Disable PayPal Checkout Button using Smart Button Integration - paypal

I am using PayPal Smart Button Integration and I want only debit/credit option for payment, not PayPal checkout which redirects the user to PayPal. How can I disable PayPal checkout button?
I have gone through the disable fundings option but even there is no such information available to disable PayPal button.
Is it possible to do so?

Whenever PayPal processes Debit/Credit Card payments, they also process PayPal payments as en equally presented option, so customers can choose their preferred one
There are some few exceptions like a merchant account with the Braintree gateway

Unfortunately, there is no way to remove the PayPal button from the smart buttons checkout as that is a core requirement of the smart buttons checkout.


PayPal Checkout API - Defining payments as a donation

I have set up the option to pay payments from my site with the PayPal system API. Everything has been fine for several months.
In a conversation with PayPal customer service I was told that I am sending the payments in a state of payment (for the purchase of a product) and not a donation
And that makes for mistakes
The problem is that because these are non-profit organizations it should be defined as a donation and not a payment
In this guide I have not found how to set it up: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/checkout/integrate/
You are using a Checkout flow, probably with a Smart Button.
If you want to use the Donation flow instead, you can create a Donate button via https://www.paypal.com/buttons
If you want the button to be editable so as to change the email of the receiving 'business' account, in step 2 uncheck the option to save the button at PayPal, and when viewing the code click the option above to remove code protection.

SOLUTIONTYPE option for Paypal Express Checkout in mobile web

What we expect are buyers can pay with credit card without having PayPal account.
But there is a conflict in Paypal documentation system we not really understand:
1, As the document "SetExpressCheckout API Operation (NVP)", we must set SOLUTIONTYPE option to "sole".
2, In the document "Express Checkout on Mobile Devices", they said that "SOLUTIONTYPE" must be set to "mark".
Does that means, in mobile web, Paypal does not allow to make payment without Paypal account? I think no, because with "SOLUTIONTYPE" set to "sole", we can pay with Credit card in almost cases.
What is the right way to do here?
Thanks for your advice.
SOLUTIONTYPE=SOLE works on a mobile Express Checkout flow.
Mark is done to override the PayPal website Preferences settings of 'PayPal Account optional' which is equal to 'Guest Checkout' (credit card option) PayPal Account is Optional
When this feature is turned on, your customers will go through an
optimized checkout experience. This feature is available for Buy
Now, Donations, and Shopping Cart buttons, but not for Subscription
buttons. PayPal Account Optional: [On] or [Off]
The right way to do is according to what 'you' want to do; you can send
SOLUTIONTYPE=SOLE to allow guest checkout with Express Checkout as
this payment method is mobile optimized for you and will not hinder
the payment options

PayPal Checkout Pay with PayPal Account set by default settings

I have implemented payments using PayPal IPN checkout.
Is there any way to make PayPal checkout window with "Pay with PayPal Account" Panel open by default on the right side? Currently, it always shows "Pay with credit or debit card" panel.
There's no real way to control that window. It depends entirely on PayPal and what they choose to feed the user. Keep in mind, most people want the credit card portion open by default (I've heard far more people ask for the exact opposite of your question). Some users may even be presented with Bill Me Later options.
If it's that important, you could always integrate express-checkout directly. Requires some programming on your part but does not offer any credit card options. Express Checkout is free to use.
If you are using the simple PayPal buttons then you don't have the control over this . But if you use the PayPal Express Checkout you can control this behavior by passing the one variable in the Set Express Checkout API call :
LANDINGPAGE = Billing ( for opening up the credit card option)
LANDINGPAGE = Login ( for opening up the PayPal account option )
You can refer the below link for the express checkout integration :

Paypal Express Checkout for PayPal Buttons

I have created some paypal buttons using paypal button manager (My Saved Button Page). All works good so far.
I however want the paypal payment page to open the credit card tab by default. (the tab that says 'Don't have paypal account?').
From other stackoverflow answers I can see I need to use express checkout, and in the API call I need to set SOLUTIONTYPE=Sole and LANDINGPAGE=Billing.
But how do I set this on my normal Paypal payment buttons (the ones I created using Button manager)?
My account on paypal is a business account, and does support Paypal payment pro and Express checkout.
Did you know that paypal will default to the "don't have a paypal account" for customers who don't have accounts.
PayPal automatically checks if your customers cookies to see if they have ever logged into paypal. If so, it will default to log in, if not then the pay with debit or credit card.
This is why you always see log in. Try clearing your cache and cookies on your browsers and then go to your payments page, you will see.

Paypal Standard - is it possible to keep user on site

Just as the question title explains - when using paypal standard, is it possible to keep the user on site instead of directing them to paypal to log in and authorise the payment.
With Website Payments Standard (the regular HTML-based 'Buy now' / 'Add to cart' buttons): no. This is not possible.
You'll need to integrate with an API-based solution such as Adaptive Embedded Payments or Express Checkout for Digital Goods if you want the buyer to remain on your site and still pay with PayPal.
It may provide a better purchase flow if PayPal could be integrated into your website, but would users know they're actually logging into PayPal and that their user id/passwords are not being compromised?