Unable to publish website on Github Pages - github

I am following a guide for a coding boot-camp but when trying to deploy my website onto Github pages when selecting the main branch and using "/root" the save button is unclickable. I have followed every step but it still isn't working.
I have tried to re-enter the information, I have also looked on forums but I still haven't had any luck.


How can I change the default page in github pages?

I am creating a small website project and I started using GitHub pages to have it published there. The thing is that after having all my project in a github repo and decided to change my main page but I am not sure got to do it on github pages.

GitHub pages shows my site as unsafe (red window)

I am using GitHub pages to deploy a website I made, however when I view the deployment, it shows that the site is unsafe and I have to go to details and select the proceed to site anyways option every time. Does anyone know why this is happening and how can I fix it?

Github continously loading Activity feed

Whenever I open my github from the last 2 days, it's activity feed continuously reloads and never stops.
Even if I try to commit anything, the Commit button can not be clicked as if the whole page isn't even loaded yet. There are other problems too like if I want to see insights of a repository that also show " Loading Data". Seems like github is unable to fetch data. I even logged out and then logged in again and also used other browsers too. That too didn't help.
Solved the problem. I have recently installed Github Desktop, so maybe that causes some error in fetching data from the github unrelated to the condition wheather I have logged in or logged out OR whichever browser I am using in my system. So I uninstalled Github Desktop and then it worked fine.

"There isn't a GitHub Pages site here."

Around 12 hours ago, I tried creating a personal blog using 'beautiful jekyll'. I followed the simplest 3-step method to get a basic blog running however, every time I enter my website link, I get
There isn't a GitHub Pages site here.
If you're trying to publish one, read the full documentation to learn
how to set up GitHub Pages for your repository, organization, or user
There isn't anything that I did different from the tutorial. I want to know does github just takes long to publish the pages or is there some sorcery ?
As I commented:
github.com/nitinrabbit/yourboygorja.github.io would not work, since yourboygorja is not your GitHub username. nitinrabbit is.
So the repo should be called github.com/nitinrabbit/nitinrabbit.github.io
And some content needs to be pushed to it.
You may need to go to the settings>pages>Source>Main (or subfolders) to activate page root. You may find detailed explanations here.

Facebook App Install ad campaign not allowing Branch.io deep link

I'm trying to create a Facebook App Install campaign. When I create the ad itself, it wont let me specify my Branch link as the deep link. I've used Branch links in other App Install campaigns, so not sure why it's failing now.
Not Working: http://fight.offtherecord.com/YUQk/RATIxDZQZw
Working: http://fight.offtherecord.com/YUQk/Frqjtf6gww
Alex from Branch.io here: this is a known issue with Branch links in Facebook ads that comes up sometimes, and we're not even quite sure why or when. There are several workarounds you can try, detailed on this page.
To summarize, rescraping sometimes fixes the issue. This may also indicate that your Branch configuration is missing some required data. As a last resort, you can feed the Branch deep link ID directly into your ad to make sure deep linked behavior still works.