NavigationLink not working if label is conditional - swift

I have created a scroll bar with a list of folders created by the user like in the picture
a simple navigation link navigates inside the folder.
in order to give the option to the user to delete the folder, on the navigation view label I put an IF that change the icon of the folder base if the editing mode is on or off.
my issue is, when I'm changing the icon setting the var isEditFolderModeON = true with a long press gesture.
all working fine, problem is since I put the long press gesture in the Navigation link label it stop to work.
any solution?
where I can move the long pressure gesture,
NavigationLink(destination: FolderViewAirport(fm:, dm:, folders: folder)
.onAppear(perform: { {
) {
if self.isEditFolderModeON {
FolderBarEdit( folder: folder)
.onTapGesture { folder)
else if self.isEditFolderModeON == false {
FolderBar(folder: folder)
.onLongPressGesture {
self.isEditFolderModeON = true
if I remove the .onLongPressGesture {} it works, but where I can put the self.isEditFolderModeON = true


SwiftUI -- Handling Interactions in Form

I'm creating a more complex UI that consists of several sub-parts, each sub-part is enclosed in a Section and all sections have to go in one Form
As soon as several Buttons belong to one Section, each action of the Buttons is triggered as soon as one Button is clicked.
In the following code
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var cnt = 0
var body: some View {
Form {
Section (header: Text("Counter")){
HStack {
cnt += 1
cnt -= 1}
Text("Counter : \(cnt)")
a tab one one of the two Buttons triggers both actions. By adding .buttonStyle(PlainButtonStyle()) to each Button or by removing the Form everything works as expected. Unfortunately the real UI is more complex and relies on the Form widget. The .buttonStyle(PlainButtonStyle()) removes the visual hint that the elements are active.
Is there a different way to solve my problem?

SwiftUI: How to Disable List Scrolling on Reusable View

I've got an interesting glitch in SwiftUI -
I'm using a List as part of my interface that is intended to be un-scrollable. This is how I've designed it:
List {
ForEach(myArr) {
.onAppear {
UIScrollView.appearance().isScrollEnabled = false
UIScrollView.appearance().showsVerticalScrollIndicator = false
Now, when I first load the view containing this list, it works perfectly; you cannot scroll this list. However, if I navigate to a different page in my application and then back to the page containing this list (which creates a new instance of the view), scrolling becomes enabled.
How can I fix this?
Use .disabled(true) on the list to disable interaction with the list.

Selecting a picker value to lead to a text field, SwiftUI

Im trying to implement a feature in my app.
When I click on my picker:
Picker(selection: $,
label: Text("Education Level")) {
ForEach(Education.levels, id: \.self) { level in
This takes me to a screen and then I select the value (this is fine - it works as expected)
How could I select the value which then takes my to let's say another screen so I can fill in more details regarding the selected value.
For example the above picker has a values to select eduction level, after selecting it, how could I get an action sheet/another screen appear so I can have a text field there to save this extra data to or once the selection is made, a text field appears for me to save some extra data, and then clicking a button which would take me to the original screen of the picker (hope that makes sense)?
I've tried researching online for a problem similar to this but can't seem to find one/or if you can point me in the direction of what I should be looking into?.
Tried the following:
If I correctly understood your scenario here is a possible approach (replication tested with Xcode 12 / iOS 14)
Picker(selection: $,
label: Text("Education Level")) {
ForEach(Education.levels, id: \.self) { level in
.onChange(of: { _ in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.showSheet = true
.sheet(isPresented: $showSheet) {
// put here your text editor or anything
Text("Editor for \(")

SwiftUI Catalyst drag and drop

I'm struggling with implementing drag'n'drop for my SwiftUI catalyst app. This is my code:
Text("Drag your files here")
.onDrop(of: ["public.url","public.file-url"], isTargeted: nil) { providers -> Bool in
return true
If I drag a file from the finder on the Label, I'm getting the green plus icon. If I drop it, the output is:
What am I doing wrong?

Why is my SwiftUI List row not always updating internally

I have a list of reminders grouped into sections by completion and date. With data coming from an ObservedObject DataStore called global. I pass a realmBinding to the cell. The cell can update this binding and it will trigger the data store to update.
List {
// Past Due
if > 0 {
Section(header: SectionHeader {}){
ForEach( { reminder in
NavigationLink(destination: ReminderDetail( reminder: reminder.realmBinding())) {
GeneralReminderCell(reminder: reminder.realmBinding())
// Completed
if > 0 {
// Same as PastDue but for Completed
The cell looks something like:
struct GeneralReminderCell: View {
#Binding var reminder:Reminder
var body: some View {
HStack(, spacing: 10) {
Image(systemName: reminder.completed ? "" : "circle")
.onTapGesture(perform:{ self.reminder.completed = !self.reminder.completed })
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 2) {
Text("Follow up with \(reminder.client.fullName)").fontWeight(.semibold)
if reminder.title.count > 0 {
}.padding(.vertical, 10)
When tapping on an image it toggles the reminder completion state and its position changes in the List view. The image that was tapped should changed to a filled in check when completed.
This behaviour almost always happens as expected, but sometimes the checked image will get out of sync with the completed state of reminder. I've look at this for quite some time and have not made much headway. Why is the checked image not always matching the state of the data?
Even though this is a very old question, I may have been working on what appears to be this same problem. In my case, my App is running on macOS. At first, the problem also seemed to be very intermittent and had been difficult to reproduce consistently.
I also have a View with a ForEach supplying rows to a List. My row's View contains an #State for an Optional Image that gets updated several different ways via actions performed by that same row View (e.g. Continuity Camera, file picker or drag & drop). The issue is that sometimes the new Image is shown and sometimes it is not shown. Using Self._printChanges() I am able to see that the #State is changing and the row's body it is being redrawn, however, the rendered View does not change. The only pattern that I am able to observe is that this issue only seems to occur with the last row in the List. Based on the success of my workaround below, it seems to confirm that there is an issue with the way SwiftUI's List reuses table cells.
My solution/workaround is to replace:
List {
ForEach {
ScrollView {
LazyVStack {
ForEach {