column1") to a symbol, since that's what we've put into the record.

Can I name a tuple (define a structure?) in Scala 2.8?

It does not look very good for me to always repeat a line-long tuple definition every time I need it. Can I just name it and use as a type name? Would be nice to name its fields also instead of using ._1, ._2 etc.
Regarding your first question, you can simply use a type alias:
type KeyValue = (Int, String)
And, of course, Scala is an object-oriented language, so regarding your second about how to specialize a tuple, the magic word is inheritance:
case class KeyValue(key: Int, value: String) extends (Int, String)(key, value)
That's it. The class doesn't even need a body.
val kvp = KeyValue(42, "Hello")
kvp._1 // => res0: Int = 42
kvp.value // => res1: String = "Hello"
Note, however, that inheriting from case classes (which Tuple2 is), is deprecated and may be disallowed in the future. Here's the compiler warning you get for the above class definition:
warning: case class class KV has case class ancestor class Tuple2. This has been deprecated for unduly complicating both usage and implementation. You should instead use extractors for pattern matching on non-leaf nodes.
Type alias is fine for naming your Tuple, but try using a case class instead. You will be able to use named parameters
Example with tuple:
def foo(a : Int) : (Int, String) = {
val res = foo(1)
val size = res._1
val name= res._2
With a case class:
case class Result( size : Int , name : String )
def foo(a : Int) : Result = {
val res = foo(1)
val size = res.size
val name= res.name
Here's a solution that creates a type alias and a factory object.
scala> type T = (Int, String)
defined type alias T
scala> object T { def apply(i: Int, s: String): T = (i, s) }
defined module T
scala> new T(1, "a")
res0: (Int, String) = (1,a)
scala> T(1, "a")
res1: (Int, String) = (1,a)
However as others have mentioned, you probably should just create a case class.
Although as others have said, explicit (case) classes are best in the general sense.
However for localized scenarios what you can do is to use the tuple extractor to improve code readability:
val (first, second) = incrementPair(3, 4)
println(s"$first ... $second")
Given a method returning a tuple:
def incrementPair(pair: (Int, Int)) : (Int, Int) = {
val (first, second) = pair
(first + 1, second + 1)