IE stuck at permissions request - facebook

I have a desktop app that was previously working. I call the FB app with:
Recently, this has been getting stuck in IE at the permissions request page. No matter how many times I hit the "allow" button, it stays on the permissions request page. It doesn't get stuck in Firefox or Chrome. But since the desktop app uses an embedded IE browser, I'm now stuck. There's been no code changes on my end and I estimate the problem arose over the last week.

We're experiencing the same issue here.
It appears to be across any site - we've tried on as well as our own and we can replicate the issue on each site.
The steps we're taking to see the issue are as follows:
Ensure you have a Facebook account that has never been used on the
site before
Ensure you are not logged into that Facebook account
Visit the website, click the Facebook login button
You’ll go to Facebook, log in
It’ll then show you a permissions screen with a button to Goto App
Clicking that button just results in an infinite loop where the page reloads and you see the same thing again
The issue can even be replicated on Facebook's own page on the developer site -


Facebook App Linking from pages not working anymore

It's been about 2 months now. We manage several facebook pages and all these pages were linking to native iOS / Android apps from the CTA button where users were either opening their apps via "Use App" link or were redirected to download them in case they didn't have it installed.
What happens now is that the dialog to connect your app via the "add button" function in Facebook pages, it only shows a textfield to redirect the users to a website (image attached). There is no way to link to a registered app (of course there is a related app registered with all the relevant platforms enabled and the admin has access to it). Facebook, as always is completely silent and not responding to any support requests, clients that had their apps linked to pages now ask us what happened and we are out in the cold without being able to understand wtf is happening.
This happens to 90% of our pages, some of them still have a "Use App" button that works just fine, but all others have the above problem. Also, new pages, suffer from the same problem as well. Changing the page theme doesn't seem to do anything. One (strange) finding is that if you download the pages management app in a mobile device, there is also a checkbox which allows to enter a deep link url besides the standard url but just that. The list with the apps that we had access to link to pages has just vanished.
Any ideas? Anyone having the same issue?

Facebook app in Page Tab not visible to not logged in users (content not available)

I tried to create my first facebook app. It is a simple countdown to a specific date (does not require user to log in, or anything). It is added as a Page Tab on my page. The problem is, that while the page tab is visible to everyone, the app itself is visible only to logged in users. When I log out, I get "content is not available" message after clicking on the tab.
When I go to "Canvas page", I can view it even if I am not logged in.
I have no restrictions in the app settings, and the app is hosted on SSL server.
Can the problem be in the code of the application? I tried both - using the init <script> proposed in facebook documentation and removing it, doesn't seem to change anything.
I had the same problem. Only found a few people complaining and saw that this wasn't working anywhere else either. I knew it was working a few months ago.
Anyway: Today it suddenly started working again. There's probably nothing wrong with you app. (Though age and country restrictions can still lock it down.)

Facebook page tab prompting for login, but it shouldn't

When a user is not logged in and they navigate to a page tab made with our app, they get an obtrusive dialog asking them to log in:
This has nothing to do with http vs https, the app is not in sandbox mode, there is nothing in the tab asking for a login or user information, etc. I've gone through the app settings at least a half dozen times now, and nothing is wrong there. Aside of urls, the settings are identical to another app I have that does not suffer from this problem. I'm stumped!
Edit: here is an affected tab:
This message is not about login to your app, but Facebook in general.
So my guess would be that the page your app is installed as page tab app on is restricted in some way – by age, location, or for having alcohol-related content. And then of course Facebook asks for login, because otherwise they can not determine whether or not the (as of now still “anonymous”) user qualifies to see the page.
So go check the page settings.
This is actually not app related question.
This is thumb rule!! To access any app on Facebook, you need to log in to Facebook. You can see Facebook page without log in. But for facebook apps, you should be authentic user.
with this issue in my own experience that I came across some years back with a facebook app that I was running, if this doesn't relate to any of your other social networking apps then am aligning two set of possibilities and solution.
The user might have not properly logged out as "written" in the app for the users logout stage.
Solution would be that the user logout as expected before closing the app.
The user might have set up an automatic login prompt which was removed by the app when it was been updated automatically. (If you do get me???)
Solution would be to monitise your app on updates and login informations or better still just login and logout ask intended by the app and for security reasons.
Lastly I would say that automatic bookmark database should be added to the server part so current pages as the user uses the app would be saved after logout or login stage. Thank you, hope this helps and if not let me know what am missing.

Webpage is not Available - Facebook Login Integration

I want to integrate facebook api to help in the registration process in my website. It was working fine before - the standard fb login button appears, the pop-up window to login to fb was working, some of the user data are obtained. However after several trials with me modifying the code as the feature isnt fully integrated yet in my site, whenever I press the login button what replaces the fb login page is "This webpage is not available." I already retracted the modifications I made to the point that it was back to the version wherein it was working before. I also created another app and replaced the app id and secret key, still it displays the same message. I do not know what is wrong. Please help.
I uploaded the project files to another hosting site and it works! Could it be that the previous domain is now blocked?
Please read the other posts, dude... we're all waiting for the FB to fix the issue...

Unable to create a Facebook App in App Dashboard

Ok, so I'm using my personal Facebook account, that has a verified cell phone number. I can get to the App Dashboard page, and can click the "+Create a New App" button. I complete the dialog using a name that get's green lit, and click the submit button.
I wait for a few seconds and I'm dumped back to the main App Dashboard page - no new App exists.
This is a personal account and not a company account.
Still stuck on this problem - any chance I could get a FB Dev Support help with this?
I had the same problem and finally got this working. Curiously, visiting the Facebook Developer App page using IE and going to the app fixed the problem. Using Firefox resulted in an infinite redirect. All of the apps I created but couldn't see started showing up.
Maybe your account is too new. But usually you get an notice.