How do I add a blur effect at the top and bottom edge of vertical scrollView in flutter - flutter

I'm Trying to implement a vertical Scroll view with multiple items inside. Currently the scroll view works just fine but the edges seems to be very sharp and its cropping like this while scrolling,
instead I need to blur the top and bottom edge.
I'm looking for something similar to this answer, but this answer is for horizontal scroll.

Make the appBar transparent, set elevation to zero. In the scaffold, set extendBody and extend bodyBehind appBar to true


Can't scroll using Scroll View

Whenever I press play, I can't move the scrollbar or the scroll view. The scrollbar also resets for some reason...
I was trying to make a questionnaire but it just doesn't work. And yes, I have set the viewport and the scrollbar, and the react transform.
you have to add vetrical or horizontal layout group to content gameobject under scrollview>viewport>content. also you have to add content size fitter and set it to preferred size for vertical or horizontal. then your scrollview will work.

Unity stretch scrollview bottom to the bottom of the screen

I would like to stretch the scrollview's bottom to the bottom of the Screen.
I tried with
scrollViewItemRt = (RectTransform)scrollViewItem.transform;
scrollViewItemRt.sizeDelta = new Vector2(0, -Screen.height);
But it doesn't work.
First, make sure your ScrollView is a child of a Canvas which covers the screen, and not a child of any sub-object that only covers part of the screen.
In the ScrollView's RectTransform, pick one of the options that makes it stretch vertically:
such as the one highlighted. The ones in the bottom row here, with the blue ↕ character, will all work.
Then, the PosY and Height options will change to Top and Bottom. Make sure they are both 0, or small numbers if you want a little padding.

Vertical Scrolling + effects on top and bottom

I am trying to make a design similar to this Scroll Effect
Any ideas on how to do this?
What I tried (failed): Vertical scrolling pageview where the middle child is a SingleChildScrollview. But the SingleChildScrollview stops the vertical pageview from working.
I tried adding a scroll controller to the Scrollview in the PageView, and animatedJumpToPage when I reached the bottom of the scrollview, but this has an ugly effect and theres gotta be a better way to do this
Try using a ListView widget. It easily allows you to have a vertical scroll mechanism without adding any controllers or anything complicated.

Autolayout in tabs

Tab Bar
I want Chat image in between that menu and people image and fire image in between menu and notification image using autolayout.
I have applied leading, center vertical, fix width and fix height o Chat image
For fire image I have given trailing and remaining same as chat image.
Note: This is not tab bar this is custom view.
Above problem solved but now in iPhoneX am getting
that bottom bar is hidden
How can i come out from this issue?
Create a container with leading and trailing - 0 - to surrounding images(people and menu), and center horizontally the image (chat) inside this container.
or: = CGPoint(menu.frame.minX - people.frame.maxX)
If you are creating view programatically then make sure buttons in view have aspect ratio with screen width.
Why don't you use Horizontal Stack View.
See below image

How to perform an interactive animation with Auto Layout in which you interpolate between different constraints?

I'd like to have an interactive animation where a view transitions from one set of constraints to another as the user drags up/down the screen. The background image should shrink vertically (easy), and the profile image should change from being horizontally and vertically aligned to the background image to being anchored to the top and left corners of the background image. Is this possible?
Yes, it is possible, and you can see this effect in the Avvo app, for example (in the lawyer profile screen). The trick here is to smoothly transition from one set of constraints to another.
Here's an outline of how to do this:
add a UIScrollView. Add the view you want to animate as a subview to the scroll view.
Make your view controller implement
In the delegate method
scrollViewDidScroll(_:), update the constraints' constants as
Also in that method, when contentOffset crosses a
threshold value, flip to a different set of constraints, by setting
their active property to true or false.
To keep the view (the headshot image, in my example), pinned to the top as you scroll, just continuously update its top spacing constraints based on the contentOffset.y value.
Achieving a perfectly smooth transition may take some trial and error, but it definitely can be done!
Here are the screenshots showing the transition as you scroll up: