GitHub pages shows my site as unsafe (red window) - github

I am using GitHub pages to deploy a website I made, however when I view the deployment, it shows that the site is unsafe and I have to go to details and select the proceed to site anyways option every time. Does anyone know why this is happening and how can I fix it?


Unable to publish website on Github Pages

I am following a guide for a coding boot-camp but when trying to deploy my website onto Github pages when selecting the main branch and using "/root" the save button is unclickable. I have followed every step but it still isn't working.
I have tried to re-enter the information, I have also looked on forums but I still haven't had any luck.

How to avoid the "Deceptive site ahead" screen on sites that host git pages?

Browser shows this page while open my portfolio that I host in git hub
I have my portfolio hosted on GitHub and, when visiting webpage via URL, it shows security error (Deceptive site ahead).
Or more ref:
I have marked SSL on GitHub, I also tried without SSL and neither works.
How can I avoid this security error?
You can see a similar case in abevoelker/how-long-since-google-said-a-google-drive-linux-client-is-coming issue 2
You would need to report your case to
If you believe you've encountered an unsafe page where Google Safe Browsing should be displaying a warning but isn't, or a legitimate page where Safe Browsing is incorrectly displaying a warning, please complete the following form to notify the Safe Browsing team.

Github continously loading Activity feed

Whenever I open my github from the last 2 days, it's activity feed continuously reloads and never stops.
Even if I try to commit anything, the Commit button can not be clicked as if the whole page isn't even loaded yet. There are other problems too like if I want to see insights of a repository that also show " Loading Data". Seems like github is unable to fetch data. I even logged out and then logged in again and also used other browsers too. That too didn't help.
Solved the problem. I have recently installed Github Desktop, so maybe that causes some error in fetching data from the github unrelated to the condition wheather I have logged in or logged out OR whichever browser I am using in my system. So I uninstalled Github Desktop and then it worked fine.

Facebook Sharer on mobiles not working

I have a website
when I share any article through desktop, laptop it is working fine. But when I am trying to share it through mobile, I am getting an error.
The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be
temporarily unavailable, the link you have clicked on may be broken or
expired, or you may not have permissions to view this page.
My traffic is 90% mobile driven so I am losing a lot of visitors. I have tried installing different plugins but no benefit. I have gone through the code for one full day but no reason why it is giving me this error?
Please tell me how to solve this issue?
The page, if anyone want to try for the use case could be
Thanks in Advance.
I encountered the same problem in which sharer works on desktop version but throws "temporarily unavailable" on mobile (
Then, I made the Facebook App live, and the problem is solved.
Go to your app at > Status & Review.
Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public? Yes.

Custom facebook page tab issue

So, for whatever reason, some people can't see the custom facebook page tab. Not sure why, especially when I can see it just fine.
Let me know if you need more info.
Do you have a https version of the page tab? If they're account always uses ssl and you don't you might run into issues. Other times I've seen resetting the app secret help with issues like this.
It shows a standard browser error page to me. "This webpage is not available Google Chrome's connection attempt to was rejected. The website may be down, or your network may not be properly configured."
May it be possible you didn't upload the webpage to the production server?
If it opens correctly from your machine: check that you don't have a custom DNS setting to point to your local webserver instead of the production server.