Vr hands get really big for no reason - unity3d

I am useing a oculus quest with oculus link
I'm a unity vr game and I made a model for my vr hands and I heard to apply the model to your vr hands you just drag the model on to the xr Controller compment > Model Prefab. So I did that and then I tested my game. And my hands where far away from me and not linked to my controllers. Also my hands were really big to
Troubleshooting steps I took
I tried deleting the "Left hand" and "Right hand" In the Hiearchy and than made the left hand and right hand again and than added the xr controller compement and then dragged the hand model to the model prefab.
I tried delting the model and making a new one. This did not work
Here is my unity project if you want to take a look at my problem. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XfQ1-_GGctwLSzYa2niW_6o1yJ_7IcQF?usp=sharing
I probabley did a really bad job explaing this. Sorry for any spelling errors


animation frozen blend tree

so I was gonna make my first third person rpg game and im a pretty experienced game developer around 3 years still when it comes to animations my brain stops functioning correctly so I made my own rigged player model with blender and mixamo.
I was gonna swap out the model from the third person starter asset thing because making 3rd person character controllers is insanely hard and I swapped out the player model on the geometry empty with my model and I setup the animation stuff and to be clear I used the starter asset animation controller and the animations and set the model to humanoid so when I hit play all it did is stay on the first frame of the idle animation for the starter asset controller like this
you can still move run and jump it just stays solid the entire time, really weird issue.
I can send you my project files at any time if you need them.
there is my rig that came out of mixamo
have a good day please put down your suggestions even if you have a feeling they arent right

UnityEditor.ObjectPreview was not disposed properly - Unity 2021.3.9f1

I'm pretty new to Unity, still learning this game engine. I wanted to try making a basic scene with barrels that I model in Blender, I followed this tutorial GAME ASSET BEGINNER TUTORIAL - Exporting from Blender to Unity and everything goes fine until I came across this error.
Console error Image link
UnityEditor.ObjectPreview was not disposed properly. Make sure that base.Cleanup is called if overriding the Cleanup method. If you are implementing this in an Editor or EditorWindow, don't forget to call ObjectPreview.Cleanup in OnDisable.
UnityEditor.ObjectPreview:Finalize ()
I tried to find a solution but I couldn't find anything that could fix this error. On some Reddit thread, I found that a problem might be in mesh Normals, I already recalculate it in my Blender project but the same thing happens.
Although my barrel model looks just fine on the scene, I want to know what this error means.
I'm using Blender 3.2.2 and my Unity project is on Unity version 2021.3.9f1
Barrel model on the scene Image link

Implement Oculus go on unity

just begin to code/work on unity.
No big trouble to set some camera move or launch animation on standalone plateform.
But when I try Oculus go ... I want to get the same "on click' I've got on standalone plateform. Ideally I would make a gaze pointer timed, which avoid joystick.
First : Do you know how to display what you see on the Oculus on unity (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TektJroMwxY at 9:40 for example) ?
And then How could I simply implement a gaze pointer click ? I try the Oculus unity integration (https://developer.oculus.com/downloads/package/unity-integration/) UI scene but there is too many code to understand quickly everything.
Many thanks for your help,
First of all:
Interesting stuff is not quickly to learn
Anyway, you need to know that Oculus gaze point do not work as the typical mouse-click. You need to raycast from your camera to stuff (with attached colliders or build some system) to know if you are clicking on it.
Watch deeply on VrInteractiveItem class, as it's how oculus mainly works.

make an existing game virtual reality game

I'm interested in taking an existing flying game and turn it into a virtual reality game. What would be required? I would like to be able to make the game respond to touch primarily and vision. Thank you!
Do you have the Unity project for the existing flying game? Depending on how complex that game is, it could be relatively simple to use the free SteamVR plugin to add VR support to the game.
If you don't have the Unity project for the existing game, then you've got to do everything from scratch. This includes game programming as well as acquiring/inserting assets, inter alia, which would be quite a lot of work.

Unity how to find Vive controller game objects?

New to VR development and relatively new to Unity. Anyone know a good/best practice way to find the game object for the left and right controllers?
You can find them in the Vive SDK package for Unity.
It does with some sample scenes and controller models are included.
If you want to know their destination path- just pause the game once SteamVR is up and running, select left or right controller and check model's mesh renderer component - it will point you directly to the place in project where mesh is saved.