Vertical Scrolling + effects on top and bottom - flutter

I am trying to make a design similar to this Scroll Effect
Any ideas on how to do this?
What I tried (failed): Vertical scrolling pageview where the middle child is a SingleChildScrollview. But the SingleChildScrollview stops the vertical pageview from working.
I tried adding a scroll controller to the Scrollview in the PageView, and animatedJumpToPage when I reached the bottom of the scrollview, but this has an ugly effect and theres gotta be a better way to do this

Try using a ListView widget. It easily allows you to have a vertical scroll mechanism without adding any controllers or anything complicated.


Can't scroll using Scroll View

Whenever I press play, I can't move the scrollbar or the scroll view. The scrollbar also resets for some reason...
I was trying to make a questionnaire but it just doesn't work. And yes, I have set the viewport and the scrollbar, and the react transform.
you have to add vetrical or horizontal layout group to content gameobject under scrollview>viewport>content. also you have to add content size fitter and set it to preferred size for vertical or horizontal. then your scrollview will work.

a custom silverAppBar with scrollUp animation - flutter

I want to create a SliverAppBar with up scroll animation.
the children of sliverAppBar are resized depending on the height of silverAppBar and the text should be invisible in the small size like below (with animation)
Qst: what is the best way to implement it
I used the SliverAppBar before but wasn't that complicated like the current example.
its my first time working on something like this.
so any suggestion would be helpful

How do I add a blur effect at the top and bottom edge of vertical scrollView in flutter

I'm Trying to implement a vertical Scroll view with multiple items inside. Currently the scroll view works just fine but the edges seems to be very sharp and its cropping like this while scrolling,
instead I need to blur the top and bottom edge.
I'm looking for something similar to this answer, but this answer is for horizontal scroll.
Make the appBar transparent, set elevation to zero. In the scaffold, set extendBody and extend bodyBehind appBar to true

Flutter prevent TextField nestedscrollview

How to prevent Textfield scrolling when text is longer then screen height the problem is that I have CustomScrollView inside of it horizontal ListView and textfield and I want that when you scroll text inside textfield it would scroll with ListView now it scrolls just text and leaves ListView pinned to the place, but if you scroll while tapping outside textfield it works as expected.
Seems that nested scrollview would solve such problem but no idea how to implement it with two child widgets
You can use a NestedScrollView and a controller and then ListView will work.

Sencha touch multiple data views in a container, scrolls horizontally and vertically

I have a navigation view and multiple data views inside it.
Everything works fine, but when i try to scroll any of the data views horizontally, the component also scrolls vertically( Please watch the video here: )
I want it to be such that when the dataview is scrolling, the vertical scroll should be stopped. But vertical scroll should happen when we scroll vertically out side the dataview.
Any ideas how we can achieve it?
You can use the directionLock configuration. Example:
scrollable: {
direction: 'horizontal',
directionLock: true