How to fetch mp3 metadata in dart/flutter? - flutter

I am making a music player app. It is able to read the files but I am not sure how to extract the metadata. I want to be able to fetch the song length and the album image mainly. Though the album image might be a problem I am also happy with other data like the song duration and album name and other stuff.
I would be really helpful if someone could provide me a way. I referred to id3 package but there isnt much written as to how to handle the output. A proper code example would be really helpful. I am a complete beginner in dart.

Similar question Local Audio files metadata in flutter.
Right now you can use flute_music_player package for achieving the said task but it is only available in Android as of now. So my best guess will be for you to write Platform channel for iOS
You can try this package and check if it still works. It's not updated recently media_metadata_plugin


iOS video player metadata

My question is if there is any built-in interpretation of metadata by the video player in iOS. I know one can add meta-data to a video and interpret it within a custom application as shown here.
In iOS on ipod or iphone, an HTML video is opened within the native player. I would like to display a message above or below the video for a short duration at the beginning. Since I cannot control the native player I thought there might be some built in metadata interpretation that could be used to perform this. I have not been able to find any information on this.
Any help is appreciated.
The blog you've posted includes details on using the native player MPMoviePlayerController to display meta data, which is pretty cool actually. You learn something new every day! If you're making a Phonegap App I suppose you could write a plugin to do this?
Or alternatively, have a look at this other OS question which appears to suggest that it is possible - though not seemingly with metadata embedded in the actual video. Apparently this works on iOS.
Reading metadata from the <track> of an HTML5 <video> using Captionator

Wanted to know favorite play list songs of end users, should be on server or client side(sqlite) iPhone sdk?

Actually i am developing an app like net flix and in that i need to save favorite songs of end user, i am playing http live streamed videos and also i need to save played time of an video so that end user would be able to play a song from where he has left this song rather then just play it again from beginning.
They are sending me url of streamed videos in following format
so my question is that
What should be the best option to save user's favorite songs according to streamed url, means net flix kind of app having favorite songs in client side or at server side.what should be the preferred one and i am using MPMediaPlayerController from apple MoviePlayer sample app code.
If some one has any idea and want to know any thing more from my side then i will be available. I am and will be highly obliged for your any help.
Sorry but my English is not good and i don't know how to play with words.
Any small help or suggestion would be much appreciated.
Preferably your best option here looks like server side;
Saving the Data When you are removed from the application should be ultimately dealt with on the execution of the app to close.
you have multiple options when doing server Side Calls, One i found to be the best is ASIHTTPRequestDelegate
this has worked wonders and is fairly easy to learn.
You may even want to look into a REST method of pulling Video Feeds, may be a Faster and more secure approach.
hope this Helped! :)

about upload iPhone video to Youtube

how to set the video format of the iPhone camera captured? I think that can be mov,mp4, h.2x , because iPhone can play it, but can not find API to set the video format to recording .....
also want upload the video to youtube, anyone know where can find a good open source code for this purpose, I think that this feature will be commonly and it must be done by other coder....just want save time for this purpose ..
thanks for your help
use gdata is enough
Using gdata is the way to go as Robin mentioned above. Here is a great article that outlines what you need to do and provides a great set of source code to get you started.
Hope this helps!!

Getting duration of video taken by camera iphone sdk

I am trying to get the duration of a video taken with the camera using UIImagePickerController on the iphone, has anyone found a solution to this?
You can now do this using AVFoundation you can make your movie into an AVAsset and then check the duration property
Oh, why, hello hopelessly obsolete answer. I'm afraid you're only left here as historical evidence that yes, before iOS 4 if you wanted to do anything remotely interesting on a recorded video (besides playing it) you had to implement the processing yourself.
I don't know of any framework function to do so, so I'm afraid you'll have to parse the video container yourself (which by the way, is QuickTime/.mov) to extract this info. It's not like it's not documented. Luckily since the provider is known, you can trust all info to be truthful, which you can't assume of random videos found on the web.

iPhone Upload Sounds

Hey, I'm new to this site. I think it is great! Okay, here's the deal. I just downloaded Smule Ocarina. I was wondering how they made it so you can upload a song to the cloud. I might have an app idea that might incorporate this. How would I do this? What would I need?
Well you would have to define a format to play a song, for example MIDI, so you can Upload a MIDI file, ( not very heavy ) to a database (like mySQL) , and then you can download it and play it back with a synthesizer or something similar. There are some open source mobile synths that I think could be able to play MIDI, but you would have to check that out.
Mobile Synth Open Source
I hope this helps you a bit, your question is very broad though, so there are lot of ways to accomplish your goal.