Not able to install python3 on Redhat 8 offline mode - redhat

I created an offline repo for RHEL 8:
downloaded all needed packages with dnf download
create repodata with createrepo command
I'm able to install most of the packages in offline mode but python3 can't be installed
The error I'm receiving is:
No available modular metadata for modular package 'python36-3.6.8-2.module+el8.1.0+3334+5cb623d7.x86_64', it cannot be installed on the system
Error: No available modular metadata for modular package
What can I do to fix this?

It seems this worked for me:
There are some packages required like: python3-createrepo_c libmodulemd
And Python module: click

It may be that you need Development Tools:
$ sudo yum groupinstall ‘Development Tools’


gtkplugin.h: no such file or directory [centos 8]?

Fatal error: gtkplugin.h: no such file or directory
I am trying to use make to install plugin for pidgin on centos 8 we have seen the above error.
Even after installing gtk,gtk2/3 devel packages we couldn't get the headfile.
The problem is with centos 8 distribution since there is no pidgin-devel package by default yum installation. So with the use of dnf command and enabling powertools we can install it by using the below command:
dnf --enablerepo=powertools install pidgin-devel
Please refer the link

How to install Oracle SQL Developer on Linux (Pop!_OS)

I am trying to install SQL Developer on my laptop. I've download the file from Oracle and follow the instruction, I have RPM installed, but when I run rpm -Uhv sqldeveloper-21.4.3-063.0100.noarch.rpm, I encountered the following:
rpm: RPM should not be used directly install RPM packages, use Alien instead!
rpm: However assuming you know what you are doing...
warning: RPM v3 packages are deprecated: sqldeveloper-21.4.3-063.0100.noarch
error: Failed dependencies:
/bin/sh is needed by sqldeveloper-21.4.3-063.0100.noarch
What can I try next?
It looks like you are trying to run a package made for redhat based systems, but PopOS is debian based.
To proceed with the installation you must first install rpm2cpio, then you can extract it by running the command "# rpm2cpio datamodeler-", then you can access the extracted directory.
Then you can use the command "# ./" to run the application.
But, ensure you have a JDK installed You will be prompted to enter a jdk path. (ie usr/java/jdk1.8.0_181) SQL Developer will automatically launch once jdk location is provided

The db2prereqcheck utility could not find the library file on ubi7/ubi:latest docker image

i have a problem to install numactl-libs (or on a ubi7/ubi:latest Docker image to run the db2 installation.
I have built a Docker image for db2 and wanted to test whether the DB2 installation runs successfully.
However, I get the following error message:
Requirement not matched for DB2 database "Server" . Version: "".
Summary of prerequisites that are not met on the current system:
DBT3609E The db2prereqcheck utility could not find the library file
The image has ubi7/ubi:latest as base image and the following libraries are also installed as follows:
RUN yum install -y libaio numactl-libs binutils gcc gcc-c++ ksh numactl && yum clean all
All libraries are successfully installed except numactl-libs (or
Note: a manual installation of numactl-libs worked without problems and thus the DB2 installation was successful:
ADD numactl.rpm
RUN rpm -i numactl.rpm
However, I would like the installation of numactl-libs to be done automatically with e.g. the command yum install -y numactl-libs or another equivalent command.
Unfortunately, an attempt with the command yum install -y or yum install -y* did not change anything and the same error message was displayed.
Can you please help me? I would be very grateful
Note: in my case a 64-bit version is used.
Unfortunately even trying to install libnuma-dev and libnuma1 has not changed anything and the error message is still the same .
The output of yum provides is:
Loaded plugins: ovl, product-id, search-disabled-repos,
subscription-manager This system is not registered with an
entitlement server. You can use subscription-manager to register.
No matches found
It seems that the problem is that numactl-libs cannot be installed:
The output of yum install numactl-libs is:
Loaded plugins: ovl, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager.
This system is not registered with an entitlement server. You can use subscription-manager to register.
No package numactl-libs available.
The problem was fixed and numactl-libs could finally be installed:
After I created a Red Hat user account and registered and subscribed to a system for the Red Hat Customer Portal with Red Hat Subscription Manager, numactl-libs installed without any problems.
To register and subscribe to a system for the Red Hat Customer Portal with Red Hat Subscription Manager.
See the following link: (
I added the following line in my Dockerfile before the command yum install numactl-libs:
subscription-manager register --username=[USER_NAME] --password=[PASSWORD] --auto-attach
After these steps the DB2 installation ran without problems.
Thank you very much for your tips and help!

No package confluent-community-2.11 available

I am trying to install kafka on on centOS using this page .
but getting this error
No package confluent-community-2.11 available.
After running this page command
sudo yum clean all && sudo yum install confluent-community-2.11
It seem no rpm is given here:
You need both repos added to yum, not just the 5.1/7 (which has some specific additional packages, not the main confluent-community-2.11 package)

CentOS 6.8 install rabbitmq 3.7.4

I'm trying to install RabbitMQ 3.7.4 on CentOS 6.8. Currently I have installed Erlang 20 following instruction from , but when I tried :
sudo yum install
it doesn't detect the Erlang 20. Instead it searched for the available Erlang package from my EPEL, which is the R14B, and wont install since it is lower than the minimum Erlang version requirements. How do I fix this and install RabbitMQ?
From the Installation instructions at
Installation using repository
1. Adding repository entry
To add Erlang Solutions repository (including our public key for verifying signed package) to your system, call the following commands:
rpm -Uvh erlang-solutions-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
Alternatively: adding the repository entry manually
RPM packages are signed. To add Erlang Solutions key, execute command:
rpm --import
Add the following lines to some file in "/etc/yum.repos.d/":
name=CentOS $releasever - $basearch - Erlang Solutions
2. Adding repository with dependencies
Packages requires some packages that are not present in standard repository. Please ensure that EPEL respository is enabled.
3. Installing Erlang
Call the following command to install the "erlang" package:
sudo yum install erlang
or this command to install the "esl-erlang" package:
sudo yum install esl-erlang
Please refer to the FAQ for the difference between those versions. Your erlang will be kept up to date either way.