Github continously loading Activity feed - github

Whenever I open my github from the last 2 days, it's activity feed continuously reloads and never stops.
Even if I try to commit anything, the Commit button can not be clicked as if the whole page isn't even loaded yet. There are other problems too like if I want to see insights of a repository that also show " Loading Data". Seems like github is unable to fetch data. I even logged out and then logged in again and also used other browsers too. That too didn't help.

Solved the problem. I have recently installed Github Desktop, so maybe that causes some error in fetching data from the github unrelated to the condition wheather I have logged in or logged out OR whichever browser I am using in my system. So I uninstalled Github Desktop and then it worked fine.


Unable to publish website on Github Pages

I am following a guide for a coding boot-camp but when trying to deploy my website onto Github pages when selecting the main branch and using "/root" the save button is unclickable. I have followed every step but it still isn't working.
I have tried to re-enter the information, I have also looked on forums but I still haven't had any luck.

How to skip installation page for a Github app if its already installed in the account

I am working on a application that uses Github API to fetch appropriate statistics data about users and their repositories and show them to the end user.
I interacted a Github App right now to maintain authentication to get private user repository data.
The current flow to get the authentication is User clicks Login button on my front end page, it takes them to my github app installation page and once the installation is done it takes back to my front end with the required query parameters. I am able to get the user token and access data. My issue is when the token is expired or a existing user tries to login again, they are stuck in the installation page and will need to re click the save button again to continue with the flow.
What can I do something to make sure if the app is already installed then skip the installation window and automatically proceed to the next step. I am aware I might be missing over something simple here, but I am unable to find a solution for this.
I saw that installation_id also gets returned along with the code in callback parameters after each Github app installation. I however haven't found much on what to do with the installation_id. Is that something that would be useful for my case ?
Same question on Github Community. Asking here for more coverage.

GitHub pages shows my site as unsafe (red window)

I am using GitHub pages to deploy a website I made, however when I view the deployment, it shows that the site is unsafe and I have to go to details and select the proceed to site anyways option every time. Does anyone know why this is happening and how can I fix it?

Download Starter Code results in Error 401: No user is logged in

I have an existing Bluemix application that was originally created from the Node-RED Starter boilerplate, but I have added IoT Foundation, Mobile Security and Push to it as well. When I go to "Start Coding" and then click Download Starter Code, a new browser tab opens with the content
Error 401: No user is logged in
I have logged out and back in again, cleared browser cache, tried another browser and anything else I could think of, but still get this error.
Any ideas?
This is a known issue and is currently being addressed. Stay tuned.

IE stuck at permissions request

I have a desktop app that was previously working. I call the FB app with:
Recently, this has been getting stuck in IE at the permissions request page. No matter how many times I hit the "allow" button, it stays on the permissions request page. It doesn't get stuck in Firefox or Chrome. But since the desktop app uses an embedded IE browser, I'm now stuck. There's been no code changes on my end and I estimate the problem arose over the last week.
We're experiencing the same issue here.
It appears to be across any site - we've tried on as well as our own and we can replicate the issue on each site.
The steps we're taking to see the issue are as follows:
Ensure you have a Facebook account that has never been used on the
site before
Ensure you are not logged into that Facebook account
Visit the website, click the Facebook login button
You’ll go to Facebook, log in
It’ll then show you a permissions screen with a button to Goto App
Clicking that button just results in an infinite loop where the page reloads and you see the same thing again
The issue can even be replicated on Facebook's own page on the developer site -