PayPal Checkout Pay with PayPal Account set by default settings - paypal

I have implemented payments using PayPal IPN checkout.
Is there any way to make PayPal checkout window with "Pay with PayPal Account" Panel open by default on the right side? Currently, it always shows "Pay with credit or debit card" panel.

There's no real way to control that window. It depends entirely on PayPal and what they choose to feed the user. Keep in mind, most people want the credit card portion open by default (I've heard far more people ask for the exact opposite of your question). Some users may even be presented with Bill Me Later options.
If it's that important, you could always integrate express-checkout directly. Requires some programming on your part but does not offer any credit card options. Express Checkout is free to use.

If you are using the simple PayPal buttons then you don't have the control over this . But if you use the PayPal Express Checkout you can control this behavior by passing the one variable in the Set Express Checkout API call :
LANDINGPAGE = Billing ( for opening up the credit card option)
LANDINGPAGE = Login ( for opening up the PayPal account option )
You can refer the below link for the express checkout integration :


SOLUTIONTYPE option for Paypal Express Checkout in mobile web

What we expect are buyers can pay with credit card without having PayPal account.
But there is a conflict in Paypal documentation system we not really understand:
1, As the document "SetExpressCheckout API Operation (NVP)", we must set SOLUTIONTYPE option to "sole".
2, In the document "Express Checkout on Mobile Devices", they said that "SOLUTIONTYPE" must be set to "mark".
Does that means, in mobile web, Paypal does not allow to make payment without Paypal account? I think no, because with "SOLUTIONTYPE" set to "sole", we can pay with Credit card in almost cases.
What is the right way to do here?
Thanks for your advice.
SOLUTIONTYPE=SOLE works on a mobile Express Checkout flow.
Mark is done to override the PayPal website Preferences settings of 'PayPal Account optional' which is equal to 'Guest Checkout' (credit card option) PayPal Account is Optional
When this feature is turned on, your customers will go through an
optimized checkout experience. This feature is available for Buy
Now, Donations, and Shopping Cart buttons, but not for Subscription
buttons. PayPal Account Optional: [On] or [Off]
The right way to do is according to what 'you' want to do; you can send
SOLUTIONTYPE=SOLE to allow guest checkout with Express Checkout as
this payment method is mobile optimized for you and will not hinder
the payment options

Credit Card Options in Paypal Express Checkout

I have setup the express checkout process integration in mvc. When user is redirected to paypal website after submission, there is only option to login using paypal or sign up new account. There is no option to pay using credit card ?
Am i using right API for this?
By default Express Checkout is for PayPal accountholder payments; originally you would pair this with some other product for credit card payments (such as collecting the card information on your site and calling PayPal DirectPay or some other card processing partner).
PayPal also has several somewhat-similar products that collect the card information on their site (so you don't have to) and do that as well as accountholder payments; these vary in whether they end up giving you access to the credit card information (more flexible, but means you have to safely handle the card information and meet industry regulations, including vetting) or you do not ever see the card, just the money (simpler). This is often called some form of "guest checkout."
And eventually PayPal did add a guest checkout option to Express Checkout called "Account Optional." So you can use Express Checkout and get a guest checkout experience. See this link:
PayPal: express checkout pay without account
So in short you can get this from EC if you configure things for it, although some other PayPal products might be a better fit depending upon your particular requirements.

Paypal Express "pay with credit or debit card" option

I have two different systems set up to use Paypal Express, both use the same account.
On system A after the customer is directed to the Paypal website, they have two options, 1 to log into their account, the other to "pay with a credit or debit card". See picture
On system B at the same stage the customer doesn't have this option.
Does anybody know what the setting or config item to control this is? As said we've got different integrations connected to the same account so I don't think it's a setting in the Paypal account its self.
Express checkout was originally designed to compliment a merchant's existing credit card options with the option to pay with PayPal by logging into their account. By default the feature in question doesn't exist. An additional parameter must be sent to PayPal with the SetEC call: SOLUTIONTYPE=Sole. If you are using a 3rd party shopping cart it's possible the cart doesn't support the feature.

express checkout with html info without API calls?

Can I improve user experience, e.g. show product description, and highlight "Pay using your credit card", with simple Paypal buttons?
I offer a paid service on my website, with monthly subscription, fixed amount each month. I don't need the user's address, and there's only 1 "product".
Currently I created a simple "paypal button", which works fine, but I want to improve it, and possibly make it even shorter, but didn't find out how to:
highlight "pay with credit card",
I don't want to force users into logging into their paypal account (users with paypal account get error: "You cannot use an e-mail address or card number that belongs to an existing PayPal account")
show the user the product details/descriptions as in the picture:
Although I'm a programmer, I prefer not to use any API calls, especially since it doesn't seem to be necessary in my simple case.
How can I add these elements?
Is there an option with paypal to send users directly to a credit-card payment screen?
You'll need to switch to the Express Checkout API to show item details and force the credit card option. Even then, though, if the user has the credit card added to a PayPal account they're going to have to sign in and pay that way rather than use the CC form. Also, if you're working with recurring payments they'll need a PayPal account anyway.
The only way to avoid that is to sign up for PayPal Payments Pro so you can tie the credit card form directly into your website with no redirect to PayPal at all.
You'll need to enable Recurring Billing on Pro, too, after it's approved and enabled, and then your users can choose to sign up with PayPal (where you'd use Express Checkout) or Pro (where they'd enter a credit card directly.)
If you're really that set on not using API's you could apply for Enhanced Recurring Payments for Payments Standard, but I haven't fully tested that to see about passing order item details to the review pages.

PayPal Express Chekout no pay by credit/debit card option

I have a website which is using PayPal Express Checkout as a payment method.
It was working for 2 years without a problem but yesterday I noticed that the payment options are changed before there were 2 payment option presented to the user
Login and pay with PayPal account.
Do not have PayPal account pay by credit/debit card.
But now the second option is replaced by Create a PayPal account. There is no option to pay without having a PayPal account.
I have not changed anything.
Anybody knows why the Pay by credit/debit card is gone.
First make sure in your Paypal/Sandbox account the PayPal Account have
Optional: ON
Go to -->
PayPal account's Profile -> More Options -> My Selling Tools -> Website Preferences screen.
And then set SolutionTypeType to Sole while making request for setExpressCheckout this will enable the option to Pay with your debit or credit card.
And you are done :)
What I know is earlier when you pay with credit card on paypal using express check out API it also create an account for that user and let user process different things like link bank account with paypal or credit card payment.
It is default behavior of paypal express checkout according to their new View
PayPal displays different options for Express Checkout depending upon the COUNTRY selected (it will detect your IP address and set the country if no country is passed to the page). eg Indonesia (etc) forces you to create a Paypal account whereas USA (etc) does not (and provides other options).