Paypal Standard - is it possible to keep user on site - paypal

Just as the question title explains - when using paypal standard, is it possible to keep the user on site instead of directing them to paypal to log in and authorise the payment.

With Website Payments Standard (the regular HTML-based 'Buy now' / 'Add to cart' buttons): no. This is not possible.
You'll need to integrate with an API-based solution such as Adaptive Embedded Payments or Express Checkout for Digital Goods if you want the buyer to remain on your site and still pay with PayPal.

It may provide a better purchase flow if PayPal could be integrated into your website, but would users know they're actually logging into PayPal and that their user id/passwords are not being compromised?


SOLUTIONTYPE option for Paypal Express Checkout in mobile web

What we expect are buyers can pay with credit card without having PayPal account.
But there is a conflict in Paypal documentation system we not really understand:
1, As the document "SetExpressCheckout API Operation (NVP)", we must set SOLUTIONTYPE option to "sole".
2, In the document "Express Checkout on Mobile Devices", they said that "SOLUTIONTYPE" must be set to "mark".
Does that means, in mobile web, Paypal does not allow to make payment without Paypal account? I think no, because with "SOLUTIONTYPE" set to "sole", we can pay with Credit card in almost cases.
What is the right way to do here?
Thanks for your advice.
SOLUTIONTYPE=SOLE works on a mobile Express Checkout flow.
Mark is done to override the PayPal website Preferences settings of 'PayPal Account optional' which is equal to 'Guest Checkout' (credit card option) PayPal Account is Optional
When this feature is turned on, your customers will go through an
optimized checkout experience. This feature is available for Buy
Now, Donations, and Shopping Cart buttons, but not for Subscription
buttons. PayPal Account Optional: [On] or [Off]
The right way to do is according to what 'you' want to do; you can send
SOLUTIONTYPE=SOLE to allow guest checkout with Express Checkout as
this payment method is mobile optimized for you and will not hinder
the payment options

express checkout with html info without API calls?

Can I improve user experience, e.g. show product description, and highlight "Pay using your credit card", with simple Paypal buttons?
I offer a paid service on my website, with monthly subscription, fixed amount each month. I don't need the user's address, and there's only 1 "product".
Currently I created a simple "paypal button", which works fine, but I want to improve it, and possibly make it even shorter, but didn't find out how to:
highlight "pay with credit card",
I don't want to force users into logging into their paypal account (users with paypal account get error: "You cannot use an e-mail address or card number that belongs to an existing PayPal account")
show the user the product details/descriptions as in the picture:
Although I'm a programmer, I prefer not to use any API calls, especially since it doesn't seem to be necessary in my simple case.
How can I add these elements?
Is there an option with paypal to send users directly to a credit-card payment screen?
You'll need to switch to the Express Checkout API to show item details and force the credit card option. Even then, though, if the user has the credit card added to a PayPal account they're going to have to sign in and pay that way rather than use the CC form. Also, if you're working with recurring payments they'll need a PayPal account anyway.
The only way to avoid that is to sign up for PayPal Payments Pro so you can tie the credit card form directly into your website with no redirect to PayPal at all.
You'll need to enable Recurring Billing on Pro, too, after it's approved and enabled, and then your users can choose to sign up with PayPal (where you'd use Express Checkout) or Pro (where they'd enter a credit card directly.)
If you're really that set on not using API's you could apply for Enhanced Recurring Payments for Payments Standard, but I haven't fully tested that to see about passing order item details to the review pages.

PayPal Payment Methods

I hope that someone can shed some light on this.
We have developed with PayPal using Website Payments Standard, Website Payments Pro (DoDirectpayment).
There are several other methods like Advanced Checkout, Express Checkout, Payflow Pro, etc. What does each one do? Is there some place where one can see all of these and the differences between them?
To give you a quick and brief overview of some of the main differences.
Website Payments Standard - Uses HTML buttons buttons that you generate from your PayPal account, or you can use a 3rd party cart, or build your own. The buyer is basically redirected to the PayPal payment pages, to enter in their information. You have some control over the checkout flow but are limited in what you can control. There is no monthly fee for this services. The buyer is on the PayPal site when they complete the payment.
Website Payments Pro - There is a monthly fee for this service. With this service, you have full control over the checkout flow. The buyer stays on your site when they enter in their billing information. Instead of using HTML and redirecting the buyer over to PayPal, you will be using API calls to send the data over to PayPal and get a response back.
Express Checkout - This is usually used in conjunction with Pro or by itself. This allows the buyer to checkout with PayPal instead of using their credit card directly on your site. The buyer is redirected over to the PayPal site to sign in or to pay with a credit card. No billing information is entered in on your site. This method uses API call similar to Pro, and allows for some control over the checkout flow. You will have more control with this than you would with Website Payments Standard. The buyer will be back on your site when they actually complete the payment. There is no monthly charge for this service.
Payflow Pro - This is similar to Website Payments Pro. There is a monthly service charge for this service. You can either use the API's and keep the buyer on your site where they enter in all of the information and complete the payment. Otherwise you could also use the hosted checkout pages and have the buyer enter in their billing information on PayPal's pages allowing you to be PCI compliant. Also with Payflow, you can use your own processor as long as it is one that is compatible with Payflow. So don't have to use PayPal as your processor if you choose not to.
Hope this helps.

Paypal integration to accept credit card payment directly

I have a question regarding PayPal integration with my website. I have a Premier account with PayPal. I tried integrating it with my website by adding a 'Buy Now' button. When I click on it it asks the end user to create a PayPal account. However, I want the users to be able to make a payment directly with their credit/debit card without creating a PayPal account.
I am not a technical guy, so I might have missed out on something. I want to know if it is possible to integrate paypal without me having to code something technically. Kindly advise.
According to PayPal, buyers do not need a PayPal account to pay you:
They can pay with their credit/debit card (Visa, MasterCard, American
Express, and Discover) — all without having a PayPal account.
Sources: Do my buyers need a PayPal account to pay me? and Buttons for single purchases
To create the button, simply visit PayPal's button creator wizard and supply the required information. Once submitted, PayPal will autogenerate the HTML for you. See: Create PayPal payment button
This happened because the account was a PayPal account in UAE, and this feature is not enabled there yet.

Accept recurring payments with PayPal PayFlow Link

I am looking to set up a recurring payment option for my website. I was thinking of going with PayFlow since it does not require expensive SSL. But I am not sure how to set up a recurrence payment where if the user decides to change the account type, we can automatically set up recurring payment for them to get charged next month. Not sure if this is possible?
A few problems, they charge almost $60/month and they require to have a Merchant Account (any suggestions)?
Can some one help with what type of service should I use? I am looking to not have credit card acceptance on my webpage because SSL is really expensive.
The webpage is in php.
PayPal Express Checkout does this, and more. While Payflow Link is generally a good and robust solution, Express Checkout has a bit more to offers in terms of features. It also redirects your buyers to a PayPal landing page for entering their card details.
I assume you can simply delete / disable a recurring payments profile and set up a new one whenever someone switches plans, right? In that case you'll want to look at the CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile API.
Have a look at and
Do keep in mind however, that recurring payments on Express Checkout only works with existing PayPal accounts. Someone who doesn't have a PayPal account yet, will have to create one during checkout.
Paypal is usually a great solution. There is no problem with billing recurring payments (subscriptions).
You can read all about it here: