UnityEditor.ObjectPreview was not disposed properly - Unity 2021.3.9f1 - unity3d

I'm pretty new to Unity, still learning this game engine. I wanted to try making a basic scene with barrels that I model in Blender, I followed this tutorial GAME ASSET BEGINNER TUTORIAL - Exporting from Blender to Unity and everything goes fine until I came across this error.
Console error Image link
UnityEditor.ObjectPreview was not disposed properly. Make sure that base.Cleanup is called if overriding the Cleanup method. If you are implementing this in an Editor or EditorWindow, don't forget to call ObjectPreview.Cleanup in OnDisable.
UnityEditor.ObjectPreview:Finalize ()
I tried to find a solution but I couldn't find anything that could fix this error. On some Reddit thread, I found that a problem might be in mesh Normals, I already recalculate it in my Blender project but the same thing happens.
Although my barrel model looks just fine on the scene, I want to know what this error means.
I'm using Blender 3.2.2 and my Unity project is on Unity version 2021.3.9f1
Barrel model on the scene Image link


Why do png's not want to import into the 3d Scene in Unity

So for context, I'm using AR core in Unity to build an augmented reality experience for my job. I've made a version of this using adobe Aero and I'm using unity in order to get it available for use with Android. Anyway, how I've been switching between scenes in aero is through use of a flat, PNG button that says next scene, making everything disappear and the next scene appear. So far, in unity, I haven't gotten the PNG's to import into the scene.
I've been doing research and I loosely know that in a 3D space a flat image becomes a 'sprite' but I'm not sure if I'm importing it incorrectly or using the wrong format, and so far all the resources I consulted only talks about sprites in a 2D setup. not 3D or AR as I am. Any ideas or suggestions are welcome.

Hololens + Unity: GameObjects are invisible

After I build my Unity project and send it to the Hololens, I have the following problem:
The splash screen appear followed by a debugging window on the bottom. In the background is a white net. However, you can't see any game objects. I've tested a lot but haven't found a solution for that. Visual Studio does not display any error messages. What I've looked at roughly:
These are my modules. Im using the 2019.4.22f1 version of Unity and the MRTK Foundation Toolkit 2.7.2.
My build settings
My project settings
I tried to place the objects in the middle of the camera and changed the colors.
MRTK settings I haven't changed anything most of the time
Main camera settings
My scene
When i start the scene i get this error in the console. I dont know if this has anything to do with my problem
i have two possible solutions (no guarantee)##
you could spawn the objects on input directly in front of the
camera, add a debug.log("object in front of you"); so you can find
the issue.
If this doesnt work i would try to test differnet types of materials
like you do with HDRP.
if this does not work either i probably cant help you out now.
It seems like your GameObject is too far to be hidden behind by the mesh. Please make the spatial mesh invisible by setting the Display Option property of Spatial Mesh Observer Setting to None, this item can be found under the Spatial Awareness profile of the MRTK profile.

Unity crashes when changing scenes in the editor but not when built

I am currently developing a game for the Vive using Steam VR. After updating to 5.5, Unity is freezing when I try to load into roughly half of my scenes when playing in the editor (I have not made any changes), but when I build and run, Unity does not freeze and everything works as would be expected.
I have gone as far as removing all game objects from a scene and replacing the vive camera rig with a unity camera and clearing all baked data, and even then, when I load into the empty scene the Unity editor will still freeze. This is very strange because I can load into some of my other scenes without them being affected.
One thing that I have noted is that the affected scenes that I can not load into I have heavily been working on in 5.5 and not so much in 5.4, so perhaps there is something there?
All of the scenes use the same prefab for a character controller, and the only scripts in my scenes are attached to that. I am really at a loss here. Any ideas or thoughts about things I can try to resolve this would be much appreciated!
As I stated previously, the game builds and runs completely fine, but the editor in play mode freezes when loading into some of my old scenes, even after removing everything from them and only leaving in a Unity camera object to sum it up.
I also have deleted the library folder and reopened my project with Unity and this did not fix it either.

Unity3d and vuforia detecting if target appears

I am new here so I want to ask my first question.
I am using unity3d and vuforia for augmented reality.
I already set up AR camera on my scene and target image and object and works perfectly.
I am trying to play a sound when my 3d model appears on stage but without any luck.
So far I tried to follow this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u177CpPbp8 but in the line public class PlaySoundOnImageTarget : MonoBehaviour, ITrackableEventHandler comes with an error on ITrackableEventHandler.
It's red colored and when I am moving my mouse on this it says "error CS0103: the name ITrackableEventHandler does not exist in the current context".
I tried to write the full code but a lot of lines come with almost the same errors.
Also, I tried this one: [https://developer.vuforia.com/forum/faq/unity-how-can-i-play-audio-when-targets-get-detected]
Any help, please?
I am using unity3d 5.4.2f2.
You will need to include Vuforia before you can use it.
You can do so by placing Using Vuforia; at the top of your screen
Next time you might also want to read through the pages of Vuforia as they already solve this and a lot of other very basic errors you might walk into in the near future.

Unity not loading project properly

Me and some of my mates work together on a project in Unity. When I try to load the project, one of them gave to me (via Dropbox or USB-Stick, doesn't matter), I keep seeing the empty Hierarchy-window (I don't even see a main camera), although he created some objects in the scene.
The scene is definetly loaded in the editor, the name of the scene is shown at the top of the editor. I am not even able to instantiate a prefab in that scene, prefabs from the project are shown with a grey file-symbol, not with the normal blue "prefab-symbol".
By the way: We are using Unity 5.0.x
I hope you have a solution for my problem :)
The problem was a wrong setting of the meta-files and a version-conflict of Unity. The project was created with Unity 5.0.0, opening it with Unity 5.0.1 did not work.