make an existing game virtual reality game - unity3d

I'm interested in taking an existing flying game and turn it into a virtual reality game. What would be required? I would like to be able to make the game respond to touch primarily and vision. Thank you!

Do you have the Unity project for the existing flying game? Depending on how complex that game is, it could be relatively simple to use the free SteamVR plugin to add VR support to the game.
If you don't have the Unity project for the existing game, then you've got to do everything from scratch. This includes game programming as well as acquiring/inserting assets, inter alia, which would be quite a lot of work.


Scene management using unity MLAPI (Multiplayer)

I was reading up on the unity MLAPI and read in the documentation that basic scene management is offered. However as far as I could see this is limited to placing all of the connected clients and their player prefabs in the same scene. For this use case this works pretty good, I was wondering if anyone has experience using MLAPI and managing different scenes for different players. Basically running a multiplayer game where player X could be in a different scene than player Y, whilst still being able to move to another players scene and see the state of the scene that player caused. A bit how games such as Diablo 3 work. I have no idea where to begin with such an implementation, any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

Implementing payed 3D models into Unity Games

I've started learning gaming development using Unity and there's a thing I wasn't able to fully understand. I stumbled across the Sketch Fab website and noticed this cool market with 3D models and I was wondering what are the requirements to import such a model into an actual game.
For example this one already has animations:
But on the other hand others don't have:
I have basically 2 questions:
If I buy the first model is this going to save me a lot of time and I can jump straight into implementing the character into an actual game and add custom scripts to it etc?
If I buy the second one, what would I need to too to actually animate this character? Is this something that somehow I can learn from Unity tutorials or would I need to import it to a tool like Blender to further improve this model with animations?
This question provokes a lot of answers. The first model you show does have a .fbx format and the animations will hopefully work fine. This format is typically what you want to use with Unity.
The second model is not Rigged (look at the product description). What this means is you will have to rig every bone yourself (in Blender) and make it compatible with Unity. I never buy a model that isn't rigged.
To add animations to the second character, you can download some from or use many of the animations you will find in the Unity Asset Store.
Personally, I prefer getting my models from You can search against multiple formats including .unitypackage
As Jiveturkey said, the first model is directly compatible with unity and doesn't require any additional steps - so if you're looking to focus solely on building the game without worrying about animation then you might want to go with the first model.
The second model isn't rigged, so you would have to manage all rigging and animating yourself - Unity does have a built-in rigging package, so you would be able to do that within unity rather than using Blender (Link to tutorial for rigging in Unity, Rigging tutorial directly from unity)
Unity can read .fbx, .dae (Collada), .3ds, .dxf, .obj, and .skp files for 3D models, and that's pretty much the only requirement. There are tons of sites with free 3D assets if you don't want to spend the money as well, Unity Asset Store, and tons more - these are just the ones that come to mind

3d FBX file import into Unity not working as expected

I am interested in building virtual reality applications and I am at beginner level.
I imported a FBX file of Airplane and imported it in Unity,
Upon linking the animation in Unity and building it onto my Mobile, I see a 2D version of the model. How should I convert it into virtual reality application.
Below is a snalshot of the file. The aiation is also fairly simple, one plane takes off and flies for sometime before landing.
Below is a snapshot of the Game Console
So inshort the question is how do I convert this into a 3D mode so that I can use it as a virtual reality Application.
Thank you
That is 3D mode.
Making a VR application isn't done at the push of a button
Start here:
Read about VR in unity
It seems like you are a new Unity user. If so do this first:
Depending on what you want to do in your application you should look into the Unity Documentation and read about:
Creating Gameplay
If you at some point feel you don't understand these links, you may need to take another step back and start off by checking out the official tutorials
Just save your .blend file in the Unity's Assets folder.
Look at the documentation for more informations

3d game developer in openGL

I want to start as a 3d game developer . But I am not getting from where to start.
Should I work on some game engine or should I work to learn openGL which is the core of any game engine.
I am working as an application developer (iPHone) and I have worked on Cocos2d game engine for iPhone.
Any guide lines. Please help.
How about cocos3d?
cocos3d is a significant extension to cocos2d
that adds a full 3D modelling space,
including 3D mesh models, perspective
projection cameras, materials, and
Do you want to emphasize the "3D" or the "Game" in "3D Game Developer"?
If you emphasize the 3D, you can dig deep into OpenGL, and all the concepts behind 3D graphics, and develop the low level drawing code for your game. See HG's response for a good start. 3D graphics programming is a huge subject. Just OpenGL ES, which is available in two incompatible versions under iOS, is a huge subject that could take many months to learn. Plus if you're writing the rendering code for your game, you'll probably be writing the rest of the game subsystems code such as AI and physics.
If you want to emphasize the Game, you can learn 3D game engines such as cocos3d (as Kazuki Sakamoto mentions). There are lots of such game engines. In addition to offering rendering code, these engines may offer other game subsystems. You'll be working on your game content more than reinventing the game subsystems.
It just depends upon which is more interesting to you.

iPhone 2D Game programming

I would like to start a project about creating a 2D game for iPhone. I have already created some iPhone apps but none concerning game. The idea is simple : the user must drive a ball into a simple route composed of some obstacles before he gets cached by a wall that always go done. (I don't know if it make sense to you but the game environment will be simple).
I posted here because I have some questions :
What should I use ? Opengl ES or only UIView objects ?
Is there some framework that could help me ?
All ideas, advices, suggestions, links for good tutorials are welcome !
Thanks in advance for your help.
Ps: forgive my english, it's not my first language.
If you are focusing on 2D only, something like Cocos 2D would save you a lot of steps and let to focus on your game development.
It handles scene management, particle effects, sprite animation, physics, etc.
My personal favorite for 2D development is Corona.